Globalists Furious Trump Disrupting The Free Flow Of The Dollars $$$
Moses Tay (February 13, 2025)
During his re-election campaign President Trump promised to set up a commission or advisory board outside of the formal government structure that will focus on government reform. The Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) is a new initiative to be headed by Elon Musk the CEO of Tesla, SpaceX and X Corp.
The Purpose and Goals of DOGE is aimed at reducing the size and influence of government bureaucracy, focuses on cutting wasteful expenditures, and plans to slash excess regulations. The commission will conclude its work by July 4, 2026 to align with the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.
Moving at Lightning Speed
At noon on January 20, 2025, Trump was sworn in as the 47th President of the US. A few hours later in the basement of the Department of Treasury, four young coders appointed by Elon Musk were at work running algorithms on the Department’s computers to map out the payment systems. Within a few short hours they managed to trace payment flows across agencies, and their analysis revealed patterns that career officials didn't even know existed. What came to light was shocking:
a) $17 billion was spent on redundant programs
b) USAID (US Agency for International Development) set up in 1961 by President Kennedy through Executive Order, is found to be inefficient, corrupt, or even a criminal organization as: -
(i) $70 billion spent funding abortions and gender ideology in foreign countries
(ii) $4 billion to Haiti but Haiti only received 2% of it, and the rest went to firms in Washington DC
(iii) $6 billion to support unaccompanied children in the US and other countries
(iv) $37 million for sex workers, their clients and transgender in South Africa to get HIV
medicines and abortions
(v) $40.7 million on election in the nation of Georgia
(vi) $50 million to fund the New York Times since 2021 to attack Democrat opponents
(vii) $100 billion a year of entitlement payments to individuals with no Social Security Number or
temporary ID
(viii) A total of 6,200 journalists, 707 media organizations, and 279 NGOs in at least 30 countries
around the world were on USAID payroll to propagate various issues such as LGBTQ+,
or the war in Ukraine
The above were just the tip of the iceberg from just one agency.
The Department of Treasury handles payments of nearly $6 trillion annually. There are fifteen Federal Departments, plus many other corporations and agencies. The Federal Departments with very large annual budget allocations include the Department of Defense ($850 billion), Department of Health and Human Services ($1.83 trillion), Social Security Administration ($1.354 trillion), and Department of Veterans Affairs ($302 billion). DOGE's algorithms will not stop. They continue to crawl through computer systems in those Departments exposing decades of questionable transactions. In the coming days and weeks, more shocking revelations of abuse and fraud will be announced.
The Federal Reserve is the Source
For many years we knew that the Federal Reserve is the source where the dollars originate. The Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE banking entity not own nor manages by the US government. It continuously print or create the dollars “out of thin air” through monetization of debt. As the dollar is the world reserve currency and there is strong demand for it globally, the supply seems to be unlimited.
Upon its creation, the dollars goes to the Department of Treasury from where they are being distributed. President Trump ordered the payments stop until further notice in the light of the massive abuse and fraud. Furthermore, key personnel were removed from their positions. And thousands of Federal workers in other agencies are and will be removed from their positions in the coming weeks.
The Democrats and some Republicans are crying foul at President Trump's actions and the role of DOGE & Elon Musk, seeing it as a violation of democracy. They began to have activists’ judges ordering President Trump to rescind his actions. They promise to organize massive protests in the streets unless their demands are met.
The days ahead are fraught with danger.

Deteriorating Relations Between Russia & Israel Will Bring About The Invasion Of Gog (Ezekiel 38 & 39)
Moses Tay (December 21, 2024)
Relations between Russia and Israel have been good. After the collapsed of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the election of Vladimir Putin as the Russian President in 2000 (he was Prime Minister from 1999-2000 and from 2008-2012), Russia had developed good relations with Israel. Personally, Putin has had a close relationship with long-serving Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Consider this: Out of a population of 9 million, it was estimated that 1.5 million Israelis were immigrants from the former Soviet Union. The Russian language is the third-most widely spoken language in Israel after Hebrew and Arabic. Presently, over 100,000 Israeli citizens still live in Russia with about 80,000 of them residing in Moscow.
Over there in Syria, due to the escalating civil war with the rebel forces, President Bashar al-Assad invited the Russian military to intervene in Syria back in September 2015. Since that year Netanyahu met with Putin nearly a dozen times to prevent harming their relationship as Syria is a nation hostile to Israel.
Then, following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the situation turns unpleasant as Israel is on the side of the West in their support of Ukraine. In that year Yair Lapid was the Prime Minister of Israel for a short stint. However, the situation improved a little after the return of Netanyahu as Prime Minister. Unfortunately, the relationship became strained again during the 2023 Israel-Hamas war. From then on it rapidly deteriorated as Israel also back the opposition rebel forces that overthrew the regime of President Bashar al-Assad a week ago.
On December 16, 2024, Israel bombed a large storage facility holding Syrian-owned military weapons in the coastal town of Tartus which is also the home of a Russian naval facility leased from Syria. The Russians are angered by this. It can be said that Russia’s relations with Israel is reaching a crisis stage at this point. Needless to say, when Israel eventually launches an all-out war with Iran, who is a close ally of Russia, conditions will be ripe for Russia to invade Israel.
Russia Will Invade Israel
Over 2,500 years ago Jehovah God had informed the world that this event would take place. This invasion which we shall called “The Invasion of Gog” when it comes to pass will be the fulfillment of the Bible Book of Ezekiel Chapters 38 & 39.
As described in those two chapters, the leader of the Russian Federation (Gog) from the land of Magog (Russian Federation) located to the far north of Israel is the leader of a Confederacy of nations that will come against Israel. The Russian leader will be Putin (Prince of Rosh). He will lead the Confederacy of nations that would include Belarus & Kazakhstan (Meshech & Tubal), Iran (Persia), Ethiopia, Libya, Yemen (Gomer) and Turkey (Togarmah).
The invading armies will come against the land of Israel which Jehovah God calls it “My land.” At that time He Himself will defend Israel and execute judgment against the invaders who will all be destroyed, even with nuclear weapons (tactical nukes?). For seven months the Israelis will bury the dead invaders in a painstaking manner due to radiation contamination. And for seven years the abandoned implements of war of the invaders will be used as fuel by the Israelis.
Note: Before Russia invades Israel, Russia will first go to war with the United States. Refer to my article: The De-coupling of the US from Israel dated June 17, 2024 (scroll down this webpage for the article).

Conditions Favorable For All-Out War Between Israel & Iran
Moses Tay (December 14, 2024)
For a long time Iran has been a major player in the Middle East politics having provided military support to Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon and to the Syrian government under President Bashar al-Assad. The existential threat Iran poses to Israel becomes direr by the fact that Iran is determined to develop nuclear weapons.
In a stunning turn of events the Middle East politics begun to change drastically. On October 7, 2023, Hamas attacked Israel. In retaliation, Israel carried out a full-scale invasion of the Gaza Strips that resulted in the defeat of Hamas. Joining the fray on behalf of Hamas, Hezbollah forces in Lebanon fired missiles into northern Israel. Israel countered attack and managed to successfully decapitate the Hezbollah leaderships that led to a ceasefire in Lebanon.
Then two weeks ago, a coalition of opposition forces supported militarily by Turkey, Israel and the United States launched a major offensive against the Syrian government. It swiftly led to the collapsed of President Bashar al-Assad government, forcing him to flee to Russia to seek political asylum. The entire Syrian army, navy and air force were obliterated when their military facilities and weapon systems were either wiped out or captured.
Attention is now focusing on Iran. Israel has for many years wanted to pre-emptively attack and destroy the Iranian nuclear facilities built deep under the mountains but have been held back from carrying out the plan due to lackluster support from the current and previous American administrations. On the table, there were several issues to consider including what to do when Hamas, Hezbollah, the Syrian and the Iranian retaliate in a coordinated fashion against Israel. Apparently, this unified threat is now in disarray.
In the current scenario, the conditions have never been more favorable for Israel to strike Iran. It is believed the prime targets are the underground nuclear facilities in Natanz, the above ground Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant, and oil refineries in Abadan, Isfahan or Bandar Abbas.
An all-out war between the two arch-enemies is coming. As was shown to Prophet David Owuor by divine authority, Israel will most likely use the BLU-109 bunker buster bombs with JDAM guidance kits supplied by the United States to strike at the Natanz underground nuclear facilities. It won’t be a surprise when Iran fights back by launching hundreds or even thousands of surface-launched ballistic missiles and air-launched missiles from fighter jets.
Below are the video links of the visions of what is coming to pass:

A Monumental Fight To The Death
Moses Tay (November 18, 2024)
At the launching of his re-election campaign in 2023, President Trump laid out his Ten-Point Plan to dismantle the Globalists’ (a.k.a. the Deep State) chokehold on the American people, and to return power and freedom back to them. On several of his campaign rallies he pledged to totally obliterate the Deep State.
The Plan involves firing rogue bureaucrats and career politicians, targeting government corruption, end the on-going weaponization of the justice system (i.e. Lawfare) that targets its political enemies simply because of their political or religious beliefs. Read or listen to the Ten-Point Plan entitled Agenda 47 below:
Trump has begun assembling his White House cabinet and administrative staff to roll out his Plan when he takes his oath of office on January 20 next year. The appointment of his cabinet members and key advisers, which is still on-going, is already creating shock waves of fear in the Globalists camp. As expected, the Globalists will fight back. The battle that lies ahead would end with mutual assured destruction.
The Globalists Agenda
What is it about the Globalists that their agenda is so at odd with that of Trump’s?
To be clear, the Globalists are Euro-Atlanticists, that is, these people reside in the United States and Europe on both sides of the Atlantic. What they are doing in the U.S. is what they have done in Europe.
In Europe, through the notion of pan-European identity they managed to create the European Union by integrating the 27 nations into one entity. Internal borders are removed enabling free movement without being subject to border checks. This open border concept encourages massive foreign illegal migration into Europe which the Globalists secretly encourage. The resulting problems that arise gave them the excuse to impose greater control on the masses.
Similar ideas are being implemented on the North American Continent to integrate the U.S., Canada and Mexico. In 1994, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was established to facilitate movement of goods and services without tariffs within the continent. However, in 2018 President Trump replaced it with the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) that better protects the interests of the American citizens, to the indignation of the Globalists.
The Americans are resisting the Globalists control over their lives in a number of issues. They insist on their rights to keep and bear firearms (Second Amendment of the Constitution) and demanded the nation’s borders be closed to illegal aliens entering the U.S. These and several other issues are major obstacles to the fulfilment of the Globalists agenda for the North American Continent.
Mutual Assured Destruction
In his campaign rallies Trump declared many times: “We will not back down. We will not give in. We will not give up.” And when he was shot at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, he fell to the ground, got up and blurted out: “Fight, Fight, Fight.”
In the light of President Trump’s determination to defeat the Globalists, what possible ways could they counter-attack to stop him?
[a] They could take him out physically.
[b] Deliberately collapse the stock market and the financial system (as they control the Federal Reserve
System) and blames it on him.
[c] Engineered massive protests in major cities across the U.S. to disrupt his planned deportation of
millions of illegal immigrants and to destabilize his administration.
As I wrote in my earlier article entitled “The De-coupling of the US from Israel” dated June 17, 2024 (scroll down this webpage for the article), in which I mentioned about the vision of Dumitru Duduman. He was shown by divine authority that a day will come when an insurrection will arise within the U.S. where “from the middle of the country, some of the people will start fighting against the government. The government will be busy with internal problems.”
The violent upheaval spoken about, when it happens, will be a warning sign that Russia and China will take advantage of the situation and make their move against the United States. China will invade Taiwan, and Russia will launch a surprise nuclear strike on the US continent. America will be destroyed.
When the Globalists on the U.S. side are eliminated, the ones on the European side will continue with their agenda for Europe.

The Table Has Turned, Trump Goes On The Offensive
Moses Tay (November 8, 2024)
The dogged attempts to prevent President Trump from being re-elected have failed. The results of the November 5 Presidential Election gave Trump a resounding victory. He will be inaugurated as the 47th President of the U.S on January 20, 2025.
In the meantime, the various court cases arrayed against him will be dropped including the New York case where Judge Juan Merchan is set to sentence him on November 26 because the Department of Justice cannot prosecute a sitting President.
With the obstacles removed, Trump and his supporters are gearing up for a fight with those who seek to destroy him using LawFare, and by two attempted assassinations on his life (so far).
Trump against the Globalists
Even though President Trump is a member of the Republican Party, he is actually not in sync with many of its leaders especially the senior ones. The party higher echelons are members of secret societies who had undergone initiation rites to be accepted into the fraternity. Trump had not done so and they considered him an outsider. Newt Gingrich, the Republican former Speaker of the House revealed this.
In appearance, the Republican and Democrat are two parties with separate ideas, plans and visions. In reality, many of the top leaders of the two parties are members of the same secret societies, sharing similar ideologies. That is why there is accusation they are a unison party. As an outsider, Trump often times clashed with both the Republican and Democrat top leaders.
Trump’s enemies are not only the Democrats but include Republicans, the intelligence agencies, legacy media, and various special interest groups all masterminded and directed by very powerful individuals known overtly as the Globalists. Their ultimate goal is world domination.
On the other hand, Trump is a nationalist who wishes to put America first, guided by his campaign slogan “Make America Great Again.”
Speaking at the United Nations General Assembly on September 24, 2019, he said, “The free world must embrace its national foundation and not attempt to erase them or replace them.” A portion of his speech is provided here below:
Who will win – Trump or the Globalists?

Trump's Criminal Sentencing Delayed Until After Election
Moses Tay (September 18, 2024)
As BBC reported on September 7, Donald Trump's sentencing in his Manhattan hush money criminal trial has been postponed until after the November 5 election.
Judge Juan Merchan delayed the sentencing to November 26, citing "the unique time frame this matter currently finds itself in" among his reasons.
Lawyers for Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, have used several legal manoeuvres to delay the sentencing, which had been scheduled for September 18.
A New York jury in May convicted Trump on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, the first time a sitting or former president has been convicted of a crime.

Sergey Lavrov: Western Leaders Are Like Children Playing With Matches (Fire)
Moses Tay (August 29, 2024)
Recent news in The Guardian reported that Ukrainian President Zelensky is seeking permission to use Anglo-French’s long-range Storm Shadow (SCALP-EG in French) missiles to strike targets deep inside Russia. These “demonstration attack” will then show the Kremlin the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg are vulnerable, and this could force Russia to the negotiating table.
When asked by a journalist about the above report, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that the West was seeking to escalate the Ukraine war and was looking for trouble in considering allowing the Ukrainians to use those long-range weapons to strike deep into Russian territories.
Lavrov was speaking at the press conference in Moscow on Tuesday after his meeting with Yemeni Foreign Minister, where he pointed out the attitude of the Americans who assumed that should World War Three happens, will affect Europe only. They have a shallow mentality as they are confident the US continent will be saved on the other side of the ocean. They believe in their own safety and security as the Ukrainians and Europeans will do their dirty job and die on their behalf.
The on-going conversation among the Western leaders including the use of American long-range weapons to defeat Russia is like small children playing with matches – this is a very dangerous thing for adults who are entrusted with nuclear weapons.
In the face of the current situations, the Russians are making adjustment to their own nuclear doctrine. Lavrov did not elaborate on this statement but we could assume he is referring to making conditions easier to use nuclear weapons against the US and Europe.
Ukraine incursion into Kursk, Russia
On August 6, Ukraine launched a surprise incursion into Russia’s southwestern province of Kursk, in the first ground invasion of the country since World War Two. Assisting the Ukrainians are British, Polish and French mercenaries.
The purpose of the operation is to capture Kursk and then the adjacent province of Belgorod. Later, during peace negotiations (possibly mediated by President Trump?), Ukraine could trade those lands for lands captured by Russia in the Donbass (Ukraine) regions.
Several days after the incursion, U.S. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham visited Kyiv. In high glee he spoke to the media and called the operation, “bold, brilliant and beautiful. Keep it up! Kick Putin’s ass.” He added that he will urge the Biden administration to provide Ukraine with long-range weapons to fight Russia in a fight that Ukraine can’t afford to lose.
Do it right the first time
The US and NATO are using Ukraine as proxy in their persistency in seeking for the strategic defeat of Russia. Even though Russia could easily end the war by flattening Kyiv in particular and Ukraine in general, it appears there is hesitancy. Why?
1) Ukrainians and Russians are Slavic people. Many Russians have relatives living in Ukraine, and vice versa.
2) Although Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine, it is an ancient historic city for the Russian speaking world.
3) Russia is not interested in a war with the European Union instead wants to do business with Europe.
4) The root problem is not Ukraine but the US who is in a hegemonic struggle for dominance over Russia.
5) By raw numbers, the population of the 32 members of NATO totaled 974 million vs. 152 million for Russia and Belarus. Thus, Russia can’t fight NATO in a conventional war.
Hence, what is coming is a nuclear war between Russia and NATO. It is highly unlikely Russia will use nuclear weapons, even tactical nukes, on Ukraine to avoid radioactive contamination of lands so close to the Russian border. However, we already know Russia will cut off the head of NATO which is the USA by launching massive nuclear strikes on the US continent from several directions. It is said that in one day, the US will become a third world nation. Then, Russia will nuke France and the UK.
Understand that nuclear war is not the end of civilization. Not at all. Although billions will eventually die from it, the world will continue to spin on its axis. In fact, the world in this corrupt form will last for another 1000 years.

Survived Assassination Attempt But Still Have To Go To Prison?
Moses Tay (August 15, 2024)
Former President Trump survived an assassination attempt on his life on July 13, 2024 while he was speaking in a campaign rally near Butler, Pennsylvania. The shooter, a 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, fired several rounds of bullets at Trump from the roof of a building nearby. One bullet missed his head by merely half an inch but managed to pierce the upper part of his right ear. Fortunately for him, at the precise moment, he turned his head slightly to the right, thus, the bullet avoided hitting the head. Unfortunately, an audience member in the vicinity was hit and killed while two others were critically injured by stray bullets. The shooter himself was shot and killed by the U.S. Secret Service's counter-sniper team on duty at the time.
Trump now joined the list of past US Presidents who were shot at. Among the list, four were shot and killed while in office. Like Trump, two others were shot at but survived; namely, Theodore Roosevelt who was running for re-election at the time and Ronald Reagan.
Following the assassination attempt, Trump popularity among the voters has increased considerably due in part to the outbreak of sympathy for him.
Trump’s supporters are also being galvanized by his victory at the courts. The US Supreme Court ruled on June 28, 2024 that affirmed Trump as President have rights to immunity from prosecution in the case relating to classified documents and files found in his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, after he left the White House in 2021.
The above ruling has impact on his other court cases as well. With regards to the “hush money” case in New York where he was convicted on May 30 on 34 felony crimes, and is waiting for sentencing on September 18 by the district Judge Juan Merchan.
President Trump’s lawyers demanded that Juan Merchan recuse himself in the case over conflicts of interest involving his daughter Loren Merchan. Loren Merchan’s political firm, Authentic Campaigns, made tens of millions of dollars off of her father’s case against Trump. The firm does digital campaign work like online fundraising, mobile messaging and web design with Democrat political candidates, including some of Trump’s most outspoken opponents.
Merchan’s daughter business relationship with Vice President Kamala Harris should be seen as more significant now that Harris has replaced President Biden as Trump’s Democrat opponent in the upcoming election on November 5.
In spite of this new development, Judge Juan Merchan had denied Trump’s motion for the judge to step aside. This recent motion filed by Trump’s lawyers was the third attempt. Apparently, the judge has signaled that he intends to sentence Trump to prison on September 18, two days after early voting begins in Pennsylvania.

The US Presidential Election Is Thrown Into Disarray
Moses Tay (July 9, 2024)
1) The first Presidential Debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump on June 27 ended poorly for Biden. While it has been widely known for years that Biden has dementia, who occasionally stumble, stammering in speech and lied his way around, the Debate had validated his serious debilitating conditions in the eyes of the American public. Now, the Democrat Party is in panic mode, and there are frantic calls for him to step down from party members including some mega-rich donors. In spite of pressure on him to do so, he is adamant and insists that he is still capable of defeating Trump again.
“Only the Lord Almighty can demand that I step down,” Biden said in an interview with ABC News.
Anyway, should he step aside, would Vice-President Kamala Harris be the one to replace him as a matter of principle? Apparently, there are serious disagreements among party members as many do not have confidence in Kamala Harris’s capabilities. The election is just four months away, and time is of the essence for this matter to be settled quickly.
2) The Democrats LawFare (abusing the courts to wage war) against Trump has begun to crumple. Trump is facing four criminal indictments. Two indictments are on state charges in New York and Georgia, and two indictments are on federal charges in Florida and Washington D C.
The case in Washington D C relates to Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 presidential election. Trump faces criminal charges of conspiring to defraud the government and disenfranchise voters, and corruptly obstructing an official proceeding. This case includes Trump's involvement in the January 6, 2021 U.S. Capitol attack. The case was filed in August 2023 but the judge did not begin the trial but waited until the US Supreme Court decides whether Trump is immune from prosecution. Well, on June 28, 2024 the Supreme Court finally ruled that Trump has absolute immunity for his core Constitutional Powers as President of the US. The ruling is contingent on whether Trump acted in his official capacity as President or outside his official capacity.
The above ruling has impact on his other cases as well. With regards to the case in New York where he was convicted on May 30 on 34 felony crimes, and is waiting for sentencing on July 11. However, the district Judge has postponed the sentencing to September 18.

The De-coupling Of The US From Israel
Moses Tay (June 17, 2024)
In a vision in 1984, an angel appeared to the Romanian Pastor Dumitru Duduman and revealed to him what would happen to the US:
Quote: “The Russian spies have discovered where the nuclear warehouses are in America. When the Americans think that it is peace and safety―from the middle of the country, some of the people will start fighting against the government. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then from the ocean, from Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico,…...they will bomb the nuclear warehouses. When they explode, America will burn!”
1) It is not a secret that Russian spies are in the US as Putin himself acknowledged it publicly:
The Russian spies had located where the Americans stored their nuclear missiles such as the B83 and B61 tactical nukes with low-yield warheads. Also, they must have known where the submarines launch ballistic missiles (SLBM) such as the Poseidon and Trident stockpiles are kept. These types are strategic nukes with high-yield warheads similar to the surface-launch Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) housed in underground silos.
2) Most Americans are blissfully unaware of Russia’s imminent nuclear attack on their nation. The mass media, especially the mainstream media, have purposefully kept them in the dark by not talking about this dire threat. The media is in cahoots with the ruling elite running the country.
3) “….some of the people will start fighting against the government.” Soon, there will be an insurrection breaking out in the US. Who are the people who will revolt against their government?
First, there is a growing political divide between the Republicans and Democrats seriously leading to an outright physical confrontation. Trump, the Republican nominee for the Presidential election to be held in November 5, had been convicted by the court on May 30 of felony crimes. The sentencing is set for July 11. The judge could sentence him ranging from one to four years in prison. Trump could appeal the verdict, and he could continue his campaigning for the election. But will his supporters take this issue to the streets in violent protests? If so, the government will be busy having to quell the unrest.
Second, under Joe Biden’s open border policy at the southern US-Mexico border, an estimated 16 million illegal immigrants have entered the US in the last three years alone. Their presence creates fear and anxiety among the local citizens for their own physical safety and economic security. The illegal immigrants were not properly vetted at the border, and their presence could resort to violent uprising.
4) “The government will be busy with internal problems.” Taking advantage of the distraction, Russians nuclear submarines off the coasts of Cuba, Nicaragua and Mexico will begin to attack the US continent. Very likely, the Russians weapon of choice will be the Borei-class nuclear submarines armed with the Bulava SLBM. When those nuclear warehouses explode, America will burn.
In another vision in 1996, three angels appeared to Dumitru Duduman to give him additional information on what will happen:
Quote: “The Russian president began to speak to the Chinese one, "I will give you the land with all the people, but you must free Taiwan of the Americans. Do not fear, we will attack them from behind." A voice said to me, "Watch where the Russians penetrate America." I saw these words being written: Alaska; Minnesota; Florida. Then, the man spoke again, "When America goes to war with China, the Russians will strike without warning."
i) Before Russia makes the move to attack the US continent, China will invade Taiwan first as had been agreed between the Presidents of the two nations. In response to China’s invasion, the Americans will come to the defence of Taiwan which will lead to a Sino-American War erupting in the Central Pacific Theatre.
ii) As had been pre-coordinated with China, the Sino-American War is a signal for Russia to make the move against the US. Russia will launch massive nuclear strikes on the US continent. The attack will not be from one direction only as previously revealed but from three directions: from the Bering Sea (Alaska), from the Arctic Ocean (Minnesota) and from the Caribbean Sea (Florida).
The Russians attack will decimate the US. The US Ground-based Midcourse Missile Defence (GMD) system will fail to block those incoming Russian missiles. In one hour America will burn. When that happens, the de-coupling of the US from Israel would become a reality.

Who Is Winning, Who Will Win Ultimately?
Moses Tay (May 29, 2024)
The United States is blessed and has occupied prominent position in modern history as the greatest political, economic, financial, military, and cultural power in the world. These blessings were bestowed by divine authority to enable the US to perform several important tasks. One of these tasks is to provide unwavering support and the defence of Israel against international antipathy. This would allow Israel time and space to grow after the establishment of the tiny State in May 1948.
About 1,800 years ago, Jews were gradually forced out of their homeland beginning with the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman army in the year AD 70 due to their rejection of Yeshua as their Messiah. After these many years of wandering the world over, they had suffered enough and were granted mercy to return to their homeland.
Since the founding of the State of Israel, Jehovah the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, had turned His face to shine on them. He blessed them so much, beyond measure, not only to the Jews living in Israel but to all Jews everywhere. What a successful people they have become! The scope of their success is neatly summed up by this confession:
“As a group, Jews are the most successful in terms of income and wealth. They have reached the echelons, the highest echelons of power in every field―in transportation, distribution, publication, movies, theatre, art, science, medicine, law, architecture, astronomy, archaeology, and anthropology. But all of this was developed through their mastery of trade and commerce. It is their success in trade that fuelled all the other areas of Jewish life.”
Transition to the next chapter
Israel has been restored to its place at the centre of the world stage. The time is ripe for the nation and the Jews in the diaspora to transit to the next chapter.
Back in the days when Yeshua was in their midst, and before He was put to death on the cross of Calvary, He told the Jews they will not see Him again until they acknowledge Him as their Messiah or Saviour (Matthew 23:39).
Among the nations of the world, Israel is the only one that has an eternal covenant with Jehovah God. So, unless Israel as a nation accepts Yeshua as the Messiah, Yeshua is prevented from returning back to Jerusalem as He promised He would.
Weaning Israel from dependence on the US
It is well and fine to have the “big brother” United States always there to defend and protect Israel against hostile nations. Apparently, this cosy relationship is standing in the way of Israel’s need to look to the Messiah.
The process of weaning Israel from its dependence on the US is currently underway right in front of our eyes. Israel’s war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and the US administration’s support is being given in the face of utter revilement due to international outcry against genocide committed in Gaza.
The weakening and isolation of the US is growing by the day. Beyond the Israel-Hamas war issues, the US financial and military support of Ukraine against Russia is failing miserably. The wide ranging sanctions put on Russia have backfired. Also, the US trade war instigated against China is pushing China and Russia even closer together than before.
The rise of Russia and China is not a coincidence. Jehovah God had revealed His plans and purposes quite clearly. As He used the US to judge Japan by dropping atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, He will soon use Russia to launch nuclear strikes on the US continent. The massive nuclear attack will in One Hour render the US desolate (Revelation 18:19). That horrifying blitz will bring about the de-coupling of the US from Israel.
Following a brief victory over the US, Russia will then mobilize a few allies in the north to invade the land of Israel. This invasion will be the fulfilment of what Jehovah God had informed the world over 2,500 years ago that this event would take place (Ezekiel 38 & 39). But for this brazen military campaign against Israel, Russia will be destroyed. How and by who? Most probably, it would be the US Ohio-class nuclear submarines uploading their Trident II SLBM (submarine launch ballistic missiles) against Russian cities.
Israel has an appointment with destiny
After the US and Russia have pushed each other to the side-line, the Europeans with a brutal global dictator at the helm, will dominate world affairs. With deceitful charm and charisma, this person will succeed where all others have failed in the past, to bring peace in the Middle-east between Israel and its neighbours.
For the next several years following, the nation of Israel and the Jews in the diaspora will be compelled to come to terms with their calling and status as Jehovah’s ancient covenant people, and specifically to accept the Person whom Jehovah had appointed as their Messiah. They will be forced to make that very important decision. Each Jew will have to say "yes" to Yeshua as the chosen Messiah. However, two-third of the Jewish population will not submit, and will be eliminated either by war, pestilences, famine or other natural disasters. The remaining one-third will believe, accept and welcome the Messiah back to Jerusalem (Zechariah 13:8-9).
Before the return of Yeshua, different nations are winning but Jehovah God will be the winner ultimately.

China entered into a full-scale sanctions war with the United States
topcor.ru (May 24, 2024) - After numerous one-sided anti-Chinese attacks from the Americans, which lasted for years, even the “monkey meditating on a tree” ran out of seemingly limitless patience - Beijing entered into a sanctions war with Washington. In response to restrictions from the US, China introduced sanctions against American legal entities and individuals (military-industrial complex companies and their top managers). The Chinese Foreign Ministry indicated this in its communiqué, giving some details.
It is clarified that countermeasures were taken in accordance with a large list of articles of the PRC Law “On the Prohibition of Foreign Sanctions.” The list of legal entities includes: Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control; Lockheed Martin Aeronautics; Javelin joint venture; Raytheon Missile Systems; General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems; General Dynamics Information Technology; General Dynamics Mission Systems; Intercoastal Electronics Company; Systems Research and Simulation Company; Iron Mountain Solutions; Applied Technology Group; Axient Company. These 12 companies were subject to the freezing of accounts, movable and immovable property, goods and services, as well as other measures (it is prohibited to do business with them).
The list of individuals included: Kathy Warden – head of Northrop Grumman; Matthew Bromberg, Benjamin Davis, Thomas Jones, Stephen Ryan, Roxanne Lord - Northrop Grumman vice presidents for various business areas; Firat Gezen – Vice President of General Dynamics, President of General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems; Jason Aiken – Executive Vice President of technology General Dynamics; Amy Guiglan - Senior Vice President, General Dynamics Information Technology; Christopher Brady is vice president of General Dynamics and president of General Dynamics Mission Systems. All of the above will not be issued visas, since they are prohibited from entering the PRC (including Hong Kong and Macau).
These sanctions came into force on May 22, 2024. Beijing responded to Washington for “attacking” Chinese firms cooperating with Moscow by hitting the Americans for supplying arms to Taipei. In addition, the PRC accused the US of “abuse, bullying, pressure and coercion,” as well as serious violations of the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies, noting that the Americans, who tell China “how to live and with whom to be friends,” simultaneously supply weapons to Taiwan and talk about war.

China's Foreign Minister says some people in the US have lost their minds
topcor.ru (May 15, 2024) - The head of the PRC Foreign Ministry, Wang Yi, responded to Washington’s introduction of new import duties on a number of goods from the Middle Kingdom. He assessed such US actions as bullying against Beijing.
The Chinese diplomat called the initiators of innovations crazy people who are ready to take the most absurd actions to protect their hegemony in the world. He stated this today during a press conference after a meeting with his Pakistani counterpart Ishaq Dar.
"Some people in the US have lost their minds to defend their one-sided hegemony. At this critical moment in economic recovery, the global community must tell the US to stop creating new problems," said Wang Yi.
The diplomat added that the United States regularly imposes unilateral sanctions against China and “almost reached the point of insanity”, trying to restrain the trade, economic , scientific and technical activities of the PRC. Wang Yi expressed regret that such actions have become typical behavior for Washington to influence countries that encroach on its hegemony in the world.
New import duties on Chinese goods were introduced by Washington the day before. Joe Biden signed changes to customs rules that affected a whole range of goods from China. The list includes semiconductors, batteries, solar cells and critical minerals, as well as harbor cranes and medical products. According to the decision, the duty will increase several times. In particular, the import duty on imports of Chinese electric vehicles will increase from 27.5% to 102.5%.
China has already promised a tough and adequate response to the US trade war with Beijing. Let us remind you that the Russian leader’s visit to China begins tomorrow (May 16-17).
Remarks: This Trade War between the US and China will lead to a Cold War which in turn will lead to a Hot War. Adding to the mix is the US-led western sanctions on Russia. Thus, China and Russia are strenthening their resolve to destroy the US.

D. Cummings chief adviser to B. Johnson: "Ultimately the lesson we taught Putin in Ukraine is that we are a bunch of clowns"!
pronews.gr (May 13, 2024) - Did Dominic Cummings, one of the leading British political and strategic analysts and a former chief adviser to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, "secure" it all in an interview with I-News regarding the Ukraine trap? as he described her.
As he pointed out, "the West supporting Ukraine actually really helped Putin, with the sanctions they imposed forcing Russia to deepen its alliance with China."
"We should never have gotten into this stupid situation," he says and continues: “This is not a repeat of 1940 with Potemkin-Zelensky as Churchill's underdog. This whole corrupt Ukrainian mafia state has basically conned us all and as a result they're going to s@m@soun us s@m@ne and t time right?”
Cummings continues: " The cost of living was a huge shock, the sanctions regime was much more of a disaster for European politics than for Russian politics..."
"They told the West then about the sanctions on Russia: But China will support us" and I replied: "no, China won't, China will make a lot of money supplying Russia."
The result, he says, was "getting into a war of attrition with Russia, which we pushed into an alliance with the world's largest manufacturing power."
But what about those who argued that Putin needs to be taught a lesson and that we can't just allow him to invade a neighboring country?
“What lesson did we teach him? The lesson we taught Putin is that we are a bunch of clowns. I mean, Putin already knew this before the war. But this has highlighted and broadcast to the whole world what a bunch of clowns we are and America is now doubling down on the effort to seize Russian assets, so it has already created a sanctions regime that encourages the building of alternative financial systems worldwide… This is it. We are not teaching Putin any lessons. The only lesson we teach is that we are stupid."
Asked how the West should have reacted to Putin's invasion, Cummings argues that "We should never have gotten into this whole stupid situation in Ukraine in the first place," he said to accuse the West of "unbridled chatter about Ukraine joining NATO."
“We kept talking about it. Russia has repeatedly said "Don't do this." Why did we get into this whole stupid argument? About what? For a corrupt country that doesn't matter at all. The whole thing is completely absurd."
He said that for Boris Johnson the war "was like a gift from heaven, a lifeline to keep everyone away from his collapse ... while he himself was living with Churchill's fantasies".
"Ironically, of course Westminster swallowed the whole thing whole, even though they hate Boris and constantly criticized him as a fake charlatan, then they swallowed all his crap about Ukraine and actually took it seriously."
Remarks: Before Zelensky became President of Ukraine, he was a professional clown (comedian). Western leaders love him because "Birds of the same feathers flock together."

China's Xi In Serbia Says 'Never Forget' This Unprecedented US Atrocity
ZeroHedge (May 8, 2024) - Chinese leader Xi Jinping has been in France since Sunday where he met with French President Emmanuel Macron to talk about range of topics but especially the Ukraine war and trade between China and the European Union.
But on Tuesday he traveled to Serbia, and importantly the trip falls precisely on the 25th anniversary of the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, which came in the midst of NATO’s bombing of the Serbs of Yugoslavia during the 1999 Kosovo war.
Just ahead of arriving in the Serbian capital, Xi wrote a letter which has been published by the Serbian outlet Politika. In it he lambasted NATO and by extension United States for its historic war crime.
"Twenty-five years ago today, NATO flagrantly bombed the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, killing three Chinese journalists," Xi's words introduced.
It happened on May 7, 1999 during US-NATO 78-day bombing campaign over Yugoslavia. That's when five US Joint Direct Attack Munition guided bombs hit scored a direct hit on the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, killing the journalists.
The US was adamant that it was inadvertent and unintentional, and eventually then President Clinton issued a formal apology to the Chinese government. It had marked the first time in all of modern history that a sovereign government's military attacked another country's embassy. It had not even happened once during World Wars I and II.
"This we should never forget. The Chinese people cherish peace, but we will never allow such tragic history to repeat itself," Xi wrote.
"The Chinese-Serbian friendship, forged with the blood of our compatriots, will stay in the shared memory of the Chinese and Serbian peoples," he continued.
His emphasis on the line "never forget" is interesting given it is a common line used by Americans when it comes to remembering the 9/11 terror attacks, as well as in the West when it comes to Holocaust remembrance days.
To review of what we've featured in a previous post called "America's Benevolent Bombing of Serbia," President Bill Clinton commenced bombing Belgrade in the name of human rights, justice, and ethnic tolerance. Approximately 1,500 Serb civilians were killed by NATO bombing in one of the biggest sham morality plays of the modern era.
As British professor Philip Hammond has noted, the 78-day bombing campaign “was not a purely military operation: NATO also destroyed what it called ‘dual-use’ targets, such as factories, city bridges, and even the main television building in downtown Belgrade, in an attempt to terrorise the country into surrender.
Clinton’s unprovoked attack on Serbia, intended to help ethnic Albanians seize control of Kosovo, set a precedent for “humanitarian” warring that was invoked by supporters of George W. Bush’s unprovoked attack on Iraq, Barack Obama’s bombing of Libya, and Donald Trump’s bombing of Syria.
Remarks: Payday is coming for what the US and NATO did. What you sow, you will reap.

‘Russia’s Not Bluffing’: Tactical Nuke Drills are Deafening Warning to NATO to Stay Out of Ukraine
Sputnik (May 7, 2024) - Russia’s military has parried bellicose statements by officials and lawmakers in Washington, Paris and London about deploying troops in Ukraine by announcing drills involving battlefield nuclear weapons. Sputnik asked Earl Rasmussen, a 20-year veteran of the US Army-turned independent military and foreign affairs observer, what it all means.
The Russian Foreign Ministry has characterized Russia’s upcoming tactical nuclear missile drills as a bid by Moscow to “cool down the ‘hot heads’ in Western capitals” who threatened to deploy ground troops in Ukraine, and take other aggressive steps which threaten to escalate the proxy war in Ukraine into a full-blown Russia-NATO conflagration.
The drills should “help [NATO] realize the possible catastrophic consequences of the strategic risks they generate, and keep them from both assisting the Kiev regime in its terrorist actions, and from being drawn into a direct armed confrontation with Russia,” the Ministry said.
Moscow also warned that it will treat any F-16 fighter jets that NATO plans to deliver to Ukraine as potential carriers of nuclear weapons, and that it considers the decision to supply them as “a deliberate provocation.” Combined with Poland’s talk of willingness to deploy US nuclear weapons on its soil, reports of French mercs already fighting in Ukraine, and other provocations, the Foreign Ministry emphasized that the Western bloc’s efforts signal a deliberate push “toward a further escalation of the Ukrainian crisis toward an open military clash between NATO and Russia as part of the implementation of the hostile course of inflicting a ‘strategic defeat’ on our country.”
Separately on Monday, the Ministry summoned British Ambassador to Russia Nigel Casey to warn him over the implications of Foreign Minister David Cameron’s comments during his May 2 visit to Kiev about the admissibility using British weaponry to carry out strikes on Russian territory, stressing that the comments signal London’s admission of its role as a direct party to the Ukrainian crisis, and that Moscow will treat it accordingly.
“The ambassador was told that the Russian side views D. Cameron’s words as evidence of a serious escalation, and confirmation of London’s growing involvement in military operations on the side of Kiev. N. Casey was warned that the response to Ukrainian strikes using British weapons on Russian territory could include any British military facilities and equipment on the territory of Ukraine and beyond,” the ministry said.
Moscow separately summoned French Ambassador to Russia Pierre Levy “in connection with…bellicose statements by the French leadership,” and France’s growing involvement in the Ukrainian crisis.
Reading Russia’s Signals
“This is a signal to the Western leaders that they are serious. They are not bluffing,” retired US Army Lt. Col. Earl Rasmussen told Sputnik, commenting on the flurry of statements by the Russian military, the Kremlin and the Foreign Ministry about Russia missile forces’ plans to hold tactical nuclear weapons drills in the Southern Military District amid NATO threats in Ukraine.
“If the Western leaders escalate this further with direct engagement, Russia will directly engage them: and they'll destroy their forces, and potentially to protect the Russian state will, may result in tactical nuclear weapons [being used]. This is not good: this would force an escalation and eventually lead to a total nuclear war,” Rasmussen warned.
Unfortunately, Rasmussen warned, the hostile statements coming out of Western capitals about “getting engaged” in Ukraine if the Ukrainian front collapses serve to increase the risks of a direct clash.
“This is a very, very dangerous provocation, a very dangerous escalation. I would caution Western leaders not to do that,” he urged.

US Spies See China, Russia Militaries Working Closer on Taiwan
Bloomberg (May 3, 2024) - US intelligence officials assess that Russia and China are working more closely together on military issues, including a potential invasion of Taiwan, prompting new planning across the government to counter a potential scenario in which the countries fight in coordination.
“We see China and Russia, for the first time, exercising together in relation to Taiwan and recognizing that this is a place where China definitely wants Russia to be working with them, and we see no reason why they wouldn’t,” Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines said Thursday in testimony to Congress.
Republican Senator Mike Rounds of South Dakota asked Haines about such a potential scenario during a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee. He also asked the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency about the Pentagon’s planning for such a possibility.
The Defense Department has “become even more concerned about our joint force requirements in an environment where” Russia and China “would certainly be cooperative, and we need to take that into account,” Lieutenant General Jeffrey Kruse responded.
Rounds said that the “the bottom line is that, basically, if we were to have a conflict with one, chances are that we would have a second front,” affecting planning, equipment and manpower needs.
“Certainly it’s a possibility,” Haines said. “The question of just how likely it is, I think differs depending on the scenario.”
Haines added that intelligence assessments indicate there is “increasing cooperation in the ‘no-limits’ partnership” between Russia and China “across really every sector of society: political, economic, military, technological and so on.”
Remarks: The current comprehensive cooperation between Russia and China in various fields is obvious for all to see. However, there is a secret pact between them to destroy the US. Russia will support China when China invades Taiwan. Of course, the Americans will come to the defense of Taiwan which will set off a Sino-American war. With the war underway in the Central Pacific Theater, the Russians will make their move to launch nuclear strikes on the US continent. The Russians weapon of choice will most likely be the Borei-class submarines firing off their payload of Bulava SLBM from the Bering Sea, the Caribbean Sea and from the Arctic Ocean.

NATO's Glaring Weakness On-Display in Moscow; Tanks and Armor Captured in Ukraine
HalTurnerRadioShow (May 1, 2024) - An Exhibit of smashed and wrecked Armored Vehicles from NATO is now on display in Moscow, Russia, showing the real life weakness of NATO, and their high-priced, high-tech, weaponry.
The Exhibit in Moscow opened today, and the crowds were able to see how weak the West is. On display, a whole range of captured NATO and Ukraine military equipment:
The mocking of NATO is so thorough, they even placed a sign at the entrance saying:
"ATTENTION: Employees of US, UK, Germany, France and Poland embassies get queue-free access (1st priority) to visit NATO vehicles trophies"
The dramatic exhibit of the shear weakness of Ukraine, and more importantly, of the US and NATO is unprecedented in our modern era. NEVER BEFORE has the US or NATO been so thoroughly whipped on a battlefield.
Russians are so patriotic, and supportive of what their nation must do in Ukraine, so as to protect themselves from NATO expansion, they sing songs on their subways about what they believe is the coming war:

Moscow: "If US, British and French forces are deployed in Ukraine we will strike with everything we have"
Moses Tay (April 29, 2024)
In a direct warning against the USA, France and Britain, Moscow caution through the state television, so that these countries do not send troops to Ukraine.
As Dmitry Kiselyov, the head of the Rossiya Segodnya TV station and vice president of the Russian National Broadcasting Council, said during a TV show, if these three countries proceed to send forces to Ukraine, then Russia will hit them with nuclear weapons. [Note: 100% certainty it will happen]
"If NATO countries deploy their forces to Ukraine in order to deal a strategic defeat to Russia, then that very moment will come of which President Putin has spoken: Why do we need a world if Russia is not in it?" Kiselyov said.
"In that case, we'll send everything flying everywhere. The Sarmat, Yars and Avangard missiles. American decision-making centers, and launch sites on land and sea are already in our crosshairs. France, a nuclear power, will have to be disarmed in an instant. The British Isles will simply go underwater. We have the technologies for this. And we have spoken about them before. But it would be better not to take things that far. And this isn't propaganda," noted Kiselyov.

Blinken threatens China over Russia ties
RT (April 26, 2024) - Washington is ready to introduce more sanctions against China over its alleged transfer of dual-use goods and components, which it claims can be used by the Russia, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Friday.
Speaking at a press conference in Beijing following a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, the US official recalled that Washington has already imposed sanctions against more than 100 Chinese entities and is “fully prepared to act” and “take additional measures.”
Blinken claimed that China’s alleged support for the Russian defense industry raises concerns not only about the situation in Ukraine, but also about a “medium to long-term threat that many Europeans feel viscerally that Russia poses to them.”
Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal had also reported that the US was drafting sanctions that could cut off some Chinese banks from the global financial system unless Beijing severs its economic ties with Russia.
The outlet claimed that US officials believe trade with China has allowed Russia to rebuild its military industrial capacity and could help it defeat Ukraine in a war of attrition.
Beijing, in turn, has accused the US of hypocrisy for providing billions of dollars in assistance to Ukraine while “unreasonably criticizing the normal trade and economic relations between Russia and China.”
“This is a very hypocritical and irresponsible approach,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbing told reporters on Friday in response to Blinken’s concerns about Beijing's support of Moscow.
China has also vehemently rejected accusations leveled by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg of “fueling” the Ukraine conflict. Beijing has instead blamed NATO for instigating the crisis by continuing its expansion in Europe and refusing to respect Russian national security concerns.
Remarks: Asking Beijing to severs its economic ties with Russia? Mr. Blinken, you are out of your mind. It's not going to happen as Russia and China have a secret pact to destroy the US !

D. Medvedev: "I wish the USA a second civil war and its complete collapse"
pronews.gr (April 23, 2024) - The vice-chairman of Russia's Security Council and former president of the country, Dmitry Medvedev, commented on the approval of $61 billion in aid to Ukraine by the US Congress, wishing the US to experience a second civil war.
He even characterized them as a "satanic empire of the 21st century" which will collapse and made them responsible for maximizing the casualties of the war in Ukraine.
"No one doubted that American lawmakers would approve 'aid' to a neo-Nazi gang. It was a vote of happy US purges:
a) for the continuation of the civil war of the divided people of our formerly united country;
b) to maximize the number of victims of this war."
"We, of course, will win, despite the 61 billion bloody dollars that will go mostly down the throats of their insatiable military-industrial complex. Power and truth are behind us."
"But considering the Russophobic decision that took place, I can't in all honesty not wish for the United States to plunge into a new civil war as soon as possible. Which, I hope, will be radically different from the war between North and South in the 19th century and will be fought with aircraft, tanks, artillery, MLRS, all kinds of missiles and other weapons. And which will ultimately lead to the ignominious collapse of the vile evil empire of the 21st century, the United States of America."
Remarks: Medvedev's wish isn't funny and certainly not delusional. Indeed, it is sound as there is growing signs of societal conflicts between Democrats and Democrat-leaning groups against Republicans and Republican-leaning groups. The Democrats hatred of Trump and an all-out determination to stop him from being elected in this year’s Presidential Election in November is creating a powder key situation. Most public opinion polls indicate he is leading over Joe Biden. Will the Democrats' instigated lawsuits against Trump ended up disqualifying him? Will they succeed in putting him in prison? Assassinate him? Or against all odds, Trump won the Presidency, and the opposition go berserk?
A Prophet had been shown in 1984 what will happen to the US:
"The Russian spies have discovered where the nuclear warehouses are in America. When the Americans think that it is peace and safety - from the middle of the country, some of the people will start fighting against the government. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then from the oceans, from Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico ........(and two other countries), they will bomb the nuclear warehouses. When they explode, America will burn."

US-led West on verge of causing nuclear war – Lavrov
RT (April 22, 2024) - The US-led collective West could cause a potentially catastrophic war between global nuclear powers due to its openly hostile stance toward Russia and efforts to undermine existing arms control agreements, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday.
Addressing the Moscow Nonproliferation Conference organized by the Centre for Energy and Security Studies, Lavrov noted that the globe is in a state of crisis with regard to mechanisms for arms control, disarmament, and nonproliferation and that this jeopardizes international security. He placed the blame for this on Washington, which, according to the diplomat, has been “cynically combining the deliberate destruction of balanced and equal [arms control] agreements” with “blatantly dishonest schemes” that are advantageous solely to the US.
The US and their NATO client states are still dreaming of inflicting a ‘strategic defeat’ on Russia and are ready to carry on with their policy of deterring our country ‘to the last Ukrainian…’ The West is balancing on the dangerous edge of a direct military confrontation between nuclear powers, which could have catastrophic consequences.
The US and Russia hold nearly 90% of the world’s nuclear warheads, according to the US-based Arms Control Association. Last year, Russia suspended its participation in the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, known as ‘New START’, the last remaining nuclear agreement between the US and Russia that caps arsenals. Russia cited US involvement in the Ukraine conflict as the primary cause for the suspension. Washington has since appealed to Moscow to renew dialogue on the treaty, but the latter has said that doing so is impossible as long as the US continues to support Kiev.
In his address, Lavrov reiterated this stance, saying that he saw “no basis whatsoever” for an arms control dialogue with the US “in the face of a total hybrid war being waged against our country.”

How Dare They Did It
Moses Tay (April 16, 2024)
Israel has been hitting Iranian and Iranian proxy targets in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq for many years including the assassinations of Qasem Soleimani, a top Iranian general, in Iraq in 2020 and Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a senior commander, in Syria in 2024. For all that, Iran reacted in a measured manner without launching from Iranian territories a direct bombardment of the State of Israel.
However, the atmosphere has now changed for the worst as a result of Iran carrying out an unprecedented military airstrikes at Israel two days ago. Some of Israel’s military brass and law makers are in shock that Iran dare to directly attack Israel. Even though there were no fatalities from the airstrikes and it did not cause serious damage to the nation’s infrastructures, it does bruise Israel’s pride.
A senior commander of Iran issued a statement that from now on if Israel attacks Iranian interests, figures, and citizens anywhere in the Middle East, they will retaliate from Iran. Replying to this postulation, Israel's Defense Minister said Israel will continue to attack Iranian targets in those countries as when it sees fit.
Decision To Retaliate Already Made
Israel War Cabinet met and had decided to retaliate against Iran. Netanyahu ordered the military to draw up a list of targets that definitely would include the Nuclear Fuel Enrichment Plants such as the ones in Fordow and Natanz which lie deep underneath the mountains.
The Israeli Air Force confirmed they have completed preparations, and that an attack is imminent.
In the meantime, the US reiterates that it does not seek conflict with Iran. Nevertheless, the US is supporting Israel’s plan to attack, and has provided three mid-air refueling planes (tankers) currently in US bases in the Middle East. Whichever type of fighter jets Israel will use (possibly the F-35s) to launch missiles at Iran, those planes need to re-fuel in mid-air due to the distance between Israel and Iran.
Israel hopes this tit-for-tat won’t spark a regional war – just to hurt Iran without causing an all-out war. Iran thinks otherwise, and has warned that it's ready to hit back harder should Israel go ahead with its plan. They used 300 drones and missiles in their recent airstrikes at Israel but still have an estimated 5,000 more. When all these thousands are launched at Israel, no missile defense systems Israel possesses including those from the allies will be able to stop them from reaching their targets.

Towards total war - Israel: "We will hit the monster's head directly" - Iran: "We will wipe out the Zionist formation"
pronews.gr (April 15, 2024) - The former PM of Israel, Naftali Bennett, sided with PM Netanyahu and the decision of the majority of the Israeli cabinet to cause "Armageddon" in the Middle East and the Gulf, perhaps even on the entire planet, supporting a direct strike on Iran, which yesterday launched a retaliatory attack in response to the killing of its seven senior officials at the country's embassy in Damascus.
Despite US President Biden's urging that Israel not respond to the Iranian bombing, which anyway caused more damage to the prestige of Israel's anti-ballistic shield than to Israel itself, Israel decided to declare "total war" on Iran.
In fact, Bennett stated that "The strategic mistake of his country in the last 30 years was to fight the legs of the octopus (Hezbollah, Hamas, etc.), instead of the head, which is Iran, but that must change now."
That maybe Iran is now "big bite" to swallow and with strong allies (Russia, China, India) and has nothing to do with Iraq in 1990, they think they will overcome it in Tel Aviv and prevail in conflict.
In the next few hours, or at most in the next 48 hours, we will see if and to what extent Israel has these capabilities and how Iran will now retaliate...
In Islamic Iran itself, which in turn rejected Russia's peace effort on the eve of the conflict, we are talking about "The time has come to rid the planet of the Zionist regime once and for all."
An escalation that no one knows where it will reach......
Remarks: Yes, no one knows where it will reach...... but we do know that Israel will launch strikes at an underground nuclear facilities (Fordow? Natanz?) in one of the mountains in Iran. Two fighter aircrafts will be used to deliver bunker buster missiles in order to destroy the underground targets. The resulting explosions will be earth shaking. The two aircrafts will received mid air refueling inorder for them to return back to Israel.
As prophecied by Prophet David Owuor:

They Did It
Moses Tay (April 15, 2024)
In response to the Israeli bombing of the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria on April 1, Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) carried out an unprecedented military airstrike on Israel yesterday.
The operation code name “Operation Truthful Promise” was launched involving three waves of drones, cruise missiles and mid-range ballistic missiles. The strikes were launched from Iran accompanied by simultaneous strikes from allies in Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon. The US, UK, France, Jordan and Saudi Arabia assisted in repelling the attack.
Intelligent Community sources confirmed the results of the operation:
●185 Drones of various types were fired but all were either shot down or otherwise crashed en route to the
●36 Cruise Missiles were launched but all were shot down
●110 Ballistic Missiles were launched but 103 were shot down, i.e. 7 got through. The Nevatim Air Base in the
Negev Desert that houses the US F-35 fighter jets was struck and caused damage to a C-130 airplane.
It has not yet been officially announced what type of mid-range ballistic missiles were involved, although some were believed to be Kheibar Shekan. Kheibar Shekan is hypersonic (Mach 5) with flight range of 900 miles (1,450 km), and carries a 500 kg warhead. Other hypersonic missiles in Iranian arsenal include the Fattah.
This was the first time Iran fired on Israel directly. In the past the regime used its affiliates such as Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthi rebels in Yemen to do their work.
Following the attacks, Iranian lawmakers chanted from the floor of the Islamic Consultative Assembly (Parliament): “Death to Israel! Death to America!”

The US is preparing to evacuate its diplomats amid Iran's threat to strike Israel
avia.pro (April 11, 2024) - The US authorities and a number of Western countries are preparing for the possible evacuation of their diplomats in light of warnings about an impending Iranian missile attack on Israel. The threat of attack was first announced by US President Joe Biden on April 10, emphasizing the US' unwavering commitment to Israel's security in the face of threats from Iran and its proxies, including Hezbollah.
According to information published by Bloomberg, the Iranian missile attack will likely be carried out using precision-guided missiles and could happen in the coming days.
US intelligence is also considering the possibility of a simultaneous attack on northern Israel by Hezbollah forces from Lebanon. Bloomberg claims that Iran warned the US about the planned attack, giving the opportunity to evacuate American citizens. In response to this, Israeli diplomatic missions of Western countries are actively developing action plans in case the threat materializes.
The Jerusalem Post reports that in the context of rising tensions, the commander of the US Central Command, General Michael Eric Kurill, is expected to arrive in Tel Aviv. His schedule includes meetings with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant and Chief of the General Staff Herzi Halevi.
The alleged Iranian attack is a retaliation measure for the recent Israeli strike on the Mezze neighborhood in Damascus, where Iran's diplomatic missions are located, as well as the villas of senior representatives of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). The April 2 attack killed several senior Iranian military officials. The Iranian ambassador in Damascus stressed that this was the first ever attack on Iranian diplomatic missions by Israel, which only increases tension in the region.

Undercover Video: CIA Officer/Former FBI Boasts: We “Can Put Anyone in Jail. Set Them Up. We Did What We Wanted with Alex Jones - Took His Money Away”
GatewayPundit (April 9, 2024) - A CIA Officer/former FBI official is on an undercover video boasting about using the might of the federal government to ‘jail anyone by setting them up.’
Gavin O’Blennis, a Contracting Officer for the CIA told an undercover journalist with Sound Investigations that the FBI “can put anyone in jail…set ’em up!”
“We call it a nudge,” O’Blennis said, adding the FBI can put “problematic” right-wing journalists like Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones in jail.
O’Blennis said of Infowars founder Alex Jones: The FBI “took his money away and chopped his legs off."
Gavin O’Blennis said at least 20 undercover FBI agents were at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.
“I thought you said that there were FBI agents in the crowd at January 6?” the undercover journalist asked O’Blennis.
He replied, “There are. There always are when there’s a big protest in DC. Just in case it gets out of hand like that…I mean, I’m talking they maybe had 20. You needed 1,000 to get rid of that crowd.”
He also said the FBI uses “embellished” news and “fake social media” to “really get people mad.”
Video of handsome Gavin being interviewed:

Ukraine Breaks the News: US National Security Advisor Worried about Russian NUCLEAR FIRST-STRIKE Upon USA
HalTurnerRadioShow (April 4, 2024) - Ukrainian social media and a US Congressman have revealed US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan is worried about a Russian nuclear FIRST-STRIKE against the USA!
This revelation tonight, April 4, 2024, comes as Ukrainian social media propagandists are throwing a temper tantrum over the still-delayed US "Aid" to Ukraine.
In whining that they need more weapons help, these outlets revealed:
US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan is convinced Russia will attack US with nuclear weapon if Ukraine gets more aid — House Representative Mike McCaul. After Sullivan had visited Kyiv on March 20, the US media started reporting that the US had asked Ukraine to abstain from attacks on military targets inside Russia.
It is long past due that someone in government reveal what the real stakes are now, in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. We are heading into exactly this type of situation with Russia. If we keep poking the bear, many say, the Bear will hit back - hard.
Remarks: Since the US and NATO won't stop provoking Russia, Jake Sullivan's worriment will surely come to pass. Russia will launch massive nuclear strikes from three directions: the Caribbean Sea, the Bering Sea and from the Arctic Ocean. Their weapons of choice most likely will be the Borei-class submarines launching their deadly Bulava SLBMs.
"For in one hour she is made desolate" (Revelation 18:19)

rusonline.org (March 27, 2024) - RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan argued with a BBC News journalist who asked questions about the Russian presidential elections, saying that the Russian Federation should not live the same way as they live in the West. A video recording of the conversation was published by the Ruptly Telegram channel.
The Russian presidential elections took place on March 15-17, 2024. The current President Vladimir Putin won them with a result of 87.28 percent of the vote. Simonyan spoke to a BBC News journalist at Putin's meeting with trusted officials. The journalist asked whether there were serious challenges in the Russian presidential elections and whether Putin faced serious opponents.
“Is there a need for a serious opponent? Why?" - Simonyan asked in response. The journalist asked why there was no such need.
“Why do you always think that the way you live is better than the way we live? Even the way you ask questions: “Why don’t you guys do it like we do it.” Because we are not you, and in fact we don’t really like you,” replied the chief editor of RT.
Video: https://t.me/rusoline/712

Josep Borrel to Ukraine: We "love" you, we love you not
pronews.gr (March 27, 2024) - The EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, admitted in his statement to the American CNN that the support offered by all Western countries to Ukraine is not given because " Westerners love the Ukrainians but because if Russia wins, they will lose USA their position as a global player"!
It is the first time that a top European official admits that the war in Ukraine is being waged and prolonged to protect US global geopolitical interests!

Chaos in flights in Eastern Europe due to a wave of mass interference in GPS systems: Estonia "shows" Russia
pronews.gr (March 27, 2024) - More than 1,600 airline planes have been hit by heavy jamming of GPS navigation systems, and Western media reports that the jamming most likely came from Russia.
Civilian aircrafts flying over and around the Baltic Sea in northern Europe have reportedly experienced serious technical problems due to interference which began on Sunday (24/3/2024) and continued until today, with 1,614 planes, mostly civil, reporting problems since then.
Although most interference occurred with aircraft flying within the Polish FIR, interference also occurred with aircraft flying in the airspace of Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Latvia and Lithuania.
Notably, little or no intervention appears to be taking place in Belarus, a staunch Russian ally, or in Kaliningrad, the Russian province separated from the mainland by sea and land.
The planes appear to have experienced jamming of their GPS systems, which can confuse pilots as this can make them believe they are in a different location than they actually are, although all civilian aircraft have other safeguards for their shipping.
Estonia's armed forces chief Martin Harem has claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin is using top-secret electronic systems to jam GPS signals on planes and ships, which he says can lead to crashes.
According to Harem, Putin is wreaking havoc across the European Union (EU) by jamming GPS technology along NATO's eastern flank. Most of the involvement appears to be centered on the northern half of Poland and the waters between Poland and Sweden.
Finland is also reporting problems with its GPS guidance system for air and sea traffic, along with isolated problems in Latvia and Lithuania.
"What we've seen is a GPS malfunction for ships and air travel," Harem said. "And we really don't know if Russia wants to achieve something specific with them or is just trying to test their equipment," the head of the Estonian armed forces said to conclude: "But surely, nobody should behave like that, especially when you are at war with a neighboring country."
Remarks: These Scandinavian and Baltic nations are playing the victims while they allow the US to use them as bulwark against Russia. They talk gleefully of the Baltic Sea as a NATO lake to hamper movement of Russian warships and submarines in the event of war. Currently, NATO is conducting the largest military exercise in Europe since the Cold War - STEADFAST DEFENDER 2024 from January till May 31, 2024.

US-UK break with China: Sanctions imposed over 'unprecedented cyber attack' by Beijing
pronews.gr (March 26, 2024) - Britain and the US have announced sanctions against China, which they accuse of a widespread cyber-espionage campaign that has reportedly affected millions of people, including politicians, academics and journalists, as well as many companies, including defense industries.
As the British Foreign Minister David Cameron announced "this behavior from China will not be tolerated".
Authorities on both sides of the Atlantic have named Advanced Persistent Threat 31, or APT31, as the perpetrator of the cyber-espionage, saying it is an arm of China's Ministry of State Security.
They presented a list of goals. White House officials, US senators, British MPs and government officials around the world critical of Beijing were targeted, they said. The list of targets also includes defense industries, security companies and dissidents.
The goal of the global hacking operation was "to suppress critics of the Chinese regime, compromise government institutions and steal trade secrets ," said US Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco.
In an indictment unsealed Monday against seven Chinese alleged APT31 hackers, US prosecutors allege the cyber-espionage resulted in the confirmed or probable risk of breaching work accounts, personal emails, stored files and phone calls belonging to millions of Americans.
Officials in London accused APT31 of hacking British MPs, who are critical of China, while they claimed a second group of Chinese spies was behind the hack of the British electoral roll, which compromised the data of millions more people in the UK.
Chinese diplomats in Britain and the US dismissed the claims as baseless. The Chinese embassy in London called the accusations "completely fabricated and malicious slander".

US bails Ukraine out after Moscow attack, covering Zelensky with ISIS — diplomat
TASS (March 25, 2024) - After the Crocus City Hall attack, the US tries to bail Ukraine out by mentioning the Islamic State (IS, ISIS) terror group, outlawed in Russia, and to cover itself and the Zelensky regime it created, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in an article for kp.ru.
"The American political engineers cornered themselves with their tales that the Crocus City Hall attack was carried out by the ISIS terror group," the diplomat noted. "Hence Washington’s daily bailing out of its wards in Kiev, and the attempt to cover itself and the Zelensky regime they created with the scarecrow of the outlawed ISIS."
Zakharova noted that a number of factors directly and indirectly indicate the US authorities’ involvement in sponsoring the Ukrainian terrorism.
"Billions of dollar and an unprecedented amount of weapons, invested without accountability and with use of corruption schemes into the Kiev regime, the aggressive rhetoric regarding Russia, the rabid nationalism, the ban for peace talks on Ukraine, the endless calls for a force resolution of the conflict, the refusal to condemn the years-long terror attacks, carried out by the Kiev regime, and the massive informational and political support of any, even the most atrocious actions of Zelensky," she listed.
The spokeswoman also noted that previously, the US intervention in Middle Eastern affairs has led to the emergence, strengthening and institutionalization of a number of radical and terrorist groups that remain active in the region even today.
"What is the logic, you may ask? Money and power. And, considering the international legal ban on direct interventions, it is also about sowing a ‘controlled chaos’ and reshaping the world order by the hands of terrorists," she continued.
"Attention, a question for the White House: are you sure it was ISIS, won’t you change your mind later?".

SouthFront.press (March 24, 2024) - Amaq news agency of ISIS published new video filmed by the terrorists during the terrorist attack in the Crocus City Hall in Moscow. The footage was provided with the following comment:
“Exclusive footage for Amaq Agency shows moments from the bloody attack on Christians yesterday in the city of Krasnogorsk in Moscow.”
The release of the video by ISIS source corresponds to the ongoing informational campaign aimed to hide those responsible for the horrific terrorist attack; but the more evidence is revealed, the more they point to the perpetrators in Kiev and in the West.
The terrorists, who later will not be able to respond a single question during their interrogation, literally posed in front of the camera. Before they were captured, the militants managed to share the footage with their customers while driving to the Ukrainian border to receive an award.
The terrorists are seen cutting the throat of a wounded man. This is too banal. This is one of the most commonly known methods of ISIS terrorists to kill their victims. It seems that the militant was especially ordered to film this move and it was the first moment published online.
The comment by Amaq does not confirm that the terrorist attack was launched by the true ideological ISIS followers. The comment says that this is the ‘exclusive footage’ shared with the agency. Thus, the footage was likely obtained by Amaq which simply published the ‘exclusive video’; but, ISIS was not behind the organization of this operation, otherwise, the whole coverage format of the operation would be completely different. It seems that the employees of Amaq themselves are a bit in a hurry to fulfill the orders, but they are forced to present the necessary agenda. This is another indirect signal that ISIS is just a smoke screen for the real organizers of the terrorist attack.
The comment claims that the footage shows the bloody “attack on Christians”. This is another nonsense since dozens of Muslims were wounded and killed in the concert hall. This is confirmed by the lists of victims released by the Russian Health Ministry and other official sources. The concert had no link to any religion. From time immemorial, Russia has been a country of cohabitation of Orthodox, Muslims, Buddhists and representatives of other faiths. This attack had nothing to do with ideology. The attackers simply fulfilled the order, then earned money. The militants were not jihadists but usual poorly trained mercenaries.
The fact that the offenders have nothing to do with Islam, with religion in general, is also confirmed by numerous videos of how they were detained, how they behaved during interrogations. The terrorists did not commit suicide during arrest. They didn’t even try to fight but tried to run away. All of them were detained alive, trembling and crying on their knees in front of the Russian men, including Christians and Muslims.
Remember the early 2010s, remember Syria and Iraq, the mid and late 90s, the conflicts in the Balkans, Southern Russia, Central Asia and Afghanistan. Not a single terrorist, obsessed with his fate and ideals, behaved like these ordinary coward mercenaries, who have no Faith, no Homeland, no Morals.
Amaq has discredited itself by the very fact of publishing such videos. Of course, the team of the agency is no more the same as it was a decade ago. It’s hard to imagine that the real mouthpiece of ISIS would associate itself with such unbelievers and cowards.

Chairman of the NATO Military Committee: "We are ready for a direct conflict with Russia"
pronews.gr (March 22, 2024) - Admiral Rob Bauer, Chairman of NATO's Military Committee, said that the countries of the Alliance are prepared for a possible direct conflict with Russia.
"We all know that time is of the essence when it comes to restoring collective security. Because the enemy determines when and where to attack, as well as the duration of the conflict. Unfortunately, Ukraine has experienced this.
We are ready; The answer: Yes! Our primary duty is to be prepared. If this happens today, you have to fight with what you have. It's always a combination of being ready for today and improving opportunities for the future," said Rob Bauer.
When asked about NATO's readiness on the eastern flank, where most potential threats exist, he recalled how the Alliance has increased its presence in the Baltic states since 2016, as well as in Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria since the outbreak of the pandemic and after:
“We now have eight such battle groups, each with a battalion, and they can be combined to form a brigade if necessary. The countries concerned are continuously working together for this mechanism. We will consider additional requirements. But so far, that's enough," Bauer said.
He went on to say that modern warfare has additional dimensions, such as cyber or space attacks, and that Russia can exert power in the Arctic, the Western Atlantic, Africa, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.
"It would be foolish to focus exclusively on the eastern side, because the Russians are not only there. It's everywhere. That's why NATO is constantly monitoring their actions and responding appropriately if necessary," added Rob Bauer.
He also said he was not worried about the prospect of increased threats from Russia after the "re-election" of Vladimir Putin, because the war in Ukraine has weakened Russia and the replenishment and modernization of its troops will be complicated by Western sanctions.
“We can see that Russia has the ability to produce large quantities of weapons, but their quality has been steadily declining since the beginning of the war. They have plans, but they are at war, so they will need plenty of time. it is not easy for them,” said the admiral.
Rob Bauer also commented on the possible military deployment of any NATO country in Ukraine, stating that such decisions affect the interests of all allies and therefore require consultation among themselves. In addition, Bauer warned against excessive pessimism about Ukraine's ability to win the war and urged the world to further support Kiev.
Remarks: Rob Bauer thinks NATO is foolish to focus only on the eastern frontline with Russia. BUT he said he was not worried of threats from Russia. He is actually a foolish man himself. A nincompoop Admiral. He thinks only of conventional war with Russia. No, when (not if but when) Russia moves against NATO, it will be massive nuclear strikes on CONUS, the UK and France.

Macron Again Talks Up NATO Troops For Ukraine: 'We Cannot Allow Russia To Win'
ZeroHedge (March 16, 2024) - Even after his first round of comments resulted in significant pushback from among European allies, French President Emmanuel Macron has once again declared that NATO should not rule out sending troops to Ukraine, which would set the West on a path of direct nuclear-armed confrontation with Russia.
He said in a Thursday interview on French national television that while the "situation" is perhaps not ripe at the moment to deploy troops there, it remains that "all these options are possible."
But perhaps more importantly, Macron framed Russia's war in Ukraine as an "existential" threat for Europe and said that "if the situation should deteriorate, we would be ready to make sure that Russia never wins that war."
He castigated allies for previously being slow to act: "Two years ago we said we would never send tanks. We did. Two years ago, we said we would never send medium-range missiles. We did," the French leader said. "Those who say ‘let’s not support Ukraine’ do not make the choice of peace, they make the choice of defeat."
Ironically throughout the first year of the war, Macron was the only Western European leader to hold frequent phone calls with Russia's President Putin in efforts to de-escalate and to get to the negotiating table. But now Macron has clearly moved into the hawkish camp which sees military solutions as the only viable way out:
"We have put too many limits in our vocabulary. We are not escalating. We are not at war with Russia — but we cannot allow it to win," Macron said.
He continued on this theme in the following: "If war was to spread to Europe, it would be Russia’s sole choice and sole responsibility. But for us to decide today to be weak, to decide today that we would not respond, is being defeated already. And I don’t want that," he said.
As for NATO boots on the ground, the reality is that this is already the case to some small degree, given the Discord of last year revealed that 97 NATO special operators were in Ukraine, among them 15 French soldiers. The Kremlin has of late suggested France has already become a party to the conflict given the presence of many French mercenaries and volunteers in the conflict.
Remarks: Not to put the cart before the horse, but since France, UK and the US continue to seek Russia's defeat, Russia will nuke them. As sure as night follows the day time, it will happen. Listen to what Jehovah God had shown to His Prophet:

Britain ‘at war’ with Russia – ex-MI6 boss
RT (March 15, 2024) - Britain is engaged in a “gray war” with Russia, but neither the authorities nor the public are taking the situation seriously enough, the former head of the famed spy agency MI6, Richard Dearlove, has warned.
The UK military isn’t getting enough money to be able to counter the “threats” posed by Moscow and Beijing, Richard Dearlove, who led the British Secret Intelligence Service between 1999 and 2004, said in an interview with Politico on Friday.
The statement followed last week’s announcement of the UK’s budget for the next financial year, in which there was no increase in defense spending. It remains at 2% of the country’s GDP.
”If you stopped anyone in the street here in the UK and asked them whether they thought Britain is at war, they’d look at you as if you were mad. But we are at war — we’re engaged in a gray war with Russia, and I am trying to remind people of that,” the former spy chief said.
The British authorities have “got to make some tough choices, and I’m afraid the tough choices are in front of us right now. We should be spending at least 2.5%” on defense, he insisted.
“We urgently need to be building more ships. We need a much bigger navy. And we need more boots on the ground, for God’s sake,” Dearlove stressed [Dearlove, it's too late now. With UK continuous provocation, Russia will nuke the UK before the navy gets any bigger].
The fighting between Russia and Ukraine has shown the importance of manpower on the modern battlefield, the 79-year-old said. The size of the British army had been reduced by more than 26,000 since 2006, and currently has just over 74,000 full-time troops.
Last month, Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov accused the UK of being “directly involved” in the conflict between Moscow and Ukraine. He was reacting to a report in The Times which claimed that the head of the UK armed forces, Admiral Tony Radakin, had “helped the Ukrainians with the strategy to destroy Russian ships and open up the Black Sea.” According to Peskov, it is “no secret” for Moscow that the British “provide different forms of support” to Kiev such as “people on the ground and intelligence.”
In February, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that the UK has been “even more aggressive, more elaborate in its provocative assertiveness” towards Moscow than any other Western nation during the conflict.

SouthFront.press (March 14, 2024) - The Ukrainian military has been storming the Russian border for almost a week. Hundreds of Kiev’s soldiers are dying in slaughter as part of another media provocation against Moscow. Achieving no gains on the ground, the Ukrainian military is wasting the expensive foreign equipment and vehicles; while all the attempts of their propaganda to declare fake victories on the Russian territory are nullified by the harsh reality on the battlefield.
Kiev’s bloody operations near the border serve exclusively NATO interests; they are aimed to thwart the upcoming presidential elections in the Russian Federation. Fulfilling the needs of Kiev’s western patrons, Ukrainian men continue dying in risky operations, which have no military sense and are doomed to defeat.
Since the very beginning, the joint strikes of Russian drones, artillery and aviation have prevented the Ukrainian military from accumulating large forces in one area, forcing them to disperse the assault groups. The main attack was launched in the Russian Belgorod and Kursk regions on March 12. Kiev rushed to declare victories; but the Russian military won both on the battlefield and in the media. Footage clearly confirmed Russian claims that no Ukrainian militants violated the state border. Humiliated they fled to the rear areas.
Since then, Ukrainian attacks have not stop. Yesterday, the fighting was localized in the area of Popovka in the Belgorod region. Ukrainians dragged NATO tanks and armored vehicles back and forth, while Russian artillery was pounding them.
On the morning of March 13, new attacks were reported in the same area, near the villages of Popovka and Kozinka. Assault groups of dozens of Ukrainian militants with armored vehicles and tanks were thrown into battle. The assault forces are supported by Ukrainian artillery and numerous UAVs. Unlike the Russian military, the Ukrainian side cannot use its aviation. Only several Ukrainian helicopters were spotted mostly evacuating the wounded. On the other side, dozens Russian aircraft are involved in destruction of Ukrainian forces both in their near rear and at an operational depth.
Ongoing Kiev’s provocations include massive drone strikes on the Russian territory. Over the past 2 days, the Kiev regime has launched more than 120 UAVs to Russia. On the night of March 14, 14 more UAVs were intercepted in the border regions.
Unfortunately, the Ukrainian military does not limit its strikes to the industrial facilities. The more Ukrainian militants are dying in fruitless attacks on the border, the more intense are their attacks on Russian civilians in the border villages and the city of Belgorod. Amid the ongoing clashes, the Ukrainians struck the city with indiscriminate fire from MLRSs.
The terrorist attempts of NATO and its Kiev puppets to thwart the elections only have the opposite effect and consolidate the Russian population.
Visit South Front:

Two Huge Non-military Differences Explain America’s Collapse and Russia’s Rise
Paul Craig Roberts (March 11, 2024)
In the US and the Western world generally the family is being intentionally destroyed, whereas in Russia the family is being raised up and strengthened.
In the US identity politics has destroyed unity and separated races, genders, and classes from one another, whereas in Russia all are treated as members of one family–the Russian nation.
Compare Putin’s state of the union address to those of Biden, Obama, Bush, Clinton. It is absolutely clear that Russia has leadership and the US does not.
Putin's Annual Address to the Nation on February 29, 2024:

The US hinted at “surprises” prepared by Ukraine for Russia
avia.pro (March 7, 2024) - Despite the loss of Avdiivka by Ukrainian troops, US representatives expressed confidence that Ukraine has a strategic plan that can provide Kyiv with significant success on the battlefield. This position was voiced by US State Department representative Matthew Miller. He emphasized that the Ukrainian military, according to Washington, has unexpected decisions, the results of which are expected with great interest.
"We believe they have a few surprises in store and we're waiting to see the results," Miller said at a briefing.
Miller's comments followed a visit to Kyiv by Victoria Nuland, the undersecretary of state for political affairs, who emphasized strengthening Ukraine's defense capabilities and warned of "pleasant surprises on the battlefield" for Russian President Vladimir Putin.
This rhetoric resonates with the statements of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, who previously spoke about preparing surprises, in particular in the context of actions in the Black Sea, without going into detail, but emphasizing the importance of Crimea and the Black Sea as strategic points of conflict in 2024.
Against the backdrop of these statements, Ukraine intensified its actions against Russian ships on the Black Sea and the Crimea Bridge.
Remarks: The US and NATO are hand-in-grove with Ukraine to possibly destroy the Crimea Bridge, not just caused partial damage as was done several times before. It seems these people like to create surprises for the Russians. What they can do, the Russians can do also......

German MP calls for attack on government buildings in Moscow
RT (March 6, 2024) - Russia’s Ministry of Defense building or the HQ of the country’s intelligence service in central Moscow are legitimate targets that should be attacked, the deputy chairman of the German parliament’s oversight committee, Roderich Kiesewetter, has stated.
The lawmaker, who is a former German Army (Bundeswehr) general staff officer, insisted that Ukraine should take the war to Russia.
“Ukraine should be given the opportunity to take the war to the Russian territory,” Kiesewetter told a talk show on state broadcaster ZDF, noting that Defense Minister Boris Pistorius had already called for the same in April 2023.
“The only thing I will add from my side is that it is also necessary to attack the Russian Ministry of Defense or the intelligence service,” the MP said. “It is absolutely clear that this is not about civilian targets and not about the people, but about explaining to the Russian population that they are the aggressors,” he added.
When asked by the host of the show whether Kiesewetter thought that the attack on Moscow would be rational, the politician responded that those were Pistorius’ words.
“To attack Moscow with Taurus missiles?” the host asked. “No... now you are putting words into my mouth. No, if, within the framework of the agreement, we oblige Ukraine to use missiles only in the occupied territories, then they will act according to this principle,” Kiesewetter argued.
The calls for attack on Russian government buildings come amid the latest diplomatic row between Moscow and Berlin, following the leak of an audio recording in which German military officers discussed a potential attack on the Crimean Bridge.
The released of the audio recording was first reported in the TASS Russian News Agency, here:

Victoria Nuland quits
RT (March 5, 2024) - US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland is poised to leave her post in the coming weeks, Secretary of State Antony Blinken has announced. The senior official, widely regarded as a foreign policy hawk, played a key role in the Western-backed coup in Ukraine in 2014.
In December 2013, she visited Kiev with the late Senator John McCain to hand out pastries to armed protesters in the city's central square. Days before the February coup, as orchestrated mass murder gripped the city, she was recorded discussing how to “midwife this thing” with then-US ambassador to Kiev, Geoffrey Pyatt, reportedly exclaiming “F**k the EU” when it came to a choice of new leader in the war-torn country.
Nuland resigned from the State Department during the Trump administration, taking the helm of the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) think-tank before joining the Albright Stonebridge Group and the board of the neo-liberal National Endowment for Democracy (NED). She rejoined the government after President Joe Biden’s inauguration in 2021.
She has worked on arming Ukraine and assembling a Western coalition that would supply Kiev with weapons and ammunition for the conflict with Russia. Last month, she pleaded to Congress to approve $61 billion in funding to Ukraine, arguing that most of it would be “going right back into the US economy,” to create jobs in the weapons industry.
Her most recent trip to Kiev involved intervening with President Vladimir Zelensky on behalf of General Valery Zaluzhny, though to no avail. Zaluzhny was subsequently fired.
In a CNN interview at the end of February, Nuland admitted the defeat of US efforts towards Moscow, acknowledging that the target of her policy is “not the Russia that, frankly, we wanted (we prefer a weak Russia that we could control).”
Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova attributed Nuland’s exit to “the failure of the anti-Russian course of the Biden administration.”
“Russophobia, proposed by Victoria Nuland as the main foreign policy concept of the United States, is dragging the Democrats to the bottom like a stone,” Zakharova said. Posting a photo of Nuland taken at an Orthodox church at some point, she said that if the US politician wanted to “go to a monastery to atone for your sins, we can put in a good word.”
Nuland is married to neoconservative stalwart Robert Kagan, a co-founder of the Project for the New American Century. Her sister-in-law Kimberley Kagan runs the Institute for the Study of War. Her temporary replacement at the State Department will be Under Secretary for Management John Bass, a former US Ambassador to Afghanistan (2017-2020), Turkey (2014-2017) and Georgia (2009-2012).

Sarmat, Kinzhal, Zircon: Which Top-Notch Missiles Did Putin Mention in Parliamentary Address?
Sputnik (March 1, 2024) - Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered his State of the Nation to the Russian Federal Assembly (parliament) on Thursday, touching upon several pressing domestic and internal issues, including the special military op and new and advanced weapons.
President Putin announced that the new Sarmat super-heavy intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) are now in service with the Russian army during his annual address to parliament.
“The first mass-produced Sarmat super-heavy ballistic missiles have been delivered to the troops. We will soon demonstrate them in combat in their deployment areas,” he said.
Sarmat is a strategic missile complex with liquid-fueled heavy ICBMs, the weight of one such missile is 200+ tons. This complex is intended to replace Voevoda missiles in Russia’s Strategic Rocket Forces. Likewise, Russia’s strategic nuclear forces are on full alert for their guaranteed deployment, Putin stressed.
The Russian leader noted that all the plans for the armament field that he put forward during his 2018 address have now either been implemented or are being finalized.
In this regard, the president mentioned the Kinzhal hypersonic air-launched ballistic missile that is not merely in service with the Russian troops but is used to strike high-value targets in the special op with great success.
Putin added that Zircon sea-launched hypersonic cruise missiles have already been used in combat and are also in service with the armed forces.
The leader emphasized that the Burevestnik's trials are being completed and that tests have confirmed the missile’s capabilities and combat performance. Burevestnik is a nuclear-powered nuclear-armed cruise missile with unlimited range.
“We have the Avangard intercontinental hypersonic systems and the Peresvet laser complex on combat duty. The tests for the Burevestnik cruise missile with unlimited range and the Poseidon unmanned underwater vehicle are being completed. These systems have confirmed their outstanding, it is no exaggeration to say, unique characteristics," he underlined.

Pentagon’s statements about Russia-NATO direct clash insane — diplomat
TASS (March 1, 2024) - US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s remarks about a direct military conflict between Russia and NATO in case of Ukraine’s defeat are insane, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.
"Is this an overt threat to Russia or an attempt to cook up an excuse for Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky? Both are insane. However, everyone can see who the aggressor is - it is Washington," the diplomat wrote on her Telegram channel.
Earlier, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said during a hearing at the House Armed Services Committee dedicated to his hospitalization in January that if Ukraine falls, Russia and NATO could come into a direct military conflict.

Macron says his words on sending Western troops to Ukraine were 'thought through'
TASS (February 29, 2024) - French President Emmanuel Macron confirmed that he spoke about sending Western troops to Ukraine quite deliberately, claiming that he "weighed" his words and "thought them through."
"These are rather serious topics. My every word on this issue is weighted, thought through and calculated," he told reporters during the visit to the upcoming Olympic village on the outskirts of Paris.
He was speaking on February 26 at a meeting in Paris, where representatives of about 20 Western countries discussed further support for Ukraine in the conflict with Russia, the possibility of sending Western countries’ ground troops to Ukraine was raised.
He remarked that no consensus was achieved, but such a scenario could not be ruled out in the future. After the conference, representatives of most of the participating countries said that they had no intention to send troops to Ukraine and were strongly opposed to their participation in military operations against Russia.
On February 27, French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne explained that the presence of Western military in Ukraine might be necessary to provide some types of assistance, including demining operations and instruction of Ukrainian soldiers, but that did not imply their participation in the conflict.

Irretrievable Losses of the Ukrainian Army Exceed Active Duty Personnel
The Intel Drop (February 22, 2024) - The irretrievable losses of the Ukrainian army exceeded the number of the active military personnel. This was confirmed by the independent research group War Tears, which shared the new data on the Ukrainian losses, based on the special math model.
According to the report released on February 22, 2024, the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost 377,324 servicemen killed. For the first time, the number of killed servicemen exceeded the number of active fighters of the AFU, which is currently 366,625 servicemen.
The analysis also revealed that the average monthly losses of Ukraine amount to about 16 thousand dead. As reported by various other sources, the number of irretrievable wounded losses is comparable to or exceeds the number of dead. Thus, the total number of irretrievable Ukrainian losses may be estimated at about 32 thousand people per month.
War Tears concluded that “even if Kiev manages to solve all the problems it faced with during the training of military personnel, then 500 thousand soldiers mobilized will be enough for about 16 months of hostilities, that is, until the summer of 2025.

No point talking to Russia from position of strength, envoy to US says
TASS (February 21, 2024) - The West’s attempts to talk to Moscow from the position of strength will lead nowhere, Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov said.
"There is no prospect of talking to our country from the position of strength and sanctions pressure. The persistent desire to dominate only leads to the opposite effect. The earlier America realizes this, the sooner the world will have a chance to return to a stable, sustainable and predictable path of development," he pointed out in an op-ed for Newsweek.
According to Antonov, Washington’s strategy towards Russia "in essence is little different from military confrontation."
"The liberation of cities, first and foremost Mariupol, Artyomovsk and Avdeevka, are clear signs of the Kiev regime's agony and the failure of the West's anti-Russian policy," the Russian envoy stressed.

Von der Leyen's "outburst" against Russia sparks fury in France
ria.ru (February 19, 2024) - The anti-Russian statement by the head of the EC, Ursula von der Leyen (won der Liar), at the Munich Security Conference is intended to justify Europe's entry into the war against Russia, said the leader of the French Patriots party, Florian Philippot, on the social network X.
Earlier, the head of the EC announced that there were no gray areas left for the EU in the Ukrainian crisis. She called the conflict in Eastern Europe part of a "global struggle between democracies and autocracies."
“You will have to decide: either you are with Putin or you are with democracies,” von der Leyen (won der Liar) said.
The French politician called the EC head's statement a "trick." He recalled that American politicians used exactly the same “caricatured” phrases about the struggle of “Good versus Evil” to justify their own wars in the Middle East and the suppression of real democratic freedoms. Von der Leyen (won der Liar) imagines herself as the “commander in chief” of the European Union and is trying to drag Europe into a “global war,” Filippo is sure.
"Ursula must be removed from power and the EU destroyed as soon as possible!" — called the leader of the Patriots party.
Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin, in an interview with journalist Tucker Carlson, said that Moscow is not going to attack NATO countries, in particular Poland, Latvia or other Baltic countries. According to Putin, in Western society, politicians regularly “scare” their population with the Russian threat, diverting attention from internal problems.

Pushkov responded to an important NATO statement on Ukraine
ria.ru (February 19, 2024) - NATO admitted a serious mistake in the conflict in Ukraine, but did not draw any conclusions from it, Senator Alexey Pushkov wrote in his Telegram channel.
“This is the case when the recognition of a major miscalculation does not lead to a change in the vicious course, but to its modification and reproduction in a different form,” the publication says.
In his opinion, the statement by NATO representatives about their own excessive optimism does not yet mean a revision of the alliance’s policy towards abandoning support for Ukraine. On the contrary, the bloc is trying to set a course for a long military conflict with Russia, writes Pushkov.
He added that overestimating one's own capabilities and underestimating the enemy's strength is a systemic mistake of the United States and the West as a whole, which they repeat again and again.
“From Afghanistan to Iraq, from Syria to Ukraine, the United States and the Western alliance are making the same cardinal mistake, significantly overestimating their strengths and capabilities. In the case of Russia, this is especially true, as proven by the overestimation of the impact of Western sanctions on the Russian economy,” noted senator.
Earlier, the head of the NATO military committee, Rob Bauer, noted that the West was too optimistic in assessing the potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine last year. He stated this against the backdrop of a statement by Ukrainian military leaders about the transition from offensive to defensive actions.

“About Kyiv, Berlin, London, Washington”: Medvedev warned that the collapse of Russia would have dire consequences for the West
avia.pro (February 18, 2024) - Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev has sharply criticized the West, warning of the risk of global war if they try to change Russia's territorial borders, returning them to the state of 1991. His comments came against the backdrop of statements by the German and British defense ministers, Boris Pistorius and Grant Shapps, about the inadmissibility of a Russian victory. Medvedev condemned such statements as a manifestation of limited mental abilities and stressed that Russia will not allow the victory of neo-Nazis supported by the West.
According to Medvedev, the West’s desire for the division of Russia and its disappearance from the world stage in its current form will lead to catastrophic consequences. He said that attempts by Western countries to destroy the unity of Russia could provoke a global conflict with the use of a nuclear arsenal. Medvedev mentioned the possible use of strategic nuclear weapons against key cities such as Kyiv, Berlin, London and Washington, the coordinates of which, according to him, are already included in the list of targets of the Russian nuclear triad.
A senior Russian politician emphasized the gravity of the situation, warning of dire consequences for the global community and emphasizing that Russia would defend its existence if it was threatened with extinction. Medvedev asked rhetorically about Russia's willingness to go to extreme measures to protect its thousand-year history and heritage, emphasizing the tragedy of the potential consequences of such a development.
“The collapse of Russia will have much more dire consequences than the results of an ordinary, even the most protracted war. Because attempts to return Russia to the borders of 1991 will lead to only one thing. Towards a global war with Western countries using the entire strategic arsenal of our state. In Kyiv, Berlin, London, Washington. To all other beautiful historical places that have long been included in the flight targets of our nuclear triad. Will we have the courage to do this if the disappearance of a thousand-year-old country, our great Motherland, is at stake, and the sacrifices made by the people of Russia over the centuries will be in vain? The answer is obvious ,” Medvedev said.
However, despite such a statement, the West chose not to react to it.

Air Force, Space Force Announce Major Overhaul to Prepare for War With China
AntiWar.com (February 14, 2024) - The US Air Force and Space Force announced a plan for a major overhaul of force structures to prepare for a future war with China in the Asia Pacific.
The plan was announced on Monday by Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall and other officials and includes a total of 24 changes, including 16 for the Air Force, five for the Space Force, and three for the entire Department of the Air Force.
“We are out of time,” Kendall said at the Air & Space Forces Association’s Warfare Symposium, which was held in Colorado. “Why do I say that? It’s not that I enjoy sounding like a broken record. It’s because, for at least two decades, China has been building a military that is designed, purpose-built, to deter and defeat the United States if we intervene in the western Pacific.”
According to Military.com, the majority of the changes are vague renaming and rebranding efforts aimed at focusing on so-called “great power competition.” But some changes are significant, including bringing back warrant officers, which haven’t existed in the Air Force for 65 years.
The purpose of the warrant officers would be for them to focus on information and technology warfare. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Allvin said the idea of bringing back the rank is to have airmen who want to “code for their country” and be “network attack people.”
Allvin also said the Air Force would focus more on large-scale military exercises instead of the smaller-scale drills that it has prioritized for the past few decades. “Large-scale means multiple weapons systems, multiple capabilities, coming together in a combat-simulated environment and showing our ability to execute the mission that’s going to be expected of us in the high-end conflict,” he said.
Since taking his post as the civilian head of the Air Force, Kendall has made clear his priority is China. After being sworn in back in 2021, Kendall said: “So what are my intentions now that I have this job? At a breakfast on Capitol Hill shortly after I was sworn in, I was asked by Sen. Jon Tester what my priorities were. My answer was that I had three; China, China, and China.”
While the US is focused on the proxy war in Ukraine and supporting the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza, the Pentagon still considers China the top “threat.” US military officials are preparing for a future direct confrontation with China despite the risk of it escalating into a nuclear war.
The Russian President began to speak to the Chinese one: "I will give you the land with all the people, but you must free Taiwan of the Americans. Do not fear, we will attack them from behind."

Iranian Drills Simulate Attack On One Of Israel's Largest Airbases
ZeroHedge (February 14, 2024) - On Tuesday Iranian state media published footage of what was described as part of a simulated military attack on a major Israeli airbase by the elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
The IRGC utilized naval assets to fire a range of munitions, including from ships and submarines in what is clearly a threatening message aimed at Israel amid its ongoing onslaught in Gaza, in the context of the planned Shahid Mahdavi exercises.
Top commander of the IRGC, Gen. Hossein Salami, claimed that his forces for the first time successfully launched a long-range ballistic missiles from a warship.
"The IRGC for the first time has fired ballistic missiles in the Gulf of Oman," state television cited. "The firing of a long-range ballistic missile from the warship was successfully carried out."
"This new achievement increases the range of our naval influence and power to any desired location because our ocean-traversing warships can be at any point in the oceans," Salami announced. "There will be no safe place for any power that wants to create insecurity for us."
Importantly, and sure to gain the attention of leaders in Tel Aviv, the whole IRGC exercise envisioned an attack on Israel's central Palmachim airbase, which has been used heavily in Gaza operations.
Iranian state television has described Palmachim as "largest airbase of the Zionist regime in occupied territories."
Israel has for years warned allies that it is in the path of Iran's increasingly longer range ballistic missile arsenal. Israeli officials have not only complained about what they see as a burgeoning nuclear weapons program, but increasingly sophisticated and longer range delivery methods.
Remarks: With these new capabilities, Iran can deliver hundreds, if not thousands, of missiles at Israel when the Israel-Iran war kicks off. Watch what is already prophecied will happen as shown to Prophet David Owuor:

Tucker Carlson: "I am now certain that Putin will use nukes if they "breaks" the Crimean front"
pronews.gr (February 11, 2024) - "Putin is determined to use nuclear weapons in the event that the security of Crimea is threatened," says the iconic American journalist Tucker Carlson after the interview he received from the Russian president V.Putin and its television viewership exceeded all the internet record attendance.
As Tucker Carlson reports: "I came to this conclusion after the conversation we had."
"Russia would use nuclear weapons if someone invaded the Russian territory of the Crimean peninsula.
This is the home of the Russian Navy, there is a Russian population, they held a referendum, they chose Russia! This is part of Russia!"
"Like it or not, Putin is going to start a nuclear war over Crimea. So if you really believe that the condition for peace is that Putin gives up Crimea, then you are crazy."
Kiev's request "that Russia withdraw from Crimea" as a condition for Ukraine to start peace talks.

Putin's interview received about a billion views, Simonyan said
ria.ru (February 11, 2024) - President Vladimir Putin’s interview with American journalist Tucker Carlson has received about a billion views, said Margarita Simonyan, editor-in-chief of the Rossiya Segodnya media group and the RT television channel, on the air of the “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov” program on the Rossiya 1 television channel.
“I asked my colleagues to count. It’s complicated and difficult, because you need to take all the languages, all the sources in which it was published, all the views in all sources. I assure you that this figure is about a billion. Never in the history of journalism has there been such an interview,” she said.
Thus, only on social network X and only in English, the interview received 180 million views, if you do not take into account Carlson’s website and other resources in different languages, Simonyan emphasized.
According to the media manager, it became the most iconic and successful. The Americans themselves in the comments call it historical, the editor-in-chief noted.
On the night of February 9, Tucker Carlson posted a two-hour interview with the Russian leader on his website and various platforms. Since its publication, it has received more than 170 million views on social network X, and more than ten million on YouTube. The interview was also published by the Kremlin website.

Top Slovak lawmaker criticizes Western hysteria over interview with Russian president
TASS (February 9, 2024) - Slovak National Council (parliament) Deputy Speaker Lubos Blaha has criticized the hysterical reaction of Western liberals over the interview that Russian President Vladimir Putin gave to US journalist Tucker Carlson.
"It was a long evening last night, I ran out of time, but I can't wait to see Russian President Vladimir Putin's interview with Tucker Carlson," Blaha wrote on his Telegram channel. "The hysteria of Western liberals over this interview only confirms how much modern liberalism hates freedom and rational discussion: the light in their brains has already been completely blacked out by their own propaganda," he remarked.
The parliamentarian opined that, "the West was in the grip of the same type of mental spasm during the period when the Nazis [were in power] in Germany, when all dissent was prohibited." According to him, the ultimate objective now is the same as it was then: to destroy Russia.
A leading member of Slovakia’s ruling left-wing populist Direction-Slovak Social Democracy party, Blaha insisted that his country stands for peace. "We reject hatred against Russia and Belarus. We want to hear Russia's opinion, otherwise there will never be a compromise," he wrote.
Watch Tucker Carlson interviewed Putin here:

The US is expanding its presence in the Baltics, preparing for a possible conflict with Russia
avia.pro (February 6, 2024) - For a long time, the US has been actively conducting anti-Russian propaganda in the countries of the Baltic region and other Baltic states, including Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. Washington's central strategy is to use "non-governmental and non-profit" organizations to spread fear and mistrust of the Russian Federation among the population of these countries. This step became the basis for further militarization of the region and is aimed at significantly increasing military spending on the acquisition of mainly American weapons.
The US has successfully negotiated new and updated bilateral defense agreements, allowing it to significantly expand its military bases beyond NATO formats. These actions not only strengthen the US military presence in the region, but also provide the US military with exclusive privileges, including duty-free import of various goods for the needs of units located there.
The expansion of the US military infrastructure in the Baltic region and neighboring countries is an obvious unfriendly step towards Russia, which is confirmed by the open recognition in the West of preparations for a possible armed conflict with Moscow. Such actions expose the Baltic countries and their populations to the prospect of participating in a direct armed conflict with Russia, the consequences of which will primarily be borne not by the United States, but by these states.

Medvedev says NATO 'playing with fire' with latest military exercises
TASS (February 2, 2024) - Moscow has no plans to attack any NATO country, something that is clear as day to anyone with an ounce of sense in the West, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev wrote on the VKontakte social media platform.
Commenting on NATO’s Steadfast Defender 2024 exercise (February 5 - May 5), the largest since the end of the Cold War, he noted that this was "playing with fire in a very dangerous way."
"We don’t plan to attack any of the bloc’s members. This is clear to all reasonable people in the West. However, if they get carried away playing and encroach on our country’s integrity, they will immediately receive an appropriate response," Medvedev pointed out. According to him, "it will mean one thing - a big war that NATO won’t be able to dodge."
NATO's Steadfast Defender 2024 exercise is being held in Europe from February to May. Thirty-one member states and NATO hopeful Sweden are taking part in the drills. The bloc’s Special Representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia Javier Colomina said in an interview with the Armenpress news agency that the drills are aimed at deterring Russia, which the alliance views as a threat.
Further Reading: NATO’s Steadfast Defender 2024: Unprecedented Military Exercise Signals Alliance Unity and Preparedness
Remarks: Russia’s repeated warning to the US & NATO not to encroach too close to her border has been blatantly ignored. There is no healthy fear of Russia. They don’t believe Russia will use her vase nuclear arsenal against them. But the truth is Russia WILL USE THEM (100% they will) to massively nuke the US continent, France & the UK. Jehovah God has spoken and it will come to pass.

The country’s GDP expanded above expectations last year
The Intel Drop (February 2, 2024) - The Russian economy keeps growing and has already become the largest in Europe and the fifth largest in the world in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP), President Vladimir Putin said while speaking at the ‘Everything for Victory’ forum in the city of Tula on Friday.
PPP is a metric popular with many economists that compares economic productivity and standards of living between countries by adjusting for the differences in the cost of goods and services.
According to the Russian leader, the country’s economy has demonstrated stability, unlike those of the US and the EU, which are currently in decline. “The fundamental principles of the US’ and EU’s economies are good, they [economies] will rise, but today they are at the bottom, while we are rising,” Putin said.
According to the World Bank, in 2022 China overtook the US in terms of PPP, while India and Japan were a respective third and fourth. Russia rounded out the top five, while Germany was in sixth place. Meanwhile, Putin’s top economic adviser, Maksim Oreshkin, said recently that Russia “is already breathing down Japan’s back in the race for fourth place.”
This week, the IMF significantly raised its growth forecast for the Russian economy, projecting that the country’s GDP will grow by 2.6% this year. The estimate is a sharp increase from its October forecast of 1.1% growth. The forecast for 2025 was also increased by 0.1 percentage point from the October estimate, to 1.1%.
Remarks: Since Russia's special military operations into Ukraine, the US and its allies have unleashed an impressive array of economic sanctions...........to bless and prosper Russia! What are they doing.
Sanctions by the Numbers: Economic Measures against Russia Following Its 2022 Invasion of Ukraine

US Colonel: Iran will be supported by Russia and China. We are not ready for such a war
(February 2, 2024) - The US does not have the capacity to fight a major regional war, be it in Ukraine or the Middle East. American generals are accustomed to fighting “terrorists” and have already forgotten what it means to fight an organized army.
Retired US Army Colonel Douglas McGregor, a planner of a number of major campaigns, stated this on the YouTube channel of American journalist Stephen Gardner.
Watch video here:

Border Standoff Could Potentially Lead To A Civil War
Moses Tay (January 28, 2024)
When Donald Trump was President he made it a priority to secure the US southern border with Mexico. When Joe Biden became President he reversed Trump’s policy by allowing migrants to freely cross the border from Mexico into the US. Under his watch, an estimated 6 million migrants have so far flooded into the US. They came mainly from Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, India, Honduras, Cuba, Philippines, Dominican Republics and China according to the US Department of Homeland Security report.
The four states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California have shared borders with Mexico. Texas, which makes up about half of the 1,954-mile (3,145 km) border with Mexico, has become the frontline for people, drug and weapons smuggling, taking the brunt of the economic and social problems associated with the influx.
After repeated warnings to the Biden Administration to secure the border but received no action, Texas Governor Greg Abbott ordered the Texas National Guard to put up razor-wire fencing along a stretch of the Rio Grande in the border city of Eagle Pass as part of its efforts to prevent the migrants from crossing into the state. Abbott signed a bill to make illegal immigration a state-level crime, allowing state law enforcement to arrest aliens and letting courts issue orders to remove and send them back to Mexico.
Resisting Texas’s actions, the Biden Administration threatens to order the US army to forcefully remove those razor-wire fencing. The Federal Government receives support from the US Supreme Court who considers Texas’s actions as illegal, and issued the ruling allowing federal agents or army to take down the fencing. If neither side backs down, there could be a civil war as 25 out of the 50 US states has rallied around Texas, after Abbott invoked the state's constitutional right to self-defense due to the migrant crisis, which he deemed an invasion.
Further Reading:
Specter of Civil War: Biden's Border Policy Could Lead to 'Huge Explosion' – Ex-Pentagon Analyst

WEF: WHO Calls on World Leaders to Surrender Powers to UN to Fight ‘Disease X’
SlayNews.com (January 19, 2024) - The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) has called on global leaders to surrender their nations’ “pandemic” powers to the United Nations (UN) so that the unelected bureaucratic agency can supposedly fight so-called “Disease X” (a disease that will appear in the future).
The WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus made the call while speaking at the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual summit in Davos, Switzerland this week.
While addressing world leaders, corporate elites, and globalist power-mongers, Tedros urged the governments of sovereign nations to sign the WHO’s “Global Pandemic Treaty.”
The treaty will award the WHO with sweeping global powers and will give the UN agency the authority to declare and manage the pandemic emergency policies of once-sovereign nations. Once a health emergency is declared by WHO, every signatory, including the US, must submit to its authority.
The definition of “pandemic,” according to the WHO, now includes “climate change.” Should the WHO declare an “emergency” over “global warming,” the UN “health” agency would be able to override the laws of sovereign nations to enforce “climate lockdowns.”
Earlier this week, the WHO worked with the WEF to advocate for the implementation of the Global Pandemic Treaty.
The treaty, backed by the European Union (EU), aims to strengthen global resilience to future pandemics and already has plans to introduce a digital vaccine passport by this spring.
The pressure from Tedros comes as concerns mount that the WHO’s parent agency, the UN, is trying to position itself as an unelected single-world government.
The UN is preparing to massively expand its powers and is planning to unveil proposals for the unprecedented expansion of its influence during the upcoming “Summit of the Future” conference in 2024. Included in the proposals are policies that would grant the organization an “emergency platform” during “global crisis” events.
Such “crises” would be determined by the UN itself and “emergencies” would be declared by the agency.
To prevent a “major climatic event,” the UN could block the public from buying meat and dairy products with their digital dollars to stop “global warming.” Elsewhere in the UN’s proposal are calls for mandatory globalized “digital IDs” linked to individuals’ bank accounts that are supposedly designed to help meet the “sustainability goals” of “Net Zero.”
As Slay News previously reported, Guterres demands in the “Our Common Agenda” report that all individuals under the UN’s control would have a digital ID that is linked to their bank account.
With the eventual rollout of “digital cash,” or Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), authorities would be able to monitor and control the spending of citizens in cashless societies.
Those whose spending indicates that they pose a “risk” of contributing toward a “major climactic event” could be swiftly punished.
Using covid-19 pandemic as an excuse, the power elites are extending and strenthening their power and authority over the whole world. They will do it through future pandemics which will include "climate change" issues, by introducing globalised "digital IDs" in order to manage "digital cash."
Ladies and Gentlemen, "digital cash" will be a new financial platform using microchip to be inserted in a person's right hand or forehead. Those who refuse to have the chips implanted on them won't be able to buy or sell, and will be punished! Let the Bible warned you of the danger of this system that the power elites or globalists are planning to implement.
Revelation 13:16-18 (NKJV)
16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,
17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

World not producing enough weapons to beat Russia – Zelensky
RT (January 18, 2024) - The combined output of the entire world’s military industrial complex is not enough to maintain Kiev’s fight against Moscow, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky claimed during a press conference in Davos, Switzerland on Thursday.
Responding to a question from a New York Times reporter, the Ukrainian leader said his forces were experiencing a deficit in drones and artillery shells, adding that the shortage of munitions was hampering Ukraine’s ability to reach “certain goals.”
However, fulfilling the needs of the Ukrainian military is not simple, Zelensky said, stating that “the production of all companies that make 155-caliber artillery shells is not enough to supply the artillery war in Ukraine.”
“There is no sufficient production volume in the world today, as in the case of artillery, that is sufficient for the Ukrainian army to withstand the war with Russia,” the Ukrainian leader stated. He added that even the one million drones he said Ukraine would produce in 2024 would not be enough to prevail.
Nevertheless, Zelensky went on to say that the US and its allies must continue supplying Kiev with munitions, explaining that without foreign weapons, Ukraine would be “weak on the battlefield, would have a big artillery deficit and would not be able to repel ballistic missile attacks,” which he said would eventually result in a “big crisis for all of Europe.”
His remarks come after Ukrainian Strategic Industries Minister Alexander Kamyshin stated last week that no matter how much it boosts production, the country will never be able to fully cover its military needs on its own.
“Our needs today are greater than the needs of the total production of the USA and EU countries together,” Kamyshin said.
The 155-caliber shells mentioned by Zelensky are standard ammunition used by NATO artillery, which has supplied Kiev with multiple Western-made howitzers, such as the US-made M777 and M109 guns, German Panzerhaubitze (PzH) 2000s, French Caesars and Polish Krabs, which all utilize the shell.
Throughout the course of the conflict, however, Ukrainian forces have not only used these weapons on the battlefield, but also to shell residential areas in cities across Russia’s Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. Russia, meanwhile, has repeatedly condemned western weapons shipments to Ukraine, arguing that they only serve to prolong the fighting and lead to more bloodshed without affecting the inevitable outcome.
Note: Zelensky spilling the beans brought great embarrassment to the US and NATO who constantly lied that Russia is losing and Ukraine is winning. Also, one of the objectives of Russia going into Ukraine is to demillitarize Ukraine but it appears the US and NATO are similarly being demillitarized! A double whammy.

WEF Chief Vows to Usher In Global ‘New Order’
SlayNews.com (January 17, 2024) - The president of the World Economic Forum (WEF) has promised power elites that his unelected globalist organization will soon usher in a global “new order.”
Speaking during the group’s annual summit in Davos, Switzerland on Tuesday, WEF President Børge Brende sat down with top Biden administration officials and informed them how Klaus Swhwab’s vision for their “sovereign” nation will unfold.
Global elites have been flocking to the WEF’s Davos 2024 conference in Switzerland this week. In a discussion with Democrat President Joe Biden’s White House Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, Brende explained how the world is experiencing a transitional phase of global governance. The post-World War II international order “seems to be not that order anymore,” Brende told Sullivan.
“We are on the way to a new order, so we are between orders,” Brende continued.
“Do you agree with that?
“What are we able to keep on the positive side from the old order to bring into a New World Order?”
Sullivan disagreed with Brende’s characterization that the neoliberal world order established in the aftermath of World War II will be replaced, but that the international order must be “adapted” to the “new era” the world is heading toward.
“I think of this a little bit more of a transition of eras more than a transitions of orders, but the two are kind of cousins of one another,” Sullivan said.
“I don’t think the international order built after 1945 is getting replaced wholesale with some new order.
“It will obviously evolve as it has evolved multiple times over the decades since 1945.
“But I do think in a more sharp and distinctive way we are moving into a new era,” he continued.
“The post-Cold War era has come to a close.
“We’re at the start of something new.
“We have the capacity to shape what that looks like.
“And at the heart of it will be many of the core principles and core institutions of the existing order adapted for the challenges that we face today,” Sullivan added.
In an address to Davos elites, Schwab declared that governments and “decision-makers” must “break the cycle” of nationalism and individualism to meet the goals of the WEF’s “Great Reset” agenda.
The power elites through various global organizations are pushing for a New World Order. There are differing views and understanding of what is that all about.
Although the Bible does not explicitly use the term “New World Order,” it does however mentioned a form of “world order” in which the world will be governed. What the Bible described will happen in the near future and is what these Globalists are pushing for.
The New World Order is a new system of One World Global Governance in which power is centralized in the hands of a few persons. In fact, in the hands of one man - a world dictator whom the Bible calls the Antichrist.
He is a charismatic but a deceitful person who will momentarily be enthralled by the people of the world. The masses are willing to set aside their individualism and nations their nationalism in order he may govern with absolute authority. He will implement a One World Digital Currency (666) to replace the fiat currencies. And he will bring the major religions together to create a One World Religion.

Putin set fire to the USA: "There was a big fraud in the 2020 American elections - Biden is an illegal president" - He smells gunpowder...
warnews247.gr (January 16, 2024) - Russian President Vladimir Putin, with a surprise statement supported Trump, declaring that there was a big fraud in the previous elections in the USA, through the postal vote.
"In the US, in the previous elections there was fraud through postal voting... They bought ballots for 10 dollars, filled them out and threw them into mailboxes, without any supervision by observers, and that was it," Putin said.
If we take into account the millions of postal votes, Putin speaks of "fraud on a huge scale".
This is direct Russian interference in the American elections as Putin indirectly but clearly says that Biden is illegally the president of the USA.
This intervention even came at a time when several Democratic states forbid Trump to run again for president of the USA!
The situation in the USA has just gotten worse and it smells like "gunpowder" while waiting for the decision of the Constitutional Court on Trump's candidacy.
What will happen if Trump is banned from running in the elections?
How will the Democrats respond to Putin's shock statement which undermines the integrity, legitimacy and process of the American elections in the minds of millions of Trump voters?

Taiwan ruling party’s Lai wins presidential election
ALJAZEERA (January 13, 2024) - William Lai Ching-te from the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has won Taiwan’s presidential election, despite China’s warnings not to vote for him.
Lai, the current vice president, was in a three-way race with Hou Yu-ih from the conservative Kuomintang (KMT) and former Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je from the Taiwan People’s Party, which was only founded in 2019.
Hou conceded defeat on Saturday and congratulated Lai on his victory. He also apologised to KMT supporters for not being able to remove the DPP. Ko also conceded defeat.
“I want to thank the Taiwanese people for writing a new chapter in our democracy,” Lai said in a victory speech where he thanked his two opponents for conceding.
“We are telling the international community that between democracy and authoritarianism, we will stand on the side of democracy.”
Taiwan’s elections carry an outsized importance because of the territory’s disputed political status. While de facto independent since the 1940s, China still claims the island and its outlying territories and has not ruled out the use of force to achieve its ambitions.
In the run-up to the polls, China denounced Lai as a dangerous separatist, said he would be a threat to peace in the region if he won, and called the elections a choice between war and peace.
In his victory speech, Lai said the self-ruled island had managed to see off attempts to influence its election, in a swipe at China. “The Taiwanese people have successfully resisted efforts from external forces to influence this election,” he said.
Lai has maintained that he is committed to peace and open to conditional engagement with Beijing, while also boosting the island’s defences.
Al Jazeera’s Tony Cheng, reporting from Taipei, said that “there is a feeling here that whatever Taiwan does, China is going to travel its own course.” “I think [Lai] has made an effort, as have the other candidates, to remain open to dialogue, but they are very aware that this is going to depend on what Beijing wants.”

A world war in numbers that cause vertigo: 54 States against Russia!
warnews247.gr (January 6, 2024) - Western nations increased funding to Ukraine shortly after the Russian special military operation began.
The 54 foreign countries providing military aid to Ukraine have spent more than $200 billion since the start of Moscow's special military operation, the Russian Ministry of Defense said on Thursday.
The Russian Defense Ministry also revealed that a group of more than 500 US and NATO space vehicles are working in the interests of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. These include over 70 reconnaissance satellites, with the remainder being commercial dual-use vehicles.
In addition, more than 20,000 satellite terminals of the Starlink satellite system are available for Kyiv.
According to Moscow, a total of 13,500 foreign mercenaries – most of them from Europe – arrived in Ukraine to fight for Zelensky. After about 6,000 mercenaries were removed and more than 5,500 fled, only 1,900 remain in the special operation zone.
The Russian ministry added that foreign states have provided the Ukrainian military with more than 1,600 "packages" of missiles and artillery weapons, more than 200 anti-aircraft systems, more than 5,220 armored vehicles and more than 23,000 drones.
However, the actual numbers may be even higher!
Note: In spite of all the support given to Ukraine, Russia is winning.

“The whole problem is Green Mold” – Kuchma’s ex-adviser calls for putting up with Russia
politnavigator.net (January 4, 2024) - Ukrainians should stop the war while they still have the opportunity to get away with “little blood.”
Former adviser to Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma, economist and political scientist Oleg Soskin stated this on his Internet channel, PolitNavigator correspondent reports.
Soskin drew attention to the visit of the Russian President to the hospital to the wounded participants of the North Military District, where the head of state assured that the Kremlin would not make concessions to the West and would continue the confrontation for Ukraine.
“In principle, Putin is already ready for the Northern War, ready for anything. Why can't we give him this opportunity? He already specially went to this Vishnevsky hospital, sat down there, and clearly explained what he wanted to do and what he needed.
So what's the problem? For us, Ukrainians, the problem is only in one thing - in Zelensky, in Umerov, in these fucking “servants” who seized power in Ukraine.
That is, if all these punks and green mold are removed, then we will jump out of the war. Yes, 14% of us are still occupied. But only 14%, and our army holds everything else,” Soskin said.
He emphasized that the only thing preventing the end of the war is the Ukrainian government, which must be immediately removed.
"Can this green mold really control the Russians, Ukrainians, Aryans? As I understand it, the time has come for a clear choice. It is necessary that a Peace Coalition be created and not pay attention to all these loudmouths,” the political scientist added.
Note: Soskin is a good adviser giving very wise advice. All the best to his effort.

Ukrainian colonel: Russia will take revenge on Britain and the USA
politnavigator.net (January 4, 2024) - Ukrainian military expert Oleg Starikov is surprised why Russia does not strike the UK and the USA, which supply the Kiev regime with cruise missiles.
He stated this in an interview with Ukrainian political scientist Vadim Karasev, a PolitNavigator correspondent reports.
“I don’t really understand why there is no reaction from Russia towards the countries that give us missiles. Knowing their psychology and how they are trained, why don’t they strike the US and Britain in a hybrid way.” - said Starikov.
He is sure that Russia will take revenge, but later.
“If they don’t apply it, it means they are transferring it over time. Something more global will happen - they will take revenge. But they believe that now this is not existential for them. Therefore, perhaps the main efforts should be directed to the land component? Strengthening the professional staff of advisers who understand how Russia fights,” Starikov said.
Note: Russia will take revenge when the time is right. It will be massive nuclear strikes on the USA & the UK; and include France as well.

Not a single problem in the world can be solved without Russia, Tokayev said
ria.ru (January 3, 2024) - The presidential elections in Russia will have great international significance, since not a single world problem can be solved without the participation of Moscow, the head of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said in an interview with the national newspaper Egemen Qazaqstan ("Sovereign Kazakhstan").
“We must understand that the Russian Federation plays an extremely important role in world politics and has the status of a permanent member of the UN Security Council. Russian President Vladimir Putin is a leader who, with his words and actions, essentially shapes the global agenda. With Russia’s opinion in everything are considered in the world, without the participation of this state, not a single world problem can be solved, and this is a fact (spot-on),” he said.
According to the President of Kazakhstan, the coming year will be significant for many countries: in addition to Russia, election campaigns will be held in the USA, Azerbaijan, Great Britain, India and other countries, and elections to the European Parliament will take place. But elections in Russia are of particular interest to Kazakhstan due to the high level of relations between Astana and Moscow, Tokayev emphasized.
The Russian presidential elections are scheduled for March 17, 2024. For the first time, voting will last three days: March 15, 16 and 17.
Note: The Globalists scoff at Putin as unimportant but he is saying to them "get off your high horse."

Russia Pounds Kiev With 100 Missiles As Air War Escalates In Deadly Tit-For-Tat
ZeroHedge (January 3, 2023) - The Ukrainian capital of Kiev was pounded by Russian ballistic and hypersonic missiles on Tuesday morning, in a massive series of strikes which also targeted other cities, resulting in a reported death toll of at least five people killed and some 130 others injured.
The day prior, Russian President Vladimir Putin had vowed to "intensify" strikes against Ukraine in retaliation for the major Saturday cross-border attack on Belgorod, which killed at least 24 Russians, including children.
Later in the day Tuesday the scale of the attack on Kiev has come to light, showing that the Kremlin is clearly trying to send a 'message'. The New York Times writes that "The barrage — which the Ukrainian Air Force said involved about 100 missiles, including hypersonic weapons that fly at several times the speed of sound — was the latest in an escalating cycle of air assaults between the two countries, as both sides look for ways to inflict damage away from the largely deadlocked front line."
The northeastern Kharkiv region was also targeted in the Tuesday morning attack. The oblast's capital of Kharkiv city sits just south of Russia's Belgorod. Within hours later, Ukraine launched a retaliatory attack of at least eight missiles on Belgorov. Regional media says one Russian civilian was killed and four others injured, citing the local governor.
All of this points to a dramatic and deadly escalation in the air war between the two sides as civilians pay the price. This as the front lines has remained somewhat stalemated, with Russia apparently content to solidify its military hold over the bulk of the four annexed territories in the east and south.
Currently, Ukraine is in possession of advanced Western weaponry, including medium to long-range missiles and Patriot batteries, and yet is woefully lacking in frontline ammunition, including artillery shells, but also manpower.
This state of things could lead to increasing desperation. This could mean many more instances of risky cross-border Ukrainian attacks on Russia which ensures an escalation of the air war.
Ukraine's upping its cross-border attacks on Russian territory might also be part of a last-ditch strategy to increase political pressure on Putin from within, but in the meantime the Kremlin is sure to respond harder by pummeling places like Kiev. Civilians on both sides will suffer as a result.

Putin names Russia’s real enemies
RT (January 1, 2024) - Ukraine is a mere tool in the hands of the collective West which is using it to fight Russia, President Vladimir Putin said on Monday. He was speaking at a military hospital in Moscow where he met servicemen wounded during the ongoing conflict.
Asked about the enduring Western support for Kiev, the president said the elites of the collective West were actually the true enemy of Russia, rather than Ukraine itself.
“The point is not that they are helping our enemy, but that they are our enemy. They are solving their own problems with [Ukraine’s] hands, that’s what it’s all about,” Putin stated.
The conflict between Moscow and Kiev was orchestrated by Western elites, who seek to defeat Russia, he suggested. However, the collective West has been unable to achieve its goals, with the failure already showing in the change of its rhetoric on the conflict, the president explained.
“We want to end the conflict too, and as quickly as possible, but only on our terms. We have no desire to fight forever, but we are not going to give up our positions either,” Putin said.
The battlefield situation is now changing, despite all the aid Kiev has received from the West, the president observed. Russia has been effectively outproducing the entire Western alliance militarily, he suggested, with the country’s output destined to grow even further.
“Despite the fact that from time immemorial the West has had such a goal – to deal with Russia, it looks like we will deal with them first,” Putin stated.
“You probably see it on the battlefield that they are gradually ‘deflating’. When a shell flies, it is probably difficult to tell whether they are ‘deflated’ or not, but in general you probably know: the situation on the battlefield is changing. And this is happening despite the fact that the entire so-called civilized West is fighting against us,” he told the servicemen.
According to Russia’s latest estimates, over 380,000 Ukrainian troops have been killed or wounded during the conflict. Ukraine has also sustained heavy materiel losses, with an estimated 14,000 tanks and other armored vehicles destroyed. Nearly 160,000 troop losses were during Kiev’s botched counteroffensive, launched in early June last year, Moscow claims.

Shoigu announced the recruitment of about 490 thousand contract soldiers into the Russian Armed Forces this year
iz.ru (December 19, 2023) - In 2023, 490 thousand contract and volunteer military personnel have been recruited into the Russian Armed Forces. The head of the Russian military department, Sergei Shoigu, announced this on December 19 at an expanded board of the Ministry of Defense.
Shoigu noted that all plans for recruiting the army and navy of the Russian Federation have been fulfilled, the number has been increased to 1 million 150 thousand, and is targeted to reach 1 million 320 thousand people.
According to Shoigu, despite the sanctions, Russia produces more high-tech weapons than all NATO member states combined.
The Russian Defense Minister underlined that since the war started the Russian air defense has shot down 1,062 HIMARS, tactical and cruise missiles. Also, the Russian army destroyed more than 5,800 foreign mercenaries, of which 1,427 were from Poland, 466 from the USA, 344 from Great Britain. On the territory of Ukraine, 103 war criminals who showed particular cruelty were huntered down and eliminated.
In addition, 14,000 tanks, armored personnel carriers and transport vehicles as well as 553 fighter jets and 229 helicopters on the enemy side have been destroyed.
As S. Soigu said, since the beginning of the war, the Ukrainians count 383,000 dead and wounded.
Earlier that day, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the Russian Federation would not abandon the goals of the special military operation . He emphasized that the enemy was suffering significant losses and had already squandered its reserves.

Too Close for Comfort
Moses Tay (December 18, 2023)
After the collapsed of the Soviet Union in 1991 that ended the Cold War, the U.S. gave assurance NATO will not expand eastward towards the Russian border. The assurance given was to pacify Russia’s fear. However, NATO completely disregards Russia’s concerns by eventually adding 15 more new members, with Finland being the latest member to join in April 2023. Again, their callous attitude is plain for all to see in their mad scheming to try bringing Ukraine into NATO’s fold.
Finland shares a 1,340 km (830 mile) border with Russia that makes up a significant part of NATO’s north-eastern flank. Not only is that but the border is so close to Russia’s second important city of St. Petersburg and the strategic naval base in Severomorsk, Murmansk which houses Russia’s Northern Fleet.
As announced by Finnish Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen several days ago, a Defense Cooperation Agreement (DCA) with the U.S. will be signed today December 18 in Washington, DC. The Agreement stipulates that Finland will allow U.S. soldiers access to 15 military areas and facilities located throughout the entire Nordic nation all the way from a key southern naval base and inland air bases to a vast remote army training area in Lapland, in the Arctic north.
Although not announced as yet, the U.S could in future set up another Aegis Ashore Ballistic Missile Defense System (Aegis BMD) in Finland similar to those already installed in Deveselu, Romania and in Redzikowo, Poland. Putin had on several occasions in the past warned such System could easily be tweaked to launch first-strike missiles in spite it being a defensive system.
Having numerical superiority of 31 members, the NATO alliance is puff up with confidence in their confrontation with Russia. Plans are afoot to increase not only troop’s sizes but weapons of various types along the Russian borders in preparation for a conventional war with Russia.
It is a faulty assumption of the U.S. and NATO to think Russia will not ever be willing to engage in a nuclear war. The conditions in the world are ripe for one.

After the collapse of the USSR, the West wanted to destroy Russia too, Putin said
ria.ru (December 17, 2023) - After the collapse of the USSR, the West wanted to destroy Russia, President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with Pavel Zarubin on Russian TV Channel "Russia-1."
The head of state admitted that in the early 2000s he had a naive idea of how the West treated Russia. He thought the so-called civilized world would understand what happened to Russia, that it has become a completely different country, that ideological confrontation has already gone, which means there is no basis for confrontation,” Putin said in a fragment of the interview that Zarubin published on the Telegram channel.
At the same time, the president added, negative actions towards Russia were visible in the policies of Western countries, for example, obvious support for separatism and terrorism on the territory of the Russian Federation.
According to the president, the West did not need such a large country by European standards, and they believed that, as the famous American politician Zbigniew Brzezinski proposed, it would be best to divide Russia into five parts, which could be subordinated separately in order to use their resources.
“Based on the fact that everyone individually will not have independent weight, independent voice and will not defend their national interests in the same way as the united Russian state does. Only later did this realization come to me,” Putin concluded.
According to Putin, he would warn himself against being too naive and gullible in relation to the West.

The Russian President's Viral Reaction and Response to "Himself"
warnews247.gr (December 14, 2023) - Russian President Vladimir Putin gave his annual press conference today, in which he answers dozens of questions from international media and news agency reporters, but today he was in for a special surprise after a "spy" asked him a question, leaving him at a loss for a bit, slurring his words as seen in a video that went 'viral' on social media.
“Vladimir Vladimirovich, hello, I am a student at St. Petersburg State University. I want to ask, is it true that you have many sosyas (body doubles)?”, asked the sosyas, causing laughter from the audience in the room with Putin in Moscow.
“And also: How do you see the dangers that artificial intelligence and neural networks bring to our lives?”
The question elicited a rare hesitation from Putin, who was already in the fourth hour they were taking questions in this marathon press conference.
“I see you may look like me and speak with my voice. But I thought about it and decided that only one person should look like me and speak with my voice, and that would be me," he said.
“This is my first sojourn, by the way,” added Putin as an afterthought.
There has been repeated speculation, particularly in the Western media, that Putin has one or more bodyguards covering for him in some of his public appearances due to alleged health problems. The Kremlin denied such a thing and stated that the president's health is excellent.
Video clip: https://twitter.com/ThisIsAndro/status/1735276015465771355?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1735276015465771355%7Ctwgr%5E6bc9e783c67fd1957349a8156ad91c3475414db5%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwarnews247.gr%2Fsosias-tou-poutin-tou-ekane-ekplixi-se-synentefxi-typou-i-viral-antidrasi-kai-apantisi-tou-rosou-proedrou-vid%2F

Netanyahu to Biden: "Don't talk - You dropped an atomic bomb on Japan"
warnews247.gr (December 13, 2023) - Joe Biden warned Benjamin Netanyahu about the dangers of the bombing tactics in Gaza during an event in Washington to raise money for his election campaign.
The American president said he emphasized to the Israeli prime minister that he was in danger of losing international support because of the indiscriminate killing of civilians in Gaza. To that Netanyahu replied:
"Yes, but you bombed Germany and dropped an atomic bomb on Japan, where many civilians died."
Then, Biden replied:
“Yes, that's why all these international institutions were created after World War II to make sure these bombings don't happen again. Don't make the same mistakes we did after 9/11. There was no reason to go to war in Afghanistan."
In talks he had during the same event in Washington, Biden also said that the Israeli prime minister "must change" his government.
"He is a good friend, but I think he needs to change... This is the most conservative government in the history of Israel," said Biden.
The American president also emphasized that the Israeli prime minister cannot say "no" to a Palestinian state in the future. It is the first time since the October 7 attack by Hamas on Israel that the 81-year-old Democratic president has spoken publicly about his disagreements with the Israeli government.
On Monday night, at a White House reception for the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah, Biden had already said that Israelis should be "careful" because "the global public opinion can change at any time."
He also referred to his difficult relationship with Netanyahu. He said the Israeli prime minister has a photo in his office of him with Biden when he was a young senator. As he said, he wrote the following dedication on the photo: "Bibi, I love you very much but I don't agree with anything you say."
"And that is still true today," Biden added, before representatives of the Jewish community whom he had invited to the White House.

Israel begins large-scale flooding of Hamas tunnels in the Gaza Strip
avia.pro (December 13, 2023) - The Israeli army has begun the process of pumping seawater into a complex of tunnels used by the Palestinian Hamas movement in the Gaza Strip.
The American newspaper The Wall Street Journal reported this, citing information from American officials. According to the publication, this operation is at an early stage, and it is expected that filling the underground structures with water from the Mediterranean Sea will take several weeks.
Previously, The Wall Street Journal also noted that the pace of the pumps used to flood the tunnels allows Hamas to evacuate possible hostages to the surface if there are any in the tunnels. It is not clear at this time whether any hostages remain inside the underground facilities.
Meanwhile, Russia's Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, Dmitry Polyansky, expressed concern about these Israeli actions. He stressed that Israel's decision to flood the tunnels in the Gaza Strip could be qualified as a war crime.
The head of the Israeli General Security Service, Ronen Bar, in turn, announced Israel's intention to eliminate all Hamas leaders, regardless of their location. According to him, special operations will be carried out not only in the Gaza Strip, but also in other regions, including the West Bank, Lebanon, Turkey, Qatar and other places where the leaders of the movement may be located.

Arestovich: "The US dragged us into war and abandoned us - We chose the wrong side in the conflict"
warnews247.gr (December 7, 2023) - The former adviser to the Ukrainian president and current candidate for the Ukrainian presidency, Oleksii Arestovich, made bombastic statements against the USA and V. Zelensky. Arestovich accused the Americans of dragging Ukraine into the war and then abandoning it.
"We chose the losing side - the US dragged us into war and abandoned us"!
At another point in his statements, Arestovich stated:
“You know what our greatest tragedy is? We have chosen the wrong side in this conflict!”
"In the clash of globalists and realists, we are betting on the wrong side."
The globalists wanted the expansion of NATO. Realists advocated Ukrainian neutrality to avoid war. Ukraine bet on the Globalists and was destroyed. Ukraine is on the wrong side! We shed blood to end up in the camp of the lost. 300 thousand Ukrainians died, why...? To make us like the West? Who needed this war?”
In the end Arestovich admits that America cannot compete with the industrial powers of Russia and China in the production of munitions!
"We need 17 million shells and you can only produce 300 thousand... The US can't, China, Russia and North Korea can. Which war and which victory are we talking about? The West entered the war with its pants down ("the emperor has no clothes"). They made fun of Russia, but it produces everything. And I'll ask the West something else. They can sustain 300,000 casualties as they claim Russia has. Can the EU? Can the Baltic states? But Ukraine is fighting alone..."
Apparently, Arestovich and the cadre of Officers supporting him are paving the way for a 180-degree turn in Kiev in favor of Moscow...
"The negotiations in Istanbul were very good"
At the same time, Zelensky's former advisor described negotiations between Russia and the West as the only way to end the conflict in Ukraine. As the politician noted, Ukraine should not count on any results even if it joins the North Atlantic Alliance. NATO does not work, being the product of an outdated system developed after the end of World War II.
"We need to sit down for a very serious discussion about what are the real interests of the parties and the causes of the conflicts and rebuild the system. I was a member of the Istanbul negotiating team, but I don't know what happened either, and we decided to stop the Istanbul negotiations," said Zelensky's former adviser.
Arestovich called the Istanbul negotiations "very good" and added that at the time it was important for the Russian Federation that Ukraine not join NATO. It was preceded by the sensational interview of David Arahamia, a close associate of President Vladimir Zelensky, regarding the reasons for the failure of the negotiations in Istanbul. According to him, Ukraine could agree to neutrality and then 200-300 thousand people would remain alive. But former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson went to Kiev and convinced the Ukrainian authorities to refuse peace.

Putin Visits the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia
warnews247.gr (December 7, 2023) - Putin was given magnificent receptions in his visit to the UAE and Saudi Arabia. With cavalry, cannon fire, band, airplanes tearing the sky in an impressive line-up "forming" with colors the flag of Russia from one end to the other on the central streets through which the car carrying the Russian president passed.
The chairman of the Committee of the Federal Council on Information Policy Alexei Peskov noted the following about the meetings.
"Vladimir Putin's visit to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates is a very unpleasant event for the United States and the Western alliance. The image is as follows:
► Western economic sanctions against Russia did not produce serious results.
► Russia's GDP growth in 2023, despite sanctions and the collapse of trade with Europe, will reach 2.8% or even 3%.
► Ukraine's counteroffensive, on which Washington and Brussels placed their main bets, failed.
► Internal stability in Russia under the conditions of the Military Special Operation and external pressure does not give the West any hope for a social crisis in Russia.
► The Global South refused to support sanctions against Russia and join the West's efforts to create a global anti-Russian front.
► The policy of international isolation of Russia, chosen by the West, failed. Moscow remained one of the main centers of world politics.
► A political divide has emerged in the United States over military support for Ukraine, a fact complicated by the election race between Democrats and Republicans.
► The ability to supply arms and ammunition to Kiev from the West has been significantly reduced, both due to their lack and, in the case of the United States, for political reasons.
Bloomberg: "It's a failure of the United States"
Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Saudi Arabia shows the failure of Washington's efforts to isolate Moscow, writes Bloomberg.
The agency points out that the visit shows the Russian leader's growing confidence in the ability to travel outside the country. Although the United States and the European Union did everything possible to prevent this from happening.
It is noted that Russia's economy is very strong and Ukraine, which Washington supports, is not making any progress during the conflict.

J. Stoltenberg: We must prepare for bad news in Ukraine - I say this "with pain in my heart"
warnews247.gr (December 3, 2023) - NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has urged the West to prepare for bad news from Ukraine, noting that he says this "with a heavy heart".
Apparently Stoltenberg was informed, as was Zelensky, of the dire situation of the Ukrainian ED along the line of confrontation with the Russian Army. The NATO Secretary General does not mean the loss of 2-3 settlements but something much bigger that will happen soon in Ukraine.
We must prepare for bad news. But we must support Ukraine, both in bad times and in good times
The demand for ammunition has increased significantly. Due to the fact that the required level of their production has not been ensured, Ukraine is in a critical situation. This is heartache.
The Ukrainian army is really on the verge of a real disaster. The summer counteroffensive failed. The Armed Forces of Ukraine were never able to achieve their goals. At the same time, they lost 125 thousand people and a huge amount of military equipment in battles with the Russian army.

Arestovich: The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost 300 thousand killed due to Zelensky’s refusal to negotiate with Russia
avia.pro (December 1, 2023) - Former adviser to the Office of the President of Ukraine Alexey Arestovich, included in Russia's list of terrorists and extremists and put on the wanted list, continues to criticize the Ukrainian government and Western partners for the failure of peace negotiations in Istanbul last spring. Arestovich, who was part of the Ukrainian delegation at the talks, said the talks were real and could end in an agreement. However, according to him, the West will now have to explain the reasons for the breakdown of these negotiations.
In an interview with journalist Yulia Latynina, Arestovich claimed that he was confident that a peace agreement would soon be signed, which could save the lives of about 300 thousand soldiers. This statement came against the backdrop of information from Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu that the Ukrainian Armed Forces had lost more than 125 thousand people over the past six months.
Arestovich also criticized the calls of the Ukrainian leadership to fight until the restoration of the 1991 borders, considering this unrealistic in the current situation. He pointed to the problem of desertion and evasion of service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, noting that every month a number of soldiers equal to the size of the brigade leave the front. According to him, there are about 4.5 million draft dodgers in the country, and in units from 30 to 70% are refuseniks. Arestovich emphasized that as a result of battles for insignificant territories, an entire battalion is destroyed in two to three weeks.

NATO expresses concern about the effectiveness of Russian electronic warfare systems against American weapons
avia.pro (November 30, 2023) - In connection with the current situation in Ukraine, NATO has expressed concern about the effectiveness of American HIMARS guided missiles and Excalibur projectiles. The main reason is the influence of Russian electronic warfare (EW) systems, which can significantly reduce the effectiveness of these munitions. The Pentagon has already announced active work to improve these systems, the goal of which is to develop new technologies that can bypass the effects of electronic warfare. This data is provided by Evgeniy Poddubny.
An analysis conducted by the American military department shows that units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces operating in the Avdeevka area especially often complain about Russian electronic warfare. These data confirm the high effectiveness of Russian electronic warfare systems and their ability to have a significant impact on combat operations.
Thus, Russian electronic warfare systems have become one of the priority targets for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. They pose a serious threat to the use of modern guided missiles and projectiles, however, due to the long range of such systems, Ukrainian weapons pose no threat to them.

"The Russians "cleaned" the Ukrainian forces and now they are going to Odessa" says former NATO general H. Kujat
pronews.gr (November 11, 2023) - The former head of the NATO Military Commission and retired German Air Force general, Harald Kujat, claimed that Russian forces have destroyed the Ukrainian Army and are now preparing - using a large reserve - to carry out an attack, which will aim to capture Odessa.
"The losses of the Ukrainian armed forces are extremely high, especially during the offensive. The Russian armed forces, in contrast, used defensive tactics and switched to a defensive strategy. Their goal is not to hold territory at any cost, but to destroy the Ukrainian army (de-militarization), the Russians have a strategy of decimating the Ukrainian army..." he initially said and added:
“This is Clausewitz's basic rule: disarm the enemy – and then everything else will take care of itself. This is exactly what the Russian armed forces have achieved. For several days now, the Russians are even talking about active defense. This means they are preparing a big attack".
Next stop... Odessa
General Harald Kujat did not name a possible date for the start of the Russian offensive, however, speaking about its goals, he noted that Russia, in his opinion, is not only going to reach the borders of four new areas, but also to liberate the Odessa reaching Transnistria in Moldavia.
“I guess they will try to take over Odessa because Russia sees it as a historically important Russian city. This will also mean that they will try to reach Transnistria, these are the minimum... The Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine B.Zaluzny admitted the impasse in the counterattack of the Ukrainian forces."

Leaked Cables Warn of Growing Anti-American Rage in Arab World Amid US' Israeli Support
Sputnik (November 11, 2023) - American diplomats have warned President Joe Biden that US support for Israel “is causing us to lose Arab publics for a generation.”
Two diplomatic cables recently leaked to US media warn that America’s support for Israel’s bloody military campaign in Gaza is causing damage to the country’s image that may never be repaired.
“We are losing badly on the messaging battlespace,” says one cable emanating from the US Embassy in Oman on Wednesday. It warns that strong US support for Israel is viewed “as material and moral culpability in what they consider to be possible war crimes.”
The cable was addressed to multiple officials at the White House National Security Council, the CIA, and the FBI.
Another leaked cable from the US embassy in Egypt quoted a local newspaper editorial saying “President Biden’s cruelty and disregard for Palestinians exceeded all previous US presidents.” The cables mirror growing global opposition to Israel’s actions as the country has recently been the target of strong criticism from governments throughout the world.
But the leaked diplomatic correspondence underscores that criticism in the Arab world extends to the United States as well, as US President Joe Biden has expressed unyielding support for the country’s Middle Eastern ally. The US president recently claimed there was “no possibility” for an Israeli ceasefire in Gaza when asked about the subject at a Thursday news conference.
The death toll in Gaza has recently risen to over 11,000 according to the local health ministry, with at least 4,500 of those deaths being people under 18, prompting the head of the United Nations to call the besieged territory a “graveyard for children.” The UN has noted that death tolls released by Gaza’s authorities have proven to be accurate in the past.
Recent reports have warned that Gaza’s population of 2.3 million may be on the brink of suffering mass starvation as Israel has only allowed very limited amounts of humanitarian aid to enter amidst a siege of the enclave.

'I can't sleep due to the large number of child corpses I have seen’: Gaza gravedigger
AA. Com (November 11, 2023) - Mass graves have become a necessary solution for Gazans who are faced with a staggering number of victims as they enter the second month of a devastating barrage of missiles and airstrikes by Israel.
Tragedies continue to escalate, revealing more of the crimes committed by the Israeli army against civilians in the Strip.
Saadi Baraka, a 63-year-old Palestinian gravedigger, spoke to Anadolu about his suffering because of the large number of children and women he has had to bury since the start of the war on Oct. 7.
Despite spending his life in the gravedigging profession, he said what he is currently witnessing is "beyond compare" to anything in the past, to the extent that he cannot sleep or eat.
Amid all attempts to frame the war as targeting Hamas’ "objectives," its fighters, tunnels, weapons and centers, the truth is, according to official figures, the majority of Gaza's population consists of women and children.
The reality has led to a major tragedy, with at least 70% of victims of Israeli airstrikes being children and women.
"Yesterday, I buried almost 600 martyrs, more than I have buried in the past five years. I have not seen such brutality. The majority of those I buried were women and children,'' he said.
According to Baraka, "each mass grave is about 6 meters (20 feet) in size, and around 45 people are buried in it. The largest mass grave accommodated 137 people."
Regarding the necessity to dig mass graves, he said: "There are no raw materials left; nothing remains in Gaza. Even water is no longer available."
As for unidentified bodies, he noted they are buried like others, and he ruled out the possibility of exhuming graves after the war to identify the bodies.
'I can't sleep'

The Coming Israel-Iran War
Moses Tay (November 3, 2023)
Preparation for the long awaited Israel-Iran war is progressing smoothly.
1) Hezbollah is about to enter the war with Israel from Lebanon. In a few hours’ time (@ 3 pm Beirut), Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah will make an important speech in which he could authorize a full-scale war to begin.
‘This is Nasrallah’s moment’: Will Hezbollah’s chief declare war on Israel?
2) Yesterday, Hezbollah & Iran informed America that they have until Friday morning of November 3 to end the aggression against Gaza, or else they will enter into a direct and open war with Israel and the US.
In the past two few weeks the US moved massive amounts of ammunition and equipment to the Middle East indicating hostilities are imminent.
3) Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a Resolution which says in part:
“…….that Iran must not be able to obtain a nuclear weapon under any circumstances or conditions;
..……to use all means necessary to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon;”
The stage is set for Israel & the US to launch strikes on Iran nuclear facilities deep inside the mountains in Iran. After the facilities in Natanz was struck by an explosion and fire in July 2020, a new underground uranium centrifuge manufacturing site deep inside the Zagros Mountains is currently been built to replace the one in Natanz.
4) Visions of Israel & US strikes on Iran:
Prophecy Of Nuclear War coming To Iran
July 26, 2020 Prophecy of a Serious Imminent War Coming Between Israel & Iran

USA is a War Addict
Moses Tay (November 1, 2023)
The spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Defense said, “The USA is a war addict. The country has existed for 240 years, and only 16 years it did not go to war. They built 800 military bases around the world. Wherever the US military goes, people die everywhere.”
Watch the video here:
To know more about those 750-800 USA military bases around the world, refer to this article below:

Russia has officially become the world's first army
avia.pro (October 31, 2023) - The Russian Armed Forces took first place in the ranking of the American analytical company US News & World Report, overtaking the armies of the United States and China. This indicates recognition by the world community of the high level of combat readiness and professionalism of the Russian army.
The following information was published on the official US News & World Report platform:
“The Russian army has moved from second to first place in the ranking of the strongest armies in the world. The US and Chinese militaries follow closely behind, occupying second and third positions respectively.”
The basis for compiling the rating was a survey in which 17.2 thousand respondents from 36 countries participated. In addition to people's opinions, the company's experts took into account 73 different criteria, including technical equipment, level of training of military personnel, operational readiness and many others.
Such high recognition of the Russian army underlines the successful development and modernization of Russia's military potential in the international arena. This also suggests that the world community respects and recognizes Russia’s role as a key player in ensuring global security.
It is worth noting that ratings of this kind are significant not only from a military point of view, but also from a political one, showing the geopolitical advantages and influence of countries on the world stage.

Ground Invasion of Gaza has Begun
Moses Tay (October 28, 2023)
Yesterday evening the delayed ground invasion into the Gaza Strip began. However, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) clarified that this is not a full-fledged operation but a limited one.
Prelude to the offensive, Israel cut off all mass communications from the outside world to the territories: phone, fax and internet were down. Even TV satellite link were jammed.
The attack was launched from several directions. Columns of Israeli tanks entered the northern Gaza border of Beit Lahia and Beit Hanoun; and from the east at Al-Bureij. At the same time, Israeli naval vessels began shelling the coastal areas to the north of Shifa Hospital. This is in addition to the ongoing air strikes and artillery shelling.
The IDF claimed Hamas built their terror base underneath the Shifa Hospital, Gaza's biggest hospital. A video of an “intelligence-based illustration” of a labyrinth of underground tunnels and war rooms used as their headquarters was revealed to the international press.
There has been no official death toll as yet from the Israeli authorities or from Hamas as a result of the latest offensive, but the number is expected to be high. Earlier, the Palestinian health ministry claims 7,703 were killed in the conflict with Israel since October 7 of which half that number are children. Many thousands more are injured, and about 1.4 million internally displaced according to the UN.
There is an on-going humanitarian crisis that is getting worst by the day. Before the war, about 500 trucks a day rolled into Gaza to bring in supplies to the territories, but in recent days the average is down to only 12, which enter from the Rafah border crossing with Egypt.
In the meantime, the fate of the 220 Israeli and foreign hostages hangs in the balance.

Ground Invasion of Gaza Delayed to Give Time for…….
Moses Tay (October 26, 2023)
A few hours ago, Benjamin Netanyahu made a nationwide address, telling Israelis that the date & time for the Ground Invasion of Gaza is being determined by the War Cabinet. They have several urgent issues to deal with first.
1) The desire to rescue hostages that Hamas are holding. Of the 220 hostages in Gaza most are non-Israelis: 138 hostages are nationals from 25 countries of the world. They are 54 Thais, 15 Argentines, 12 Germans, 12 Americans, 6 French, 6 Russians, 5 Nepalese, 2 Tanzanians, 2 Filipinos, one Chinese and one Sri Lankan. Several have dual citizenships.
2) The US to deliver two Iron Dome missiles defense systems to Israel to replenish and expand its Iron Dome capabilities as the war is expected to widen.
3) To giving time for the US to set up Patriot and THAAD missile defense systems in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Iraq, UAE and Qatar. The Patriot interceptor missiles have a range of 70 km to protect US military bases in those countries against missiles from Iran, and from Shiite militia groups in Syria, Iraq and Yemen.
The THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) with an operational range of up to 200 km is meant to intercept intercontinental range missiles. Why? Possibly to be prepared in case Pakistan decided to get involve and launch an ICBM against Israel or US facilities in the regions.
4) The Biden administration might want to evacuate hundreds of thousands of American citizens from the Middle East. There are about 600,000 American citizens in Israel and another 86,000 believe to be in Lebanon, not to mention from the other countries in the region.

Putin: Our MIG-31 Armed with Kinzhal Missiles is on Permanent Patrol over the Black Sea
Moses Tay (October 19, 2023)
1) There is growing fear of an all-out war breaking out between Israel and Lebanon with the support of Syria, Iraq and Iran.
2) The US moved two aircraft carrier strike groups, and the command and control ship USS Mount Whitney to the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Israel. The move is to back-up Israel in the event Hezbollah launch an all-out attack from Lebanon. Hezbollah, according to Israel Defense Minister, is "ten times stronger than Hamas." Israelis living in all the towns within 5 km of the border with Lebanon are currently being evacuated.
3) Russia has several bases and military posts in Syria including a naval base in Tartus. To protect her interests and to defend Syria and Iran, Russia deploys permanent aerial patrols of MIG-31 fighter jets carrying Kinzhal missiles over the Black Sea. A few hours ago, Putin announced this in Beijing (see video below). The Kinzhal is hypersonic that can reach a distance of 1000 km with speed of up to Mach 9 (9 times the speed of sound) which no missile defense systems could counter it. It could be equipped with conventional or nuclear warheads.

Correction: Israel Did Not Bomb the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital
Moses Tay (October 18, 2023)
It was earlier reported that Israel bombed the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital located in Gaza City where 800 people are believed killed in that one deadly strike. The supposed strike happened in the evening.
At day break, it became clear that it was the parking lot and not the hospital building itself that was hit. Actually, a misfired missile had slumped onto the parking lot that was launched by a paramilitary organization known as the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
The number of those killed was between 200 and 300, and not 800 as reported. For more information, refer to the Times of Israel article below:
IDF Presents Evidence Misfired Gazans Rocket Caused Hospital Blast, Slams Hamas ‘Lies’

Israel Not Yet Launch Ground Invasion of Gaza But…….
Moses Tay (October 18, 2023)
1) Israel Defense Forces continuous aerial bombardment on the Gaza Strip has killed at least 2,750 Palestinians and wounded more than 9,700.
2) The all-out assault is delayed due to international pressure as 1.1 million Gazans are forced to flee from the north towards the southern territory under horrendous conditions. There is also pressure on Israel to seek the release of the 200 hostages held by Hamas, many of whom are non-Israelis or who hold dual citizenships.
3) President Joe Biden is flying to Israel to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to show U.S. support. He had planned to travel to Jordan for meetings with Arab leaders, but that meeting was canceled even before he arrived in Israel. The reason?
4) Israel bombed the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital located in Gaza City where 800 people are believed killed in that one deadly strike.
5) Thus, the call for war with Israel is breaking out across the Arab world. Mass protests are now taking place in the Middle East and North Africa in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey, Morocco, Iraq, Iran and Yemen. Angry protesters stormed several Israel and US embassies in those nations. Also, hundreds of vehicles are heading to the Kürecik Radar Base in Malatya-Turkey, where US soldiers are stationed.
6) A black flag was seen raised on top of the Razavi Shrine in Mashhad, Khorasan province, Iran. According to Islamic tradition, the flag is a symbol of religious revolt and engagement in battle. Iranian foreign minister warns 'preemptive action' against Israel is expected within hours.
War Between Israel and Iran
We know Israel will go to war with Iran. Israel is worried of Iran developing nuclear warheads which would pose an existential threat to that tiny nation.
Below are prophecies of what is coming:
Prophecy Of Nuclear War coming To Iran
July 26, 2020 Prophecy of a Serious Imminent War Coming Between Israel & Iran

Everyone Wants A Piece Of The Action - The More The Deadlier
Moses Tay (October 12, 2023)
1) It started with Hamas from Gaza Strip attacking Israel. Hamas is the Palestinian government in Gaza, and the territory of Gaza is about 7 by 25 miles with a population of 2.3 million.
2) In response, Israel readies to invade Gaza with 360,000 strong armed forces. In preparation, Israel cut off electric power, water & food supplies to the territory. The Gazans were told to leave the territory. The only way out of there is through the Rafah Border Crossing to Egypt. But Egypt currently refused to open the exit gate.
3) To give support to Hamas, Hezbollah from Lebanon will attack Israel from the north. Hezbollah is a Shia Muslims political & military group fully supported by Iran. It is believed they have up to 200,000 different missiles in its arsenal, including both guided and unguided.
4) To support Israel, the US sends warships (two Aircraft Carrier Strike Groups) to the Eastern Mediterranean off the coast of Israel. A British aircraft carrier is also on the way there.
Other Countries and Entities are Watching
5) The Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) publicly stated this morning "IRGC is ready to go to war with Israel as part of any joint operation with Hezbollah."
6) Yemeni leaders aligned with Iran and in charge of heavily armed groups have threatened to hit U.S. targets (bases) in the region if Washington intervenes to support Israel.
6) Hezbollah in Iraq says our missiles will be directed towards American bases in Iraq if the US intervened in the battle in occupied Palestine.
7) Syrian Arab Army in on standby for full mobilization.
8) The Pakistani Army Chief threatened Israel: "If Israel launches a ground attack on Gaza, Pakistan will provide ballistic missiles to the Palestinians."
More countries will make their decisions known when the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) began ground incursion into Gaza. In the meantime........
Gaza Doctors Issue 'SOS To The Whole World' As US Proposes Evacuation Corridor To Egypt

Egypt says Israel ignored repeated warnings – AP
RT (October 9, 2023) - Egypt warned Israeli officials that Hamas was planning “something big” before the Palestinian militant group launched a major attack at the weekend, an intelligence source in Cairo has told the Associated Press.
The source claimed that despite the warning of trouble brewing in Gaza, Israeli officials instead focused on the West Bank, as most of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government is made up of supporters of West Bank settlers who have demanded a security crackdown in the area.
“We have warned them an explosion of the situation is coming, and very soon, and it would be big. But they underestimated such warnings,” the intelligence source said. Egypt has often served as a mediator between Israel and Hamas.
The AP noted that the Israeli government has also been distracted by rifts over Netanyahu’s controversial judicial overhaul plans. The prime minister reportedly ignored repeated warnings from defense chiefs that the initiative was sowing discord among the Israeli security services.
The situation that unfolded in Gaza has been viewed as a catastrophic failure for Israel’s intelligence services, which were previously believed to have eyes and ears throughout the Palestinian exclave.
Yaakov Amidror, a former security adviser to Netanyahu, told the Times of Israel that “this operation by Hamas actually proves that the intelligence abilities in Gaza were no good.”
Military officials have also admitted that the army must explain to the public how the assault was allowed to take place. However, chief military spokesman Daniel Hagari has insisted that “first, we fight, then we investigate.”
Note: Netanyahu is in the process of forming an emergency unity government with the opposition for the duration of the war.

Former Mossad commander: 'We had no idea what was going on - It was a complete surprise that the war broke out'
warnews247.gr (October 8, 2023) - A former intelligence chief described Saturday's attack by Hamas as a complete surprise for Israel.
Former Mossad chief Ephraim Halevi told CNN that "we had no warning and it was a complete surprise that the war broke out."
He even called "beyond all imagination" what happened with the mass attack of Hamas with rockets against targets in Israel.
“The number of missiles they have launched in less than 24 hours is over 3,000. This is beyond imagination on our part and we didn't know they had this amount of missiles and we certainly didn't expect them to be as effective as they are today," he said.
It was, as he clarified, a "unique attack", in which for the first time Hamas from the Gaza Strip managed to "enter deep into Israel and take control of villages".
"As a business, unfortunately, I think it was extremely successful and well-coordinated ," Halevi said.
He suspects that the rockets were manufactured in the Gaza Strip after being "smuggled by sea" and that Hamas was "probably" able to conduct "test training" without letting Israeli forces discover its plans.
And as he summed it up: "We had no idea what was going on."

Existential Threat To Russia And The Fallacy Of Gregory Weaver
Moses Tay (October 6, 2023)
Existential Threat to Russia
In the past, Russian leaders have repeatedly stated the situations in which nuclear weapons will be used.
During a plenary session of the Valdai Discussion Club in Sochi on October 5, Putin again outlined two reasons for Russia's use of nuclear weapons.
“In Russian military doctrine there are two reasons for the possible use of nuclear weapons. The first is if nuclear weapons are used against us. The second is a threat to the existence of the Russian state even if the threat comes from the use of non-nuclear weapons against Russia.”
Fallacy of Gregory Weaver
[Mr. Gregory Weaver served as a Federal Senior Executive on the US Joint Staff in the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, and at US Strategic Command. In his last government position, he was the principal nuclear, space, cyber, missile defense, and arms control policy, strategy, and plans advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.]
Weaver recently wrote an article entitled: “The urgent imperative to maintain NATO’s nuclear deterrence” which is posted on NATO REVIEW website, linked below:
At the end of his long article, he concluded by saying:
“The bottom line is that European Allies will have to provide more conventional capability more efficiently. And the US needs to provide additional theater nuclear capability. Failing to do both will risk opportunistic aggression in Europe, and a war in which NATO will be more reliant on nuclear weapons against an adversary that has a growing theater nuclear advantage.”
“In the wake of the war in Ukraine, deterring Russian nuclear use is not the place for NATO to take risks. An inability to deter or counter Russian limited theater nuclear use will make both Russian conventional aggression and nuclear escalation against NATO more likely, especially opportunistic aggression by Russia.”
There are two fallacies in Weaver’s conclusions.
1) His suggestion that NATO must increase military buildup close to Russia’s border is what Russia has been warning they should not do. Worst, providing additional theater nuclear capability in Europe will surely aggravate tension and anger the Russians. So, he wants to do that?
2) He sees the need to deter Russian limited theater nuclear use, that is, Russia will only engage in nuclear war with NATO within the boundaries of Europe. He does not believe that limited nuclear use could lead to uncontrolled escalation to a wider war. He holds to the notion that the US is immune to overseas wars. He is mistaken this time around. Truth is when Russia goes nuclear; Russia will also strike the US continent.
With people like Gregory Weaver who holds these views and is an adviser to the upper echelon of US & NATO military leaders, no wonder nuclear war is inevitable.

Putin said that it is time for the West to get rid of arrogance and rudeness
Regnum.ru (October 5, 2023) - The United States and the West are behaving boorishly, in the spirit of colonial thinking, but this era is over, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on October 5, speaking at the plenary session of the 20th meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club in Sochi.
“They don’t just set such arbitrary rules, but also teach who should fulfill them and how, who should behave in general and how. This is all done and said, as a rule, in an openly boorish manner. This is the same manifestation of colonial thinking,” he said.
Putin emphasized that the era of colonial rule of the West over other states has already ended and it cannot be returned. He called on Western countries to see this.
The Russian leader noted that Western policies led to wars, and now this has become especially dangerous, since humanity has acquired means capable of destroying the entire planet.

Speaker of the US House of Representative Removed
Moses Tay (October 4, 2023)
The Speaker of the US House of Representative Kevin McCarthy (R-California) was voted out of his job yesterday. It was the first time in US history that a Speaker was removed.
Should President Biden have to step down in an emergency, the House Speaker is second in line to replace him after the Vice President (Kamala Harris). The speakership is currently vacant. If there is no House Speaker, the president pro tempore of the Senate will be next in line.
Matt Gaetz of Florida, a fellow Republican was at the forefront pushing to oust McCarthy. Why? Among other things, Matt Gaetz is very worried about:
i) The current US debt of 33 Trillion dollars.
ii) McCarthy continues to compromise with the Democrats to give more money to Ukraine.
iii) Global de-dollarization of the US dollar as the BRICS nations is moving away from the dollar.
So, Matt Gaetz is very worried of losing the dollar…….
That the world no longer trusts the dollar.
That the world no longer wants the dollar.
That the world is in the process of dumping the dollar.
Are you concern?
Matt Gaetz speaking to the media:
We have been forewarned:

Ukrainian Sources Report One Million Dead Thus Far in Conflict with Russia
TheIntelDrop (October 2, 2023) - According to the Dnepropetrovsk funeral home, about 22 thousand Ukrainian military personnel have been buried in the city since February last year. In two dozen regions of the country, according to reports, the bodies of 400-500 thousand Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers were buried.
In addition to this, the casualties include missing persons. The deaths of many of these people were not included in hospital records and therefore were not officially recorded. Also, the lists of those killed at the front will not include military personnel who met their death in the rear.
Thus, the total irretrievable losses of the Ukrainian army amount to up to 800 thousand people. Together with those who left the battlefield without permission and various types of malingerers, this number can reach about 1 million people.

Medvedev warned the world that Britain and Germany are "pushing us towards a third world war"
avia.pro (October 1, 2023) - Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev spoke about recent international events that could have a significant impact on the geopolitical situation in Europe. The main emphasis in his statements was on Britain’s intention to deploy its military on the territory of Ukraine for the purpose of training fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU).
In addition, Medvedev responded to an unexpected statement from the Bundestag, which emphasized “Kyiv’s right to strike at Russian territory.” This statement raised serious concerns in the Russian government regarding the real intentions of its Western partners.
“Still, these idiots (or nincompoop) are actively pushing us towards a third world war ,” Medvedev made such a concerned statement.
The Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council expressed concern that such steps and rhetoric on the part of Western countries could lead to further aggravation of relations and, as a result, to serious international conflicts.
Russia has long expressed its concerns about the active military intervention of Western countries in the affairs of Ukraine. The UK's decision to send its instructors to train the Ukrainian military, as well as provocative statements from Germany, are heightening fears of a possible escalation of tensions in the region.

The Straw That Broke The Camel’s Back
Moses Tay (September 25, 2023)
“The straw that broke the camel’s back” - it’s an Arabic proverb about how a camel is loaded beyond its strength to move or stand. It’s a reference to a situation that suffered a breakdown when the limit of endurance or the capacity to manage is breached. A single (last) straw brought about the dire consequence.
NATO Piling Weight on Russia
After 18 months of war in Ukraine, NATO has admitted Ukraine is losing and Russia is winning. However, just to be clear, Russia is only winning the war inside Ukraine. In the current situation it would be good for NATO to seek a diplomatic solution to the conflict. Instead, NATO decided to up the ante by supplying longer-range cruise missiles in order that Ukraine could hit deep inside Russian territories.
The Ukrainian Armed Forces had received and will continue to receive a significant number of longer-range missiles from:
a) British and French - Storm Shadow (British) and SCALP-EG (French) are long-range cruise missiles with stealth capabilities, jointly developed by the UK and France. The missiles have a range of 250-400 km, three times as far as Ukraine's existing missile capacities. The missiles were being integrated into Ukrainian Russian-made warplanes such as the SU-24.
b) A few days ago Biden had informed Zelensky that the US will supply advanced ATACMS (Army Tactical Missile Systems) missiles to Ukraine very soon. The missile has a range of up 300 km.
c) Germany - TAURUS long-range cruise missiles will be given to Ukraine in the near future. The missile has a range of up to 500 km.
With the supplied longer-range weapons, and assistance from US Boeing P-8 Poseidon aircraft providing aerial reconnaissance and targeting, Ukraine so far succeeded in hitting important Russian assets in the Crimean peninsula.
1) On September 13, Ukraine struck the Sevastopol naval base with Storm Shadow missiles damaging the Russian Landing Ship "Minsk" and the submarine "Rostov-on-Don."
2) On September 15, a second unit of the Russian S-400 missile defense system was partially destroyed near Olenivka, Crimea.
3) On September 22, Russian Black Sea Fleet Naval HQ in Sevastopol was attacked by SCALP-EG cruise missiles. Ukraine said that 9 military officers were killed and 16 were injured. The top floors of the building were split into half.
It is obvious a new stage of the war in Ukraine has begun.
Russia Will Strike Back at NATO
Some people are flabbergasted at the Russians, particularly at Putin, for putting up with NATO’s shenanigans. Within Russian society, voices are growing calling for the leadership to issue at ultimatum to NATO to stop further strikes on Russian territories. Many past red lines issued by Russia have been crossed. As matters appear, it does not seem NATO will halt further attack. On the contrary, they seem to enjoy provoking until Russia capitulates.
Will Russia capitulate? No, Russia will strike back, hard.
We have been given inside information that Russia will retaliate against the US, France and the UK with massive nuclear strikes. For Russia, it will be “do it right the first time.”

Scott Ritter: Russian Commander in Zaporizhzhya Is Superior to Any American General – It's All Over for Ukraine
warnews247.gr (September 23, 2023) - The Ukrainians are not going to win and that's because the Russians leave them no chance of victory, says former US intelligence officer (CIA) and former UN weapons inspector, Scott Ritter.
In his statements on the American show The Jimmy Dore Show, Ritter claims that "the Russian army is under the leadership of the best officers in the world."
“General Romanchuk (commander of the Russian Armed Forces group in the direction of Zaporizhia) is superior to any American general."
"The same goes for the rest of the Russian generals. They are well trained, the army has excellent weapons, excellent leadership and motivation."
"The Ukrainians have no chance of defeating Russia on the battlefield," argued Ritter, who emphasized that it was precisely because of the exceptional leadership of the Russian military that it was possible to create such a strong defense that the Ukrainians never managed to break through, despite the huge losses they suffered.
"The Ukrainians did not even manage to break through the first line of defense."
"You must understand that behind the first line there is a second, third and fourth line. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are still ahead of the first. They have already lost everything."
"It's all over for Ukraine," Ritter argued.

Europe demanded to get rid of von der Leyen ("won-der Liar"), who accused Russia of bombing Hiroshima
FederalPress.ru (September 22, 2023) - The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, is trying to manipulate public opinion by shifting the blame for the nuclear bombing of Japanese cities to Russia. This was stated by the French politician, leader of the Patriots party, Florian Philippot.
“This cliche' is terrible, we need to get rid of it,” Filippo said.
On September 21, the head of the EC at the Euro-Atlantic Union awards ceremony praised the Japanese Prime Minister for the fight against Russia. Ursula von der Leyen noted that relatives of the head of the Japanese government died in Hiroshima during the American nuclear bombing of the city in 1945, and blamed Russia for dropping the atomic bomb.
The French politician explained that in this way the EU leadership is trying to manipulate the crowd, making people believe that Russia, and not the United States, threw an atom bomb on Hiroshima.
Filippo called von der Leyen's statement completely unacceptable.

“Catastrophic losses”: Ukrainian cemeteries shocked a Kyiv political scientist
politnavigator.net (September 18, 2023) - Losses in Ukraine as a result of the war are much greater than the official authorities say. In addition, there are still a large number of missing people, the number of which is unknown.
Kiev political scientist Konstantin Bondarenko stated this in an interview with journalist Alexander Shelest, the PolitNavigator correspondent reports.
According to the expert, Ukraine is faced with a demographic catastrophe due to a colossal population decline.
“To listen to Ukrainian officials that we have minimal losses is not to respect yourself. The authorities could be more honest with their citizens, and not feed them fairy tales. Drive through populated areas, see cemeteries. How many more missing people do we have and what is the ratio of missing to dead?
It is known that it is very profitable to register a person as missing, because you do not have to pay his family and so on. That is, we really find ourselves facing a demographic catastrophe, and many people want this demographic catastrophe to worsen,” Bondarenko said.

US pursing war against Russia: Lavrov says on long-range missiles supplies to Ukraine
AlarabiyaNews (September 17, 2023) - The US is pursuing a war against Russia by supplying weapons to Ukraine as Washington controls the military actions of Kyiv, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.
“No matter what it says, the US controls this war. It supplies weapons, munition, intelligence information, and data from satellites. It is pursuing a war against us,” Lavrov said commenting on potential supplies of longer-range missiles to Ukraine by the US.
Lavrov added that possible supplies of longer-range missiles to Kyiv by Western countries will not change the essence of what is going on in Ukraine.
“The fact that it will not change the essence of what is going on in Ukraine is obvious. While what is going on is that Ukraine has been prepared, has long been prepared for inflicting strategic defeat to Russia using its hands and its bodies,” he said according to state news agency TASS.

Another Russian S-400 In Crimea Taken Out
Moses Tay (September 15, 2023)
Coming on the heels of a successful strike on two Russian naval assets, the Landing Ship "Minsk" and the submarine "Rostov-on-Don" in Sevastopol naval base two days ago, Ukraine continues to strike big, this time they managed to destroy the Russian S-400 Triumf missile defense system located at Yevpatoriya, a city about 70 km to the north of Sevastopol.
This was the second unit of the S-400 system that was destroyed. Back in August this year, Ukraine took out the highly-prized state-of-the-art air defense systems with a Neptune missile near Olenivka, Crimea.
According to a US think tank, the Institute for the Study of War, there seems to be a 'systemic tactical failures' with the Russia's air defenses in Crimea, as reported by the Business Insider:
Ukrainian officials said that the R-360 Neptune missile, normally an anti-ship weapon, has been reconfigured to strike targets on land. Neptune's design is based on the original Soviet Kh-35 subsonic anti-ship missile, with substantially improved range.

British cruise missiles were used in significant Ukrainian attack on Russian submarine
Sky News (September 13, 2023) - Ukraine used British cruise missiles in a significant attack against the headquarters of Russia's Black Sea Fleet in occupied Crimea, Sky News understands.
A Russian submarine and warship were damaged in the pre-dawn barrage on the Sevastopol shipyard - potentially the largest strike against Russian naval targets of the war.
A Ukrainian and a Western source said that British Storm Shadow cruise missiles were deployed.
Images on social media captured explosions and flames ripping through the shipyard against a night sky in the very early hours of Wednesday morning.
Russia said 10 cruise missiles were fired against the facility, with seven being shot down by air defences. It said an attack by three unmanned boats was also thwarted.
Ukraine confirmed it struck Russian naval targets and port infrastructure in the city of Sevastopol, which was annexed by Russia in 2014, but has not officially said how.
However, Lieutenant General Mykola Oleschuk, the head of the Ukrainian Air Force, posted an image on his Telegram channel of the burning shipyard, with the caption: "And while the occupiers are 'storming' and they are still recovering from the night cotton in Sevastopol, thank you to the pilots of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for their excellent combat work!"
The UK gave Storm Shadow missiles to Ukraine's armed forces earlier in the year. They are able to be fired by Ukrainian aircraft, with a range of more than 150 miles.
France has also supplied the Ukrainian military with cruise missiles.
"It was Storm Shadow," one of the sources said.
Britain's Ministry of Defence has not yet made a comment.
Admiral Sir Ben Key, the head of the Royal Navy, was asked about the Sevastopol attack during a speech at an arms fair in London.
He did not talk about any specifics and was not asked about the potential involvement of missiles given by the UK, but he said: "The Ukrainians are demonstrating what can be done through innovative thought processes and a willingness to take risk."
"As we have seen in a number of various areas, some really significant adaptations of tactics, techniques and capabilities in order to try and generate a capability advantage over the Russians and I really applaud that."
This is the first known successful attack against a Russian submarine of the war.
Note: Credit where credit is due to the British “Storm Shadow” strikes on very important Russian assets. This episode is like James Bond 007 movie. Anyway, the Russians will take revenge. It is foreknown that they will launch nuclear strikes on France, and within seconds afterwards will strike the UK also.

Ukrainians Caught Trying to Sabotage Russian Nuke Plant; Putin says "Trained by British" - for whom "There will be consequences"
HalTurnerRadioShow (September 12, 2023) - Vladimir Putin today warned Britain of 'serious consequences' and said Prime Minister Rishi Sunak 'doesn't understand' the risks after the UK's special forces tried to disrupt Russian nuclear power plants.
President Putin said that Britain's elite forces were training Ukrainian troops on how to damage atomic power plants in Russia.
The Russian President declared dire consequences for the UK while admitting his words would be interpreted as 'nuclear blackmail.'
Putin claimed during a speech at an economic forum in the far eastern city of Vladivostok, that Russia's FSB security service had interrogated a Ukrainian team caught operating inside Russia.
"It turned out to be a sabotage group of Ukrainian special services," he said.
"Interrogation showed they had been tasked to damage one of our nuclear stations by exploding a power line... to damage the work of the power plant. And this is not the first attempt."
He alleged: "During interrogation, they admitted they were trained under supervision of British instructors. Do the British understand what they are playing with, or not?"
"Are they provoking our response at Ukrainian nuclear sites, nuclear stations, or what?"
"Does the British leadership, or Prime Minister Rishi Sunak know what their special services are engaged with in Ukraine?"
"Or do they have no clue at all? I assume this is possible, too. I assume it is possible British special services act on the orders of the Americans. Either way, we know the final beneficiary."

Medvedev's shock proposal: Russia should break diplomatic relations with the EU
warnews247.gr (September 12, 2023) - The severing of diplomatic relations between Russia and the EU in response to the European decision to ban the entry of Russian citizens into the EU with everyday, personal items was requested by the vice-chairman of the Security Council of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev.
According to Medvedev, it is a decision that "spits in the face" of every Russian citizen.
“What should we do about it?
Certainly not to impose anti-retaliatory restrictions on EU citizens. We are not racists, unlike many heads of state, whose relatives served in Adolf Hitler Nazi SS.
Moreover, those Europeans who travel here, usually have the love and appreciation of Russia. It would simply be better to cut off diplomatic relations with the EU for a while.
And let's call back our diplomatic staff" says Medvedev, referring to the Commission's decision to ban the import of cars, smartphones, suitcases, shampoo and other items into the EU from Russia, even if they are for strictly personal use.
Second class citizens
According to Medvedev, European leaders, the "honest bosses in Brussels" told all Russians that they are second class citizens.
"And the EU's decision is clearly not a simple punishment for what Brussels sees as a criminal and aggressive regime in the Kremlin."
"It's nothing more than a spit in the face of every citizen of Russia," Medvedev stressed, proposing to break off Russia's diplomatic relations with the EU, as only such a decision could really cause fear in Brussels officials.
Note: It looks like its inevitable.

Russia 'doesn’t need' Western-promoted pride agenda, says Lavrov
TASS (September 9, 2023) - Russia can do without the values promoted by Western countries at their "pride marches" in their capitals, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday.
"These Western values…...... if we can call these pride parades in European capitals as such; if they want to force these values on Orthodox Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, or Hindus, then we don’t need any of this. Let them amuse themselves and leave us alone," he said at a meeting with representatives from the Soviet and Russian Alumni Association of Bangladesh at the Russian Embassy in that country.
"They are doing this aggressively. This is what distinguishes Western democracies from other countries," Lavrov stressed.
Note: Russia prefers "humility walk" rather than "pride marches." Pride goes before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall (Proverbs 16:18).

China is moving tank units and MLRS to the Fuzhou port area, creating the threat of a direct strike
avia.pro (September 9, 2023) - According to incoming data, China is actively transferring tank units and multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) to the Fuzhou port area. This port is the closest to Taiwan, which raises concerns in the context of possible tensions between China and Taiwan.
Satellite images obtained in recent days show a significant increase in military activity in the area. Military experts note that such a build-up of forces can be both a demonstration of force and real preparation for any action.
Among other things, residents of China report that tanks are being actively deployed here, for which rail transport is mainly used. Current information is confirmed by video footage.

Nuclear war is the 'inevitable' conclusion of the Ukrainian invasion, warns Russian general who wrote the nation's 'war bible'
Mail Online (September 5, 2023) - Nuclear war is the 'inevitable' conclusion of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, a Russian general who wrote the nation's 'war bible' has warned.
The chilling forecast came from retired Major General Alexander Vladimirov, who penned Russia's three volume book called the 'General Theory of War'.
'For the transition to the use of weapons of mass destruction, only one thing is needed - a political decision by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief [Vladimir Putin],' the veteran commander warned in an interview with journalist Vladislav Shurygin.
'The sooner our politicians and leadership realise this, the sooner we start to train troops and the population for this - the more chances we will have for survival, which means victory.'
In Vladimirov's 2013 book, the retired Major General argues that there has been a transition from the traditional theory of war - where there was a distinction between peace and war - to a permanent state of war which is characterised by constant fear and insecurity.
During his interview, Vladimirov, 78, said training of troops was vital so they have the 'ability to wage war under the conditions of the use of weapons of mass destruction'.
His book has key lessons for Russians, he said.
'If you want peace - fight until you win,' he said. 'If you want a long and strong peace, bury the hatchet on the territory of the enemy along with him.
'So, we need to be prepared. Prepare the Army, the State, the Economy and the population of the country.'

The US is moving into a hot phase of confrontation with the Russian Federation - expert
politnavigator.net (September 3, 2023) - The United States is beginning to coordinate the strikes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the "old" regions of Russia, which indicates Washington's readiness to move on to a heated confrontation with Russia.
Military expert Alexander Artamonov stated this in an interview with Israeli journalist Alexander Waldman, the PolitNavigator correspondent reports.
“Before the launch of the drones, presumably from the territory of northern Poland or Lithuania, American aircraft were visible in the air, which carried out aerial reconnaissance. They went to land at the moment the drones were launched,” he noted.
“That is, according to some indirect data, the United States is moving to a hot phase, so far in a veiled manner. Because they are no longer using Ripper-class unmanned vehicles, but it seems that they are already directly coordinating strike activities on Russian territory,” Artamonov concluded.

Missile system "Sarmat" put on combat duty
Moses Tay (September 1, 2023)
The Russian strategic missile system RS-28 Sarmat a heavy intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) was put on combat duty. This was announced by the general director of the state corporation "Roscosmos" Yuri Borisov, reports RIA Novosti.
Nicknamed “Satan-2” or “weapon of nuclear hell,” its large payload allows for up to 10 MIRVs warheads each with a capacity of between 150 to 300 kilotons.
The total destructive power of each missile could be up to 500 times over what was dropped on Hiroshima. It could possibly destroy the US state of Texas or France in one strike.
It has the following characteristics:
(i) Weigh 200 ton with throw weight of 10 ton
(ii) Short boast phase making it difficult to be intercepted
(iii) It will travel at hypersonic speed of up to Mach 15
(iv) With a range of 6,200-11,180 miles (10,000-18,000 kilometers) it will be able to hit target anywhere in the world flying over the North or South Poles
(v) The only missile in the world with ability to constantly change its altitude & direction in flight. Thus, it can easily evade the US Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense systems
Not a single enemy anti-missile system, whether existing or prospective, will be able to intercept the Sarmat: The missile will not care whether there is such a system or not.
It is said that it takes the Sarmat only 1-2 minutes to strike Berlin, Paris and London; and about 15 minutes to hit Washington.
The missile is the mainstay of the Strategic Missile Force’s silo-based ICBM force.

Destruction in Kiev: Huge landslide revealed the number of dead Ukrainians - They exceed 400,000!
warnews247.gr (September 1, 2023) - In a promotional video posted on TikTok this week, Ukrainian mobile phone company Kyivstar calls on its subscribers to thank the soldiers who lost their lives in the (NATO) war against Russia.
They should just sent the word "thank you" to the number of Ukrainian soldiers who have died since then. The advertising text, however, set the whole country on fire, as it revealed what many believed to be the real number of Ukrainian victims:
"400,000 heroes will never be able to answer the call and message."
After the message gained attention on the internet, Kyivstar deleted the video, as there must have been intervention from Zelensky's side or above.
Russian commentators saw this as an indication of the truly irreparable losses the Ukrainian military had suffered since the start of the Russian special operation on February 24, 2022. Since the actual losses of the Ukrainian army are kept in strict secrecy, the accidental "slip" of the mobile operator could shed some light on the matter.
Note: To put the 400,000 casualties in perspective:
(a) In 20 years of US war in Vietnam 58,220 US military died, and 1.1 million North Vietnamese and Viet Cong fighters died
(b) In 20 years of US war in Afghanistan 2,402 US military dead, and 121,988 Afghans military dead
(c) In 8 years of US war in Iraq 4,431 US military died, and 22,000 Iraqi combat death

Saudi Arabia Joining BRICS
Moses Tay (August 25, 2023)
On the last day of the BRICS Summit 2023 in Johannesburg, BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) announced six new members will officially join the group on January 1, 2024. They are Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Argentina, Egypt and Ethiopia.
The combined population of the eleven nations will account for 46% of the world population. Their aggregated gross domestic product will total 37% of the global GDP in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP). This surpasses the G7’s (United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom) GDP of 30.7%. Also, it is estimated that 80% of the global oil and gas productions are located in the BRICS nations.
What the West fear most is that BRICS encourages the use of local currencies in international trade and financial transactions between members of the group as well as with trading partners outside the group. This policy is a direct challenge to the US dollar hegemony, and would benefit everyone and secure the independence of those countries. Many want to regain their sovereignty since the dollar as the world primary reserve currency has been weaponized by the US.
At this year’s Summit there was (as yet) no discussion of creating a BRICS currency to rival the US dollar. Nevertheless, central banks can begin dumping their dollar reserves which they hold. In fact, the process of de-dollarization has already started. President Putin asserted, “The objective process of de-dollarization is gaining momentum, and it is irreversible.”
What or which currency will replace the US dollar is uncertain. However, what is certain is that the process of de-dollarization will eventually collapsed the US dollar as the greenback returns to the US in waves. The dreadful scene of the day it happened was revealed by Jehovah God to Pastor Shane Warren in a vision in 2012. In the vision, he was shown the US dollar bills falling down from the sky like abundant rain, and they are worthless as waste papers [Watch video clip of the vision below].
Before the collapse occurs, Pastor Warren was shown a group of world leaders in a meeting discussing the issue of what currency to adopt as a common currency among them. He saw the leaders of Russia, China, Iran, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, among others, who were gathered in the room. Initially, it was difficult to believe that Iran & Saudi Arabia were among them since these two nations were bitter rivals for decades. However, they have since reconciled in March 2023, thanks to the mediation effort of China.
The important point to highlight is the role of Saudi Arabia. The US dollar was chosen as the world reserve currency back in 1944, and it was peg to gold, that is, US$35 is worth an ounce of gold, back then. In 1971, the US cancelled that arrangement to curb inflation and prevent foreign nations from overburdening the system by redeeming their dollars for gold.
Then in 1973, the US made a deal with Saudi Arabia, the world largest exporter of crude oil, in which the pricing and trading of it is in US dollars. With this arrangement, any country that purchased oil from Saudi Arabia would have to use dollars. This led many other oil-producing countries to also standardize oil prices in US dollars – and the petrodollar system was born.
Due to the petrodollar arrangement, Saudi Arabia has been a strong ally of the US but in recent years the relationship has been strained over a number of issues. Now the Saudis are feeling less and less retrained in seeking rapprochement with other super powers such as China and Russia even as their trust and dependence on the US is eroding.
What event, should there be a specific event that will trigger the collapse of the US dollar, we have to wait to see. Certainly, the collapse is on the horizon as the key players are being assembled who had a hand in bringing it down, just as Jehovah God had shown to His servants.
Vision of Shane Warren:

Putin declared the irreversibility of the process of de-dollarization in the BRICS
Lenta.ru (August 22, 2023) - In the BRICS (Brazil , Russia , India , China and South Africa ), an irreversible process of de-dollarization is gaining momentum, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.
Speaking at the BRICS summit via videoconference, the politician specified that this process is irreversible. As the head of state specified, the community countries are launching new infrastructure and investment projects. Trade exchanges between them are growing, branch contacts are expanding, he pointed out.
“The irreversible, objective process of de-dollarization is gaining momentum,” the president stressed. He specified that the parties cooperate on the principles of equality, partnership support, and respect for each other's interests."
Earlier, Putin said that the US used the dollar in international finance as an instrument of political struggle.

China Rapidly Building Airstrip On Disputed Island Close To Vietnam
ZeroHedge (August 21, 2023) - China is continuing to militarize disputed islands it has long exercised effective control over in the South China Sea, according to new satellite images.
The images, taken by Planet Labs PBC in early August, show fresh construction on Triton Island the westernmost island of the Paracel Islands close to Vietnam (and which are claimed by both Vietnam and Taiwan). What has regional and US officials alarmed is the large airstrip which appears to be progressing at rapid pace.
China has over the past years used both artificial islands as well as expanding military bases on the tiny land masses in the waters to extend its maritime claims, butting up against that of American allies in the region like the Philippines or unrecognized Taiwan.
The Chinese military has also repeatedly charged that the US Navy has 'frequently' deployed warships in the South China Sea to "show off its force and severely infringe upon China's sovereignty and security interests."
The Pentagon response has typically been that it's conducting peaceful 'freedom of navigation' operations to ensure adversaries adhere to international law for open waters.
The US also rejects Chinese claims of ownership over disputed island chain which are now becoming de facto PLA military outposts. Many of the islands have been under Chinese military control since at least the 1970s.

Much-Hyped Western Equipment Proven Ineffective in Real Combat, Shoigu Affirms
Sputnik (August 14, 2023) - The US-led West's much-touted weapons have not lived up to their hype, and can't make the grade in real combat, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Monday.
"The West's widely-advertised technology has in fact turned out to be far from flawless. You can see this just for yourselves by looking at the exposition of captured weapons," Shoigu stated at the opening of the 9th international military-technical forum, Army-2023.
The ARMY-2023 exhibition is being held for the 9th time, and is running during the week of August 14-20. The expo has put out on display Russian military equipment, including the latest developments and those proven effective in the special military operation. In addition, Russian Defense Ministry will present captured equipment supplied by NATO to Ukraine.

Putin’s Excessive Caution Is Leading Directly to WW III
Paul Craig Roberts (August 9, 2023)
After 18 months of an ever widening war, Putin is still unable to recognize the failure of his “limited military operation.” Far from convincing Washington that his interests are limited to protecting the Russian people in former Russian territory who were dumped by Soviet leaders into the Ukraine province of the Soviet Union, Putin has convinced Washington that Russia is weak and that he is irresolute.
The consequence has been an ever widening war and a massive expansion of NATO on Russia’s northwestern border with the addition of Finland and Sweden to NATO. And now Putin’s hesitancy, which seems permanent, is bringing him the occupation of western Ukraine by the Polish army.
Russian Defense Minister Shoigu has shown no brilliance in the campaign either, but he now recognizes the failure of the “limited military operation” to protect Russia’s security and to keep NATO’s presence from increasing on Russia’s borders.
Today Shoigu said that Poland is preparing a pretext to occupy western Ukraine. As Ukraine has run out of troops, Poland is moving in. Washington won’t call it an invasion.
Shoigu went further, whether with Putin’s approval or as a criticism of the failed “limited military operation” I cannot say. At today’s meeting of the board of the military department, Shoigu said: “In the western and northwestern strategic directions, the threats to the military security of Russia have increased manifold.” He said that Finland and Sweden’s accession into NATO is a “serious destabilizing factor.” Shoigu pointed out that since the beginning of the “limited military operation” NATO formations have increased 2.5 times.
This is hardly a picture of success, so why is Putin sticking with a failed policy? With the failure of the Ukrainian counterattack and decimation of the Ukrainian army, now is the time for the Russian offensive. But there is no sign of it.
US Col. Douglas Macgregor has concluded that Putin is actually holding back a Russian advance, wasting precious time before the rainy season begins. From a military standpoint, it is mindless for Putin to let pass the opportunity to strike his devastated opponent and bring the conflict to a quick end before Washington can further escalate the conflict. Instead, Putin is providing Poland the opportunity to move into Western Ukraine. It seems obvious that this will result in a wider and more dangerous combat.
Col. Macgregor now agrees with what I have been saying for 18 months, that Putin is perceived in the West as irresolute and can be defeated or at least discredited in Russia as a failed war leader. As I have stressed, this is a very dangerous perception. Provocations of Russia will increase to a point where war will break out.
Note: The US will place the last straw that "will break the camel's back." Then, the camel (Russia) will launch a massive nuclear strike on the US continent as surely as day follows night.

“We turned Ukraine into a cemetery”: American colonel was shocked by the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
rusvesna.su (August 6, 2023) - Since the beginning of the conflict with Russia, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have lost 400,000 soldiers, while NATO continues to push the Ukrainian Armed Forces to a suicidal offensive, Colonel Douglas McGregor, a former adviser to the head of the Pentagon, claims in an interview with journalist Jackson Hinkle.
“I just received aerial surveillance footage from Ukraine and these photos show 123,000 freshly dug graves,” the expert said.
According to him, the current counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is a massive failure that did nothing for the Kyiv regime. He accused the West and NATO of forcing Ukrainians to fight in conditions similar to World War II, which led to such a large number of casualties.
“We have turned Ukraine into a cemetery. The Ukrainian army has turned into cannon fodder. And we tell them: get out, start this attack, take a few kilometers of terrain, this will show NATO and our donors that you are still alive. This is madness. It is pointless. And people in Washington and in the capitals of NATO countries are inhumane,”summed up the former adviser.

NATO warehouses are empty: the West began supplying 2023 ammunition to Ukraine
avia.pro (August 3, 2023) - Ammunition of 2023 release began to arrive in Ukraine. This indicates that the NATO countries have completely run out of ammunition of a certain type and caliber. At the moment, it is known that Spain began the supply of "fresh" ammunition - shells of 2023 were seen at the Armed Forces of Ukraine a few days ago.
According to experts, given the size of the Spanish army, only a small amount of 155-millimeter ammunition remained in service with the latter, probably it does not exceed 100 thousand units. This fact indicates that the warehouses of the Spanish Ministry of Defense are almost completely empty. A similar situation is likely to be observed in other countries, since during the conflict millions of shells were transferred to Ukraine, the replenishment of which will take the Alliance at least 5-7 years. Even the increased production of these shells indicates that the supply of this kind of ammunition to Ukraine will become extremely rare.
Given the critical shortage of artillery ammunition, NATO is unlikely to be able to support Kyiv for more than 6-9 months, in connection with which the Armed Forces of Ukraine are actively pushing for a counteroffensive and inciting NATO allies to develop so-called peace treaties.
Note: It seems Russia's objective of the Special Military Operation not only to demilitarize Ukraine but also the demilitarization of NATO.

Russia does not want to live by the rules of the West - Peskov
rusvesna.su (August 2, 2023) - The collective West prefers not to adhere to international law, but to establish rules, Russia and many other countries of the world do not want to live by those rules, Dmitry Peskov, the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation, told reporters.
“There is a violation of international law all the time. And the collective West prefers not to adhere to international law, but to make rules. And just by these rules, we, and many other countries of the world do not want to live. This is why such a breakdown is taking place, we need to gravitate more towards international law. Everything we do here is entirely based on international law.
We have repeatedly argued our point of view and will continue to do so,” Peskov said.

Biden may start ‘World War III’ – Oliver Stone
The Intel Drop (July 29, 2023) - US President Joe Biden is following a “suicidal” course in Ukraine and may drag the US “stupidly into a confrontation” with Russia, acclaimed director Oliver Stone said during a recent podcast appearance.
Speaking on an episode of British commentator Russell Brand’s ‘Stay Free’ podcast released on Friday, Stone blamed the conflict in Ukraine on the “neoconservative movement who started the war in Iraq,” and who still occupy prominent positions in Biden’s government.
“Biden is an old Cold Warrior, and he really hates the old Soviet Union which he confounds again with the Russian Federation, which today is no longer communist,” Stone continued. “It seems that he’s dragging us stupidly into a confrontation with a power that is not going to give. This is Russia’s borders. This is their world. This is NATO going into Ukraine. This is a whole other story.”
Stone revealed that he voted for Biden in 2020, a decision that he now considers a mistake.
"I was thinking he was an old man now that he would calm down, that he would be more mellow and so forth,” Stone said, adding that he now sees “a man who maybe is not in charge of his own administration. Who knows?”
Back in 2016, Stone produced a documentary, ‘Ukraine on Fire’, explaining the role of the US in the 2014 overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically-elected president, Viktor Yanukovich. The film was highly critical of NATO’s eastward expansion, the US’ sponsorship of Ukrainian neo-Nazis, and the war on Donetsk and Lugansk waged by Yanukovich’s US-backed successor, Pyotr Poroshenko.
The Euromaidan coup, he told Brand, “was a very deep plan to penetrate the Russian Federation.”
Stone has repeatedly expressed this sentiment in the years since ‘Ukraine on Fire’ was released.
“Since 2014, Ukraine was no longer neutral but anti-Russian, and that’s what disrupted the balance,” he told the Serbian daily Politika in December, adding that “every war has causes and consequences.”
Though Stone was a vocal critic of former President Donald Trump and voted for his Democratic opponent in 2020, his views on the Ukraine conflict align with Trump’s. The former president and 2024 Republican frontrunner has also named the same neoconservatives as key architects of the conflict, while accusing Biden of dragging the US into “a third world war.”

US military power is just a myth - ex-MI6 agent
rusvesna.su (July 29, 2023) - A former MI6 intelligence agent, Alastair Crooke in an interview with Judge Napolitano of Judging Freedom, called the US actions in Ukraine a failure. In his opinion, the lack of ammunition is due to the fact that the West again did not think about the consequences and rushed into battle, armed only with its own enthusiasm.
America has run out of artillery shells to supply to Ukraine, and Admiral Kirby, a spokesman for the US National Security Council, admits that they sent cluster munitions instead.
Alastair Crooke commented that the US is being fully exposed in Ukraine. The failure of weapons systems that promised to bring dramatic changes. The failure of theory, the failure of real actions, sending Ukrainians in tanks to minefields.
"And what we heard about the shortage of ammunition shows... You know, people go for it and don't think about it. We don't think about the next step. Has anyone wondered what would happen if the Russians defeated us in the conflict in Ukraine? What will be the consequences for the West? I doubt it. They just get down to business with great enthusiasm and their agenda. And the agenda is everything. Oh, we are the West, we cannot lose.” said Crooke.

Ex-CIA analyst Johnson predicted the collapse of NATO after the victory of Russia in Ukraine
News Front (July 29, 2023) - The victory of Russian forces in the Ukrainian conflict is inevitable. It will lead to the fact that NATO will cease to exist in its current form. This was stated by ex-CIA analyst Larry Johnson in an interview with former British MP and head of the Workers' Party of Great Britain George Galloway on his YouTube channel.
“What horrifies most of the West is that Russia will win, not if it wins. And when it wins, it will pose an existential threat to NATO. The alliance will probably cease to exist as we know it,” said former CIA analyst Larry Johnson.
The expert claims that after winning the conflict, Russia will control the entire territory of Ukraine, located east of the Dnieper, and will return Odessa to itself.
“It is time for the world to come to terms with this, because as soon as Ukraine falls apart, the next one will most likely be the collapse of NATO,” the specialist concluded.

Russia writes off Africa's $23bn debts - Putin
rusvesna.su (July 28, 2023) - Russia has written off debts to African countries totaling $23 billion.
This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin today at the plenary session of the Russia-Africa summit.
In the near future, more than $90 million will be allocated for these purposes, he said.
“Russia is participating in efforts to alleviate the debt burden of African countries. To date, the total amount of debt we have written off is $23 billion. At the latest requests from African countries, we will allocate more than $90 million for these purposes,” the Russian leader said.

Russia will supply hundreds of thousands of tons of grain to African countries for free - Putin
rusvesna.su (July 27, 2023) - In the next 3-4 months, Russia will supply African countries with hundreds of thousands of tons of grain free of charge. This was stated by President Vladimir Putin, speaking at the Russia-Africa forum.
Russia is ready to supply Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe, Mali, Somalia, Central African Republic, Eritrea with 25-50 thousand tons of grain free of charge and ensure free delivery of these products to the consumer, the Russian leader specified. Russia is ready to replace the countries of the African continent with Ukrainian grain, especially against the backdrop of record harvests, the president added.
On Russia's withdrawal from the grain deal
Putin explained why in mid-July Moscow refused to extend the so-called grain deal agreement between Russia, Ukraine, the United Nations, and Turkey.
“In fact, nothing happened from what we discussed and what we were promised. None of the terms of the deal regarding the withdrawal from sanctions of Russian exports of grain and fertilizers to world markets was fulfilled. …This is a donation [of fertilizers]. No, they (the West) do not, despite all the empty talk about the desire to help the poorest countries. Taking into account the mentioned facts, we refused to further extend this deal,” the Russian President said.

WHOA! Mass-Media Begins Telling Public "Ukraine is Losing; Territorial Concessions to Russia" and "The West Can Do No More!"
Hal Turner Radio Show (July 20, 2023) - In one of the most remarkable 180 degree turns in the history of Mass Media, the press of the Collective West began telling the Public today that Ukraine is LOSING. More stunning, that same "Main Stream Media" admits Territorial Concessions to Russia must be made."
How are the gullible, fragile, snowflakes who've been lied-to for a year about "Ukraine winning," going to deal with this dramatic change of reality? Will they realize their Ukraine Flags on social media made them look like fools for a year+? Perhaps give them a plush, cuddly, toy to hug? A coloring Book and full box of Crayola Crayons, in a "safe space?"
These from "Main-Stream-Media" outlets:
Wall Street Journal: "Rapid Loss of Tanks Shocked Kiev and the West"
"The rapid loss of tanks and armored personnel carriers given by the West to Kiev for its Armed Forces counterattack, has shocked Ukraine and its allies . . ." the WSJ Reports.
The Telegraph: "The West Will Call On Kiev for Territorial Concessions to Russia"
"The losses suffered by Armed Forces of Ukraine cast a shadow on the reputation of the Bradleys, Leopards, and other weapon systems of the NATO countries. The biggest losses in the armored units of Ukraine are caused by Russian helicopters." The Telegraph reports.
The American Spectator: Analysts said "Western Sanctions have not brought the Russian economy to its knees. On the contrary, the US and NATO are running out of funds for Kiev."
Financial Times: "Farewell to Arms -- The West Has Nothing Else To Do To Help Ukraine"
"The West has nothing else to help Ukraine, the armament is running out and the stocks used by Kiev will have to be replensihed for years" writes the Financial Times.
Washington Post: "Washington No Longer Believes in Ukraine's ability to Break Through Russian Defenses"
BILD: "The Losses are Colossal"
The German Magazine BILD published a report in which it emphasized that the losses of the Ukrainian Army "are colossal; there is not enough equipment, and a counter-attack is not possible."
The fact that ALL of these reports came out today indicates that the mass-media has been specifically instructed to start an effort to change the narrative on Ukraine, and to change it fast.
That so many Main-Stream-Media outlets all began to run the "Ukraine is Losing" narrative tells us the delusional politicians in the West, who lied to themselves thinking they could take on Russia, now have to let down the public as gently as they can, but as fast as they can!

"Radios don't work" - VSUshnik complains about Russian electronic warfare
politnavigator.net (July 18, 2023) - Russian electronic warfare systems have an overwhelming advantage on the battlefield - and are capable of almost completely blocking communications in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
This was stated in an interview with Kyiv political scientist Yuriy Romanenko by the captain of the 72nd brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Sergey Alymov, the correspondent of PolitNavigator reports.
“We have a communication problem, the walkie-talkies do not work. They [the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation] have such electronic warfare ... after a hundred meters I can’t hear a person on the radio. I see him, but I don't hear him. A walkie-talkie should take five kilometers. They jammed us, it's just tin,” said Alymov.
He complained that Russia, since the days of the Soviet Union, continued to develop electronic warfare, and the west abandoned this industry.

“It's a shame to tears” - the captain of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is crying about the superiority of the Russian Armed Forces in artillery
politnavigator.net (July 18, 2023) - The Russian army in the war zone has such an advantage in artillery and aerial reconnaissance that the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine cannot really stick out and open fire, as something immediately flies at them.
This was stated in an interview with Kyiv political scientist Yuriy Romanenko by the captain of the 72nd brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Sergey Alymov, the correspondent of PolitNavigator reports.
“They fired at us so that we give one mine, and they give us sixty. It was embarrassing to the point of tears. You lie down and you don't know if you will get up or not. You don't know if they're bombing the next street or yours. It was so embarrassing, to the point of tears. You can't shoot. And where you start to shoot, they see you, and they start to cover you, ”the Ukrainian officer cried.

Crimean Bridge gets hit again
Moses Tay (July 18, 2023)
British REMUS 600
On July 17 around 3 am local time two explosions hit the Crimean Bridge completely destroying a section of the roadway lane. Two people were killed and several others injured. Russian officials said road traffic is immediately halted but will resume for only one direction by September 15 while traffic in both directions will be fully restored by November 1. However, the railway line which runs alongside the roadway of the bridge was not damaged.
The Ukrainians carried out the attack on the Crimean Bridge with the help of the British Remus 600 autonomous underwater drone. The 4.3 m (14 feet) drone carrying explosives can move underwater at a depth of up to 600 m, has a sailing duration of about 70 hours at a speed of up to 5 knots (9 km/h). The drone is easily controlled via a laptop and was launched from a civilian vessel in the Black Sea.
During the night of the attack, a US Air Force MQ-9 Reaper reconnaissance and strike UAV flew over the Black Sea indicating that the Americans were also involved.
This is an intercontinental nuclear-powered, nuclear-armed autonomous underwater drone. Its specifications are:
i) It is 24 m (78 feet) long and can travel with speed of up to 108 knots (200 km/h)
ii) Have range of up to 10,000 km, and moving at great depth of up to 1 km
iii) Exhibit low noise characteristic, and highly manoeuvrable
iv) Currently, no existing defence systems could intercept it
v) Can carry thermonuclear cobalt bomb of up to 2 megatons
The strategic usages of the Poseidon include:
a) To destroy enemy's naval bases and coastal cities. The nuclear-charged drone upon detonation off the coast will create a tsunami of up to 500 m high. Moving inland, the radioactive waves will contaminate large coastal areas and make those regions uninhabitable for years.
b) To attack aircraft carriers and submarines. The US has 11 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers (both active & under maintenance), and 14 nuclear-powered submarines (both active & under maintenance) which are all susceptible to the underwater drone attack. Sneaking quietly undetectable, the drone could strike without warning.
The Poseidon is carried by a new specialized submarine named BELGOROD, Russian Navy’s world largest nuclear-powered submarine by length of 184 m (604 feet). It could carry 8 Poseidon. Both the Belgorod and the Poseidon are currently undergoing final sea trial. According to Russian officials, they should be deployed by end of 2023.
Unlike other fleets of Russian submarines, these special weapons are placed under the direct command of Putin.
REMUS 600 video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmz3H17N6YM&ab_channel=Hydroid%2CInc.
POSEIDON video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6nwfMDO5zI&ab_channel=DefenseUpdates

Putin's anger at the leaders of the West: "And here we will c@m@s@ them"
warnews247.gr (July 17, 2023) - Russian President Vladimir Putin started the ... ironies yesterday when he referred to European politicians, who are the most dependent puppets on the planet.
"You know, sometimes it seems that they (i.e European politicians) do what they are told from abroad," he said in an interview with the Rossiya-1 TV channel on Sunday.
"If they (the Americans) say to them tomorrow: 'We have decided to hang you all!' they will ask only one question:
"Can we do this with domestically made ropes?" Putin said. "And this will be another failure for them, sorry and here they will γ@μ@σ@ (did he miss it?)
Sorry..., I think it will be a fiasco for them, because the Americans are very unlikely to refuse such a big contract for their textile industry," Putin added.

Former adviser to the head of the Pentagon: In the event of a conflict with the United States, Russia will fill the Atlantic with its nuclear submarines
The Intel Drop (July 15, 2023) - If Russia enters into direct armed conflict with the United States, it could end badly for Washington. This conclusion was reached by the former adviser to the US Secretary of Defense, retired US Army Colonel Douglas McGregor, who gave an interview to political observer Michael Savage.
According to McGregor, the most stupid thing the US can do is to threaten Russia with its nuclear weapons. Moscow has its own military potential in this regard, the analyst claims.The Russians can fill the Atlantic with their submarines, as well as the Pacific Ocean, where they will be supported by the Chinese Navy- said the ex-adviser to the head of the Pentagon, analyzing the prospects for the Russian-American confrontation.
According to McGregor, the United States today does not have the same opportunities as Russia. A significant part of the US Navy nuclear submarines is under repair and cannot start operating even in case of emergency. In addition, it is possible that China, which also has significant naval potential, will get involved in the conflict.
Earlier, another American analyst, Scott Ritter, said that after the failure of the West’s sanctions policy against Russia, the United States and NATO are left with only the path of military confrontation with Moscow. But the North Atlantic Alliance is not ready for a direct armed confrontation with the Russian Federation, according to a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer.
Note: In a nuclear confrontation with Russia, the USA will be destroyed in ONE HOUR so says the BIBLE (Revelation 18:19).

British Marine: "It was a massacre - We were filled with corpses everywhere"!
warnews247.gr (July 13, 2023) - Fighting on the side of Kiev, former British marine Alan told the Guardian newspaper that the Russian army is very dangerous.
“It would be reckless to believe that (on the Russian side) there are no worthy units or motivated troops. They are strong, very dangerous, good at artillery and electronic warfare ," Alan said.
According to the Guardian, the mercenary is 58 years old. He began fighting in this capacity in the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s when he was in his thirties, then settled in Croatia and worked as a private military contractor in Iraq and Afghanistan.
With the start of the Russian military operation against Kiev, the Briton joined the Da Vinci Wolves, commanded by Dmitry Kochiubailo, who died in March 2023 near Bakhmut.
For several months, Alan participated in the battles in the same area. " The artillery from the Russian side did not stop, it was accurate," said the mercenary.
Furthermore, he noticed that most of the mercenaries he encountered in Ukraine were already gone and some had died. Alan noted that there are dozens of foreigners in every Ukrainian battalion.
At the same time, yesterday, the British television channel Sky News and a Russian media interviewed the British mercenary Rhys Byrne, who has been fighting alongside the Armed Forces of Ukraine for 17 months.
"This is horror, this is genocide, this is massacre... There are corpses everywhere... The biggest problem we face when we enter the trenches is stepping over all the corpses of those who walked before us," he emphasizes.
According to the British mercenary, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are operating without air cover. He gives an example.
"The Ukrainians let a Russian tank approach them thinking it was theirs. By the time they realized it was too late. All the survivors after this mistake get into the truck and try to escape, but the tank starts chasing them. Yes, it's just terrible: you see a huge T-72, moving right at you, and you're in an open truck. And you just realize you're done ," he says.
Byrne calls the frontline fighting brutal and says he doesn't understand why the bodies of the dead are just dumped on the battlefield.
The report says that for foreign mercenaries there is a special shelter not far from the front line – a private house, which contains a pastor (!) from New Zealand. Foreigners do not want to live in the same barracks as Ukrainians. Byrne decided to return home, and the last straw, according to his own words, was the encounter with the Russian T-72.
"I've had enough, I hope to forget all this," he says.
Video: https://warnews247.gr/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/13-7.mp4?_=3

Zelensky Shunned, Ignored at NATO Vilnius Summit After Complaining No Firm Date to Join NATO
Hal Turner Radio Show (July 12, 2023) - Ukraine President Zelensky was ignored at the NATO Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania. He made the mistake of complaining that Ukraine has no firm date for entry into NATO.
In fact, Ben Wallace, Defense Minister of the UK just now publicly said "Zelensky should show more gratitude for what the West has done so far."
Note: President Zelensky was a former Comedian, promoted to be President of Ukraine; and now given a job as a janitor for NATO? The Oxford Dictionary define janitor as "a person whose job is to take care of a building." Zelensky is needed to take care of the image of NATO as a clean, honest and a defensive institution (building).

Stoltenberg said that NATO is sending a "signal to Putin" about increasing NATO at the doorstep
avia.pro (July 11, 2023) - Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance (NATO), expressed the alliance's decisive position towards Russia:
"Our message to Putin is that NATO's doors remain open and the fighting will only get him more NATO at his doorstep."
He said these words in the context of the worsening relations between Russia and the North Atlantic Alliance.
In addition, Stoltenberg announced that he proposed to Kyiv to cancel the action plan for joining the alliance. Such a decision, in his opinion, will allow Ukraine to shorten the process of joining NATO by several times.
Tomorrow the Ukraine-NATO summit (July 11-12, 2023) will take place in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. It is expected that the West's proposals on the prospect of Ukraine's entry into the Alliance will be presented at it, but the issue of membership itself will not be resolved.
Note: Russia is neither Yugoslavia nor Iraq. NATO’s lack of fear for Russia will open the door for Russia to launch nuclear strikes on the USA, France and the UK. Watch these prophecies before the nuclear strikes become a reality.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X76L9IyN-8g&ab_channel=RepentanceChannel

Putin Scoffs At U.S.’ ‘Madness’ After Kyiv’s ‘Flop Show’; ‘Cluster Bomb Aid An Act of Desperation’
TheIntelDrop (July 8, 2023) - Russia has poked fun at the U.S. after Washington admitted Ukraine’s “failure” and cluster bomb transfer to the embattled nation. Moscow dubbed the U.S. president “Desperate” and his move “madness.”
Russia claimed that U.S. provocations were bringing humanity closer to a new world war. The statement was made in response to the U.S. declaration of cluster bomb aid for Kyiv. Watch this report for more.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=079oISFOYuU&t=167s&ab_channel=HindustanTimes

Zelensky ‘dragging entire planet’ to hell – Russian envoy
RT (July 7, 2023) - Faced with failure on the battlefield, Ukraine’s president is trying to drag NATO into the conflict with a false-flag attack on Europe’s largest nuclear power plant, Russia’s ambassador to the US, Anatoly Antonov, said on Thursday.
“News reporters continue to pretend not to notice the obvious: from the very beginning of the special military operation, all the accusations of the Zelensky regime against us turned out to be sabotage operations of Kiev itself,” Antonov told Newsweek in an email interview.
The difference now, he added, is that “this time stakes have grown substantially: Europe’s nuclear security is at risk.”
Zelensky has accused Russia of planting explosives at the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP). Antonov called it “absurd” to accuse Russia of wanting to damage the facility which it has controlled since March 2022. Kiev’s “criminal intentions” divert attention from “the failed counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in which the West has invested enormous resources,” to falsely accuse Russia as a ‘nuclear terrorist’ ahead of the NATO summit, and draw the US-led bloc into the conflict directly, Antonov said.
“Western ruling elites should understand that the failures on the battlefield make Kiev eager to create a pretext for the deployment of the NATO contingent to Ukraine, thereby to inflate a regional conflict into World War III,” the Russian ambassador told Newsweek.
“We call on the curators of the Kiev regime to exercise responsibility and exert influence on their ‘wards’ in order to avoid a large-scale catastrophe,” he added. “American and European citizens are hardly ready to march in orderly rows to the hell into which the Zelensky government is dragging the entire planet.”
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors, who are on the ground at the ZNPP, reported on Wednesday that they have found no signs of any mines, either at the cooling pond – as Kiev initially claimed – or on the roofs of the reactor buildings.

"We entered the final stage" says the Russians!
warnews247.gr (July 4, 2023) - "Ukraine's increasing number of accusations against Russia for alleged readiness to "blow up Zaporizhia nuclear power plant" shows that Kiev is preparing for a large-scale nuclear provocation" Russian media reports emphasizing that "we have entered the final stage"!
They specifically mention:
"The number of Ukrainian statements that "the Russians are going to blow up the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant" is increasing day by day. Despite the fact that Vasily Nebenzya, Russia's permanent representative to the UN, made an official statement that Russia is not going to detonate Europe's largest nuclear plant, Ukrainian officials continue to stick to the disinformation line.
In such a situation, there can be only one explanation. The Zelensky regime, having lost several thousand of its best-trained troops in an almost monthly counterattack, sees no other way to win serious support from the West than a nuclear provocation.
Given the fact that such provocations have become a trademark of Kiev, there is no doubt that the Ukrainian side will try to detonate the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant.
In Kiev, they realize that the counterattack has reached a dead end and that until the start of the NATO meeting in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania on July 11-12, 2023, there is practically nothing to present to the partners, he will do everything to draw attention to them. For this reason, they are now unleashing massive disinformation with accusations against Russia that Moscow will allegedly blow up a nuclear plant, which it controls.
If the Ukrainian regime fails to blow up the nuclear power plant, then it will play the "release of radioactivity" card.
The presence of the IAEA mission at the station does not, of course, concern either the Kiev regime or its American and British curators.
Therefore, Ukraine may try to plant something like a dirty nuclear bomb in the Zaporizhia region to look like an explosion at the nuclear plant controlled by the Russian Federation,” the Russians concluded.

Gold Switzerland: "A financial "bomb" of 2 quadrillion dollars will "explode"!
pronews.gr (July 4, 2023) - A warning of a financial "bomb" amounting to 2 quadrillion dollars, in the derivatives market, was issued by the Swiss house Gold Switzerland with its report.
In particular, as he points out, for the 99.5% of financial assets that are not yet linked to gold, silver or other precious metals, the time has come for a massive crisis.
Those of the 0.5% who have already invested in gold or other precious metals have understood what is coming.
As Gold Switzerland has pointed out again this sector will experience the fastest growth in the coming decades as the West gradually declines/collapses under the weight of its own deficits and debt, along with political and moral decay.

Dedollarization Accelerates as Argentina Makes IMF Payment Using Yuan
Sputnik (July 2, 2023) - The US dollar, which has enjoyed the status of de facto world reserve currency since 1945, has come under growing strain as countries search for alternatives amid Washington’s efforts to use its financial might to bully and sanction adversaries into submission.
Argentina made a loan repayment to the International Monetary Fund worth the equivalent of $2.7 billion “without using dollars” on Friday, using Chinese yuan and special-drawing rights notes (the IMF reserve asset based on a basket of five currencies – the yuan, the euro, the dollar, the yen, and the pound) instead.
Argentina’s Economy Ministry said the payment – the first ever of its kind by Buenos Aires, was made in yuan and SDRs to hang on to dwindling dollar reserves in the Argentinian Central Bank’s coffers.
The Latin American nation, which is in the grip of a major economic and debt crisis, has turned to yuan as one means to help stabilize the situation, signing a 130 billion yuan ($19 billion) currency swap agreement with Beijing in April amid plummeting agricultural exports caused by an unprecedented drought, which has already caused $20 billion in damage.
Argentina and the IMF reached an agreement in 2022 to restructure the nation’s $44 billion debt. The IMF had approved a $57 billion loan to the administration of now former President Mauricio Macri in 2018, with current President Alberto Fernandez left to clean up the consequences of what he has dubbed "reckless, toxic and irresponsible" borrowing. After his election in 2019, Fernandez asked the IMF not to move forward with transferring the remainder of the loan amount, citing a dearth of dollars in the nation's coffers to pay it back with.
Argentina has applied for membership in BRICS, and last month, media reported that Buenos Aires may be eligible to join the BRICS Development Bank as soon as August, when the proposal, put forward by Brazil, is discussed in South Africa. The bloc is known to be working on a new currency which would effectively serve as a major alternative to the dollar in global trade.

Countdown - Ukraine: "Russia gradually reduces staff at Zaporizhia nuclear power plant"
warnews247.gr (June 30, 2023) - Russia is gradually reducing the number of personnel at the Ukrainian-occupied Zaporizhia nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine, Ukraine's intelligence service said, without specifying why some people have left the plant.
Russia, which has occupied the station since March 2022, has not commented on the information.
Kiev has accused Russia of planning a terrorist attack on Europe's largest nuclear power plant, an attack that would include a radioactive release. Moscow has denied the charge.
"According to the latest data, occupation personnel are gradually leaving the area of the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant," the Central Intelligence Service of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (GUR) announced via Telegram.
Among the first to leave the station are three Rosatom employees who were "in charge of Russian activities," according to GUR. Also, Ukrainian employees who have signed a contract with Rosatom were advised to leave. These staff members must leave by July 5th and it is best to head for the Crimean peninsula.
According to GUR information, the number of military patrols is gradually being reduced in the vast area surrounding the nuclear power plant and in the nearby town of Enerhodar, while the personnel who have remained at the plant have been told that "in case of emergencies" they must call Ukraine who is responsible.
Ukraine conducted nuclear disaster response drills in the area of the station. Kiev and Moscow have blamed each other for the bombing of the sprawling Zaporizhia nuclear power plant complex.

Hal Turner Radio Show (June 30, 2023) - Written materials were urgently distributed in several towns within about 16 km of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant ordering their PERMANENT EVACUIATION. Apparently, Ukraine "knows" the plant is going to soon be leaking radiation -- perhaps because UKRAINE is going to attack it?
The notices, pictured above, ALLEGEDLY say, in sum and in substance, the following:
"By order of the head of the RVA, Yevhen Yevtushenko, in connection with the difficult and unfavorable epidemiological situation in the area, from June 30, 2023, the irreversible evacuation of the civilian population living in the following territories of the Nikopol district of the Dnipropetrovsk region was announced:
Nikopol city Territorial community
Marganetska urban territorial community
Chervonogrihorivska settlement territorial community
Pokrovky rural territorial community
Vyshchetarasiv Starostyn district
Myrivsk rural territorial community
Why is Ukraine already ordering the "irreversible evacuation" of these areas when, at present, there is no radiation threat?
The only logical answer is that Ukraine knows there is going to be a deadly radiation threat, and the only way they could know that is if THEY are going to cause it.
Just last week, US Senators Lindsay Graham and Richard Blumenthal, introduced a very specific resolution in the US Senate which holds that, a radiation emission from Ukraine either from a tactical nuclear detonation OR FROM A NUCLEAR POWER PLANT will be considered an"attack upon NATO" for which Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, calling for collective self defense, would be invoked.
What this means simply is that if a nuclear power plant inside Ukraine starts suddenly leaking, NATO will use that leak as an excuse to enter the Russia-Ukraine conflict on the side of Ukraine.
Russia has already made clear that if Article 5 is declared against Russia, they will have no choice but to use their nuclear weapons against NATO countries.

In the coming days, Ukraine will try to blow up the ZNPP - expert
politnavigator.net (June 30, 2023) - In order to force the West to reconsider its opinion and accept Ukraine into NATO, the Kiev regime in the coming days will try to blow up the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) and shift the blame on Russia.
This was announced on the radio "Komsomolskaya Pravda" by the Russian political observer and radio host Igor Vittel, the correspondent of "PolitNavigator" reports.
“Now Zelensky needs to once again convince NATO that Russia is a terrible threat to the world. And what is a terrible threat to the world: "These people were not afraid of anything, and they blew up the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant."
This is likely to be their goal. They once again need to arrange a provocation. shout something to the whole world: “Look, only Ukraine's membership in NATO, only our unity can stop this,” Vittel said.
The observer stressed that they will try to carry out a terrorist act within the next few days.

Highlights of aborted Wagner revolt in Russia
RT (June 25, 2023) - The Wagner private military company led by Evgeny Prigozhin launched an insurrection in Russia that began on Friday evening and lasted through Saturday.
The armed contractors managed to seize an army headquarters in the southern part of the country. However, they failed to rally other units and eventually aborted their advance towards Moscow after a deal was reached with the authorities.
The agreement, which includes an amnesty for Prigozhin, was brokered by Belarusian leader, Aleksandr Lukashenko.
Simmering Wagner-MOD tensions
The private military company Wagner Group was founded by restaurateur and catering tycoon Evgeny Prigozhin. The group’s members fought alongside regular Russian troops and distinguished themselves in the bloody battle for the Donbass city of Artyomovsk, known to Ukrainians as Bakhmut.
Prigozhin is a vocal critic of the country’s top military brass. He has publicly accused Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu and General Valery Gerasimov, the Chief of the General Staff, of mishandling the military operation in Ukraine. Prigozhin has also refused to sign an official contract with the Russian Defense Ministry.
Prigozhin begins ‘march on Moscow’
Late on Friday, Prigozhin accused the Russian military of striking Wagner’s field camps. The MOD quickly rejected his claim as “informational provocation.” Nevertheless, Prigozhin announced that his forces were beginning a “march for justice” with a plan to reach Moscow.
In the early hours of Saturday, an armored Wagner convoy, which included tanks, rolled into the southern city of Rostov-on-Don. In the city, Wagner members took control of the headquarters of the Southern Military District without a fight. Several gunshots were heard in Rostov later during the day, but no casualties were reported.
Putin condemns revolt
Shortly after Prigozhin declared his “march,” the Federal Security Service accused the Wagner boss of inciting an armed rebellion and opened a criminal case against him. In a video address on Saturday morning, President Vladimir Putin said Wagner’s actions were tantamount to treason, describing them as the “backstabbing of our country and our people.” He called for unity and stated that all necessary steps were being taken to restore order.
Meanwhile, counter-terrorism measures were enacted in Moscow and the surrounding Moscow Region. All public events were canceled in several cities, and traffic along major highways leading to Moscow was suspended. Mean while, Prigozhin’s endeavor failed to attract support from other military units. On the contrary, several high-profile commanders and officials called on Wagner to lay down their arms.
Mutinous unit turns back after deal reached
On Saturday evening, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko, who had spoken to Prigozhin on Putin’s behalf, said the Wagner boss agreed to end his attempted insurrection in exchange for security guarantees. Prigozhin stated hours later that the Wagner convoys were halting their advance towards Moscow and returning to their bases. After some time, the regional authorities confirmed that Wagner fighters had left Rostov-on-Don.
The Kremlin said that, in order to avoid bloodshed, the case against Prigozhin would be dropped, and that he would “leave for Belarus.” Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov added that Wagner members would not be prosecuted due to “their achievements on the frontline” in Ukraine.

If Russia Uses Tactical Nukes or Nuclear Power Plant Emits Radiation in Ukraine, That Will Be Considered War With NATO
Moses Tay (June 24, 2023)
Two U.S. Senators, Lindsay Graham (R-SC) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) have introduced a Resolution in the Senate which states that if Russia or ally Belarus, detonates a tactical nuclear bomb inside Ukraine, or if something happens to the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant causing radiation leakage, that would be considered "an attack upon NATO."
If nuclear radiation travels in the atmosphere from Ukraine to any NATO member countries it would be deemed hostile, and it will activate Article 5 of the NATO Charter. Every other member of the Alliance will have to come to the defence of the member who has been attacked.
1) Russia Using Tactical Nukes in Ukraine
Why would Russia use tactical nukes in Ukraine since Russia is currently winning?
Consider these factors: Before the conflicts begun in February 24, 2022, Russia had control of only Crimea, Luhansk and Donetsk. Since then, parts of Zaporozhye and Kherson Oblasts have also fallen under Russian control.
In spite of billions of dollars in aid and weapons provided, Ukraine is still in dire need of a wide range of weapons, and had to totally rely on NATO. On the other hand, Russia still has a fairly good supply of various types of weapons to sustain the conflict in the long haul.
In terms of casualties of both sides, from various sources, it is estimated that Ukraine suffered 350,000 dead while Russia about 100,000.
On the economic front, in spite of the wide-range of sanctions imposed by the collective West on Russia, its economy is doing fine while Ukraine’s economy is in tatters.
2) Russia Intentionally Causes the Zaporozhye NPP to Leak Radiation
The Zaporozhye NPP is the largest in Europe. As it is located in the territory currently control by Russia, a nuclear radiation leakage would not be in Russia’s interest.
President Zelensky of Ukraine has put out an "Accusation in a mirror" (i.e. accusing someone of doing what oneself is going to do) that said Russia will carry out a terrorist attack on the Zaporozhye NPP.
He said, “Our intelligent services have received information according to which Russia is considering the scenario of a terrorist attack on the Zaporozhye NPP, an attack with a radioactive release. We are sharing this information with our partners all over the world. Europe, USA, China, Brazil, India, Arab world, Africa, international organizations, everyone should know.”
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters: "It's a new lie. We just had contact with the International Atomic Energy Agency, whose director, Raphael Grossi, visited the Zaporozhye NPP last week.”
US Senators Resolution video: https://www.c-span.org/video/?528936-1/senators-graham-blumenthal-news-conference-russian-nuclear-threats
Zelensky statements video: https://warnews247.gr/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/10-16.mp4?_=1

First Trial of Poseidon Nuclear-Capable Underwater Drones Planned for Summer 2023 - Source
Sputnik (June 23, 2023) - Poseidon nuclear-powered underwater drones are powered by a nuclear reactor, allowing them to operate for extended periods of time without the need for refueling.
First trials of the Poseidon nuclear-powered and nuclear-capable underwater drones from the Belgorod nuclear-powered submarine are scheduled for the summer of 2023, a source in the defense industry has told Sputnik.
Adm. Nikolai Evmenov, the commander-in-chief of the Russian navy, told Sputnik on Thursday that the Belgorod submarine designed to carry Poseidons will enter into service of the Russian Navy in 2023.
"Tests of the Poseidon itself are scheduled for this summer," the source said on the sidelines of the International Maritime Defense Show 2023 in the port town of Kronstadt near St. Petersburg.
The operation of the Poseidon's reactor units will be tested first during the trials, the source said, adding that the units have already undergone bench tests, and the safety and readiness for their operation has been confirmed.
"The Poseidon reactor units themselves are ready: they have been trialed at the stands, tested, and their performance and safety have been confirmed. They are ready to work as intended," the source said.

For the first time, Russia directly threatened NATO with war if it does not withdraw from Ukraine: What Foreign Minister Lavrov said (Hardening of Moscow's attitude towards the West)
pronews.gr (June 20, 2023) - Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, after the completion of the ministerial session of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), announced Russia's readiness to come into direct "hot" conflict with NATO if it does not withdraw from Ukraine.
It is the second statement by a high-ranking Russian official after that of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, who warned a few hours earlier that "the US and Britain are going to strike the Russian territory of Crimea with American HIMARS missile systems and Storm Shadow cruise missiles" and warned that "Russia will retaliate" without mentioning the manner and type of retaliation to the US and Britain.
The usually mild-mannered S. Lavrov stated that: "NATO, through Stoltenberg, is again stating that it is against freezing the conflict in Ukraine. This means they want to go to war. Let them go to war, we are ready for it,” at the press conference following the ministerial meeting of the CSTO member states.
In such a case, of course, the war would easily escalate to nuclear, as neither side would want to lose the tactical advantage.
Russia has the largest stockpile of nuclear warheads in the world. Moscow controls about 5,977 such warheads as of 2022, compared to 5,428 controlled by the US. About 1,500 of these nuclear warheads are retired, 2,889 are in reserve, and about 1,588 are deployed in land, sea, and air delivery vehicles.
About 812 are deployed in intercontinental ballistic missiles (IRBMs), about 576 in submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SRBMs), and about 200 in strategic bombers (ALCMs).
The United States has deployed approximately 1644 strategic nuclear warheads.
Russia appears to have about 400 nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missiles, which, according to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, can carry up to 1,185 nuclear warheads.
Russia has 10 nuclear-armed submarines, which can carry up to 800 nuclear warheads, and about 60 to 70 Tu-160, Tu-22 and Tu-95 strategic bombers.

BRICS Expansion Goes Hand in Hand With De-Dollarization and Decline of 'US Empire'
Sputnik (June 20, 2023) - The rise of the BRICS group is directly linked to the decline of the US dollar says a top economist.
Economist Richard Wolff told Sputnik that the US displaced its mother country Britain as the world's dominant imperial power around 1920 — and that history was now repeating itself.
"The American empire didn't work the same way. It didn't set up colonies the way the British had in India or South Africa or any of the other places," Wolff said. "It had a more informal empire. from the way it had managed to control Latin America throughout the early years of this country to how they expanded and controlled the world by economic arrangements, by political deals, by alliances."
But the US empire peaked around the year 2000, the academic said, and is now in "decline."
"We lost the wars in Vietnam. We lost the war in Afghanistan. We lost the war in Iraq," Wolff said. "It's not clear what's going to happen in Ukraine. But I wouldn't bet money on a different outcome there either. And that war is a war between the US and Russia more than anything else, with the disaster being concentrated on Ukraine."
While the US leads the G7 group of the biggest Western economies, "there's a different and other bloc, and that's what's new, it's the bloc called the BRICS."
"The BRICS now account for 33 per cent, one third of the total output of goods and services on this planet, whereas the US and its allies have slipped to under 30 per cent, about 29 per cent of total output."
The conflict in Ukraine and Western sanctions on Russia — the world's biggest energy and food grain exporter — has accelerated that downfall.
"The economic war between Russia and Europe is being lost by Europe, not by Russia, which was not the intent, but is the outcome," Wolff said. "The Europeans are going to have to ask themselves, which side are you on? Are you going to stay with the US and the G7 and heading down the slide of your bloc as the BRICS blocs rises, or are you going to choose the other way?"

Baijiahao: West suffers from historical amnesia about Russia
politros.com (June 18, 2023) - The authors of the Chinese edition remembered the words of the American political scientist Robert Legvold. In his book Cold War Revisited, he wrote that the threat posed by the Soviet Union to the West was political and economic. And it demands the same answer: political and economic, but not military.
However, the US and its partners ignored this warning, deciding to create a NATO military bloc. And even after the collapse of the USSR, they did not put an end to the existence of this alliance, but began to expand it and move towards the borders of Russia.
“NATO expansion would be the biggest mistake since the end of the Cold War. Now the scope of NATO member states has been extended to the Russian border, which provoked the Ukrainian conflict,” write the authors of Baijiahao.
At the same time, the US and its military coalition partners forgot something important about Russia. As Chinese experts write, the West suffers from historical amnesia.
“The West forgot that Russia supported the United States in Afghanistan and allowed the transportation of goods for the US military on its railways. The West has forgotten that after the September 11 attacks, Putin was the first international leader to call US President George W. Bush. The West has forgotten that Putin once considered the possibility of joining NATO,” the Baijiahao authors list.
It turns out that Robert Legvold was right: there was no threat from Russia, at least military, for the United States or Europe. Therefore, there was no need to expand NATO and provoke Moscow. It has always been aimed at cooperation and is ready to comply with the agreements.
But the West forgot about all this. He has no memory of the progress made in reducing nuclear weapons under Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Medvedev and Putin. Meanwhile, as Chinese analysts recall, together with the United States, Russia helped reduce the world stockpile of nuclear bombs from 70,000 to about 13,000.
“The West also forgot that when Medvedev was president, he published a multifaceted plan to strengthen European security,” the authors of the article add.
The military threat came precisely from the Western coalition. NATO continued to approach the borders of the Russian Federation and provoked a conflict, threatening the security of a huge country. NATO did not listen to Russia's concerns about the expansion of the Alliance. Moscow's disagreement with the plan to include Ukraine and Georgia in NATO was also ignored.
As for the situation in Ukraine, the European Union has deliberately abandoned the compromise agreement reached with President Viktor Yanukovych, which would have helped to avoid further turmoil.
According to Chinese experts, all the world needs today is a few wise Western leaders. Those who would have a real idea and understanding of how to behave with Russia. It is obvious that the States and the countries of the European Union must wake up from historical amnesia and change their policy towards the Russian Federation.

700,000 People Without Clean Water As Fallout From Nova Kakhovka Flooding Mounts
ZeroHedge (June 17, 2023) - While much media reporting on the June 6th destruction of the Nova Kakhovka dam in southern Ukraine has focused on the 'whodunnit' aspect to the explosion, many thousands of people downriver continue to suffer, after an nearly five cubic miles of water has submerged villages and farmland in the Kherson oblast.
Basic infrastructure and utilities have been destroyed in much of the region, leaving an estimated 700,000 people in the broader area in need of clean water.
Al Jazeera observes that "The man-made flood washed away chemical fertilisers from cultivated fields, flushed away pollutants from the riverbed, submerged cemeteries and released at least 150 tonnes of machine oil from the breached dam with additional fuel and industrial waste likely to have been discharged from plants around it."
There are growing fears the floodwaters could bring waterborne diseases based on decomposing bodies - both human and animal - which were killed during the initial massive flooding. Health workers are concerned over possible cholera outbreaks in particular.
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky has continued to maintain that Russia had deliberately blown up the dam as "an act of terrorism", calling it a "brutal ecocide".
But the Kremlin has pointed out it would have no reason to blow up a critical piece of infrastructure vital to sending water to the Crimea. Western officials and media reports too have grown largely quiet in terms of any potential "investigation" into which side was behind the sabotage.

"Fuck them": Putin responded to NATO calls to reduce nuclear weapons in Russia
ren.tv (June 16, 2023) - Speaking at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about the fact that the West wants to achieve a reduction in nuclear weapons from the Russian Federation. The Russian leader noted that this would not happen.
"We have more such weapons than the NATO countries. They know about it and all the time they are trying to persuade us to reduce it - fuck them, as our people say," Putin said.
He noted that the Russian Federation does not intend to "press the button." At the same time, he added that in theory the use of nuclear weapons is possible.
"The use of nuclear weapons is theoretically possible if there is a threat to the existence of our state or territorial integrity," Putin said.
He added that Russia has no need to use nuclear weapons.
"Besides, the very reasoning on this topic lowers the threshold for the use of these weapons," Putin added.
He also recalled that the only country that has used nuclear weapons against a non-nuclear power is the United States. They set a precedent.

rusonline.org (June 14, 2023) - The American people do not understand the whole truth about Ukraine because of Western media propaganda. This opinion was expressed by American film director Oliver Stone.
There is a lot of propaganda about Ukraine in the West. And all of it is one-sided and directed against Russia, so the Americans simply do not realize how the situation really is.
Stone acknowledged that there is no military integrity in the West. The corrupt propaganda process is going through the White House. And they tell you that Russians are mean and cruel and all that. But it's not fair because we don't get the truth. And the American people are blind. They, like sheep, are led to ready-made conclusions, Stone said.
And the bottom line is that Russia is a stronger country, it is winning the war with the West. But no one in the West talks about it. What happened to the dam is amazing. No one talked about it, but it was clearly motivated. The motive was Ukrainian. They lose a lot he added.
But Kherson is Russian territory, Stone said. He also recalled that since 2014, Ukrainians have been brutally cracking down on the Russian ethnic population. Although they signed the Minsk agreements, the Ukrainians did not comply with it for 8 years. The USA came to Ukraine, captured it, financed everything, he summed up.
Watch this video to undestand: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9PkOR7kCrQ&ab_channel=OliverURSU

Medvedev: "We will destroy the oceanic cable connections of the West"!
pronews.gr (June 14, 2023) - With a new post on his Telegram account, the former Russian president and current vice-chairman of the Russian National Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, revealed that due to the complicity of Western countries in the destruction of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, Russia is justified in damaging the cable connections of the West at the bottom of the oceans!
He even added that due to the range of Western weapons that Ukraine receives, Russia has no other choice but to reach as far as... Lviv.
He specifically wrote: "Two thoughts for good morning"
1. Yesterday the President of Russia spoke about the need to create a demilitarized (dead) zone for the security of our country. Given the enemy's decisions to supply the Kiev regime with more and more long-range weapons, such a zone would have to pass along the border of Lvov (Polish Lemberg) in order to play a real defensive role. Then this will be the new safe border of what was called "404 country".
2. If we consider the proven complicity of Western countries in the destruction of the Nord Streams pipelines, then we have no qualms, even morally, about proceeding to destroy the cable communications of our enemies, which are located on the bottom of the ocean."
N. Medvedev refers to the maritime line between Greenland, Iceland and the United Kingdom, which was NATO's defensive perimeter during the Cold War.
This is still a point from which Russia can project power into the Atlantic Ocean and onto the shores of Europe beyond the Baltic and Black Seas. This area is of enormous economic importance, since vital undersea cables for global communications have been laid near it.
These cables carry almost all of the world's internet traffic, and any failure can have devastating effects on the global economy. And the threat is not theoretical. Russian submarines have circled the cables in the past, in the absence of a US or NATO presence, raising concerns that the cables will be cut if tensions between Russia and the West escalate further.
Russia could, in effect, cut off North America from Europe. Russia's Yasen-class nuclear attack submarine is one of the most advanced, quietest submarines in the world and could operate unopposed in the North Atlantic without a strong US response.
During the Cold War, NATO built a sophisticated layer of maritime defense and surveillance networks to thwart such moves. As the Cold War faded into the past, NATO justifiably reduced its presence in the North Atlantic.
Essentially the area is the sea gate through which most of Russia's naval power must pass in order to gain access to the open ocean.

NATO's Largest Air Force Exercise Air Defender 23 Starts in Germany
Sputnik (June 13, 2023) - NATO's multinational exercise, Air Defender 23, the largest air force deployment in the bloc's history, has started in Germany, involving 10,000 personnel and hundreds of aircraft from 25 countries, the alliance said on Monday.
"German-led multinational exercise Air Defender 23 is the largest air force deployment in NATO's history. From June 12-23, the goal is to exercise air operations with Allied and Partner air forces. The focus is on optimizing and expanding cooperation among participating nations," the bloc said in a statement.
The participants of the training will focus on conducting operations to defend the territory of member states under the so-called Article 5 scenario, deploying air forces in response to a potential attack on a member state to fight against "hybrid occupation forces" of the enemy, the statement also read.
As many as 10,000 personnel and over 250 aircraft from 25 countries are expected to take part in the drills, with the United States in particular sending its air national guard units to Germany, the alliance stated. It added that by organizing and conducting the training, the allies and Germany, in particular, demonstrate its readiness to take more responsibility in a changing global security environment.
Japan and Sweden, which is currently seeking membership in the bloc, are also participating in the drills, which Germany started to plan and organize as early as in 2018.

“Russia makes all NATO fools”: Ursula von der Leyen was caught lying about Russia (VIDEO)
rusvesna.su (June 11, 2023) - Net millionaire Kim Dotcom humiliates Ursula von der Leyen for her lies about Russia.
“Do you remember how Ursula von der Leyen told the whole world that Russia, due to Western sanctions, is forced to use refrigerator parts for its weapons? See how these refrigerator parts destroy the Ukrainian counter offensive. Russia is making all of NATO look like fools,” the German-Finnish businessman writes on Twitter.
Von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, actually made this foolish claim about Russia using chips from dishwashers, washing machines and refrigerators in September 2022.
Check out the video: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/R-g6jY8DI3c

Putin: "Zaporizia has become a "cemetery" of American and German armored personnel carriers - We are sending nukes to Belarus"
pronews.gr (June 9, 2023) - Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the Ukrainian counterattack, saying it had begun but without any effect, while announcing that Moscow was sending nukes to Belarus.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, referring to the war situation in eastern Ukraine, said: "We can definitely say that the long-awaited counterattack from Ukraine has begun, but Kiev has not achieved its goals."
It is characteristic that in recent days, the Ukrainian side lost about 3700 soldiers, 52 tanks (including 8 "Leopard 2"), 3 French AMX-10, 207 armored vehicles, 134 military vehicles, 5 aircraft, 2 helicopters, 48 artillery and 53 drones.
The Russian Defense Ministry announced today that it had repelled heavy Ukrainian attacks in the Zaporizhia and Donetsk regions, killing at least 1,000 Ukrainian soldiers and destroying dozens of tanks and armored vehicles.
"The Armed Forces of Ukraine continued efforts to conduct offensive operations in the directions of southern Donetsk and Zaporizhia , " the Defense Ministry said in a statement.
Earlier the Russian president announced that Russia will start deploying regular nuclear weapons in Belarus after July 7-8 once the special storage facilities are ready.
More than 15 months after the start of the war in Ukraine, the largest since World War II, Putin says the United States and its Western allies are supplying Ukraine with weapons to hit Moscow.
Since March, Putin has announced that he wants to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, indirectly warning NATO about its support for Ukraine
"Everything is done according to plan, everything is stable," Putin told his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko as they discussed the planned deployment of nuclear weapons during talks at the Russian president's summer residence in Sochi on the Black Sea.
"The preparation of the relevant facilities is completed on July 7-8, and we will immediately start activities related to the development of the appropriate types of weapons on your territory," Putin said, according to the Kremlin statement.
Putin is pitching the war as a battle for Russia's own survival against what he says is an ever-expanding NATO. He has warned the West that Moscow will not back down.
Putin's nuclear move is being watched closely by both the United States and its NATO allies in Europe and China, which has repeatedly warned against using nuclear weapons in the conflict.

American radio host ridiculed US propaganda
rusvesna.su (June 7, 2023) - American radio host Garland Nixon satirized US propaganda by simply listing mainstream media headlines.
“According to the mainstream media, Russia:
1. Attacked their own pipelines
2. Blew up the Crimean bridge
3. Attacked their own nuclear power plant
4. Attacked the Crimean bridge
5. Blew up their own dam
6. Attacked the Kremlin with drones,” he tweeted today.
The absurdity of all these statements is quite obvious to all sane people, but the United States, followed by Europe, offer their readers and viewers to simply believe in what has been said.
Nixon hosts the Friday news and analysis show "News Views, with Garland Nixon" on radio station WPFW.
Note: They are hiding behind lies but the more lies they tell, the more they exposed themselves.

Russia holds West responsible for dam disaster – UN envoy
RT (June 7, 2023) - Ukraine destroyed the Kakhovka dam in an “unthinkable crime” intended to harm Crimea for choosing Russia in 2014, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN Vassily Nebenzia told the Security Council on Tuesday.
The Russian diplomat brought up US media reports documenting the Ukrainian attacks on the Kakhovka dam in December 2022, using the US-supplied HIMARS rockets.
“Feeling its total impunity and being encouraged by Western sponsors, the Kiev regime decided to carry out this terrorist plot this time,” Nebenzia said. He noted that the Ukrainians had significantly increased the discharge of water from the Dnepropetrovsk hydroelectric power station, leading to even greater flooding downstream, “which indicates that this sabotage was planned in advance.”
The terrorist act was intended to free up Ukrainian forces for the “counter-offensive” currently getting bogged down in Zaporozhye, while inflicting massive humanitarian damage on the population of Kherson Region, Nebenzia said.
Not only did the flood render a dozen towns along the Dnieper River uninhabitable, it has also reduced the levels of water in the North Crimea Canal, which supplies water to the Russian peninsula. Ukraine had shut off the canal after Crimea voted to rejoin Russia in a 2014 referendum. It was only reopened last year, when Russian troops took control of the area.
According to Nebenzia, Kiev “once again decided to take revenge on the Crimeans for their choice in favor of Russia and leave the population of Crimea without water.”
Nebenzia called the claims by Ukraine, US and EU officials that Russia was responsible for the dam’s destruction a “well-coordinated disinformation campaign,” in the same vein as previous allegations that Moscow was behind the shelling of its own people at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, or the destruction of Nord Stream gas pipelines under the Baltic Sea.
According to the Russian envoy, Kiev has fully embraced terrorist tactics, from the bombing of the Crimean Bridge to the targeted assassinations of journalists Darya Dugina and Vladlen Tatarsky, and the attempt on Zakhar Prilepin – which none of the Western governments said a word to condemn.
“The Kiev regime has good teachers, responsible for destroying the Nord Stream [pipeline] and the deliberate targeting of the Tabqa dam in Syria. The West is used to doing the dirty work with other people’s hands,” the Russian envoy told the Security Council.
“We also do not rule out an attempt at provocation against the Zaporozhye NPP,” Nebenzia said, given that the UN has persistently refused to condemn Ukrainian attacks on the facility, “although it is obvious to everyone which side they are coming from.”

Risk of Uncontrolled Escalation: China Challenges US Directly – “No Military Dialogue Between Us”!
pronews.gr (June 1, 2023) - China's decision to refuse a meeting between Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu and his American counterpart, Lloyd Austin, demonstrates on the one hand the worst level of relations between the two superpowers, but also something much worse: The cessation of all military communication between them.
This, along with the fact that the same situation exists with Russia, then the Russia-China "Axis" against the USA is taking shape, and indeed with particularly threatening characteristics for Washington.
The climate between the two places is particularly heavy, and the US is now facing an ongoing crisis with China, with Taiwan and the South China Sea as the main points of friction.
Lloyd Austin described the Chinese denial as "regrettable" while also referring to the recent provocative intercepts of what he described as American aircraft by Chinese fighters.
Austin is in Tokyo to discuss the US-Japan military alliance against threats from China, North Korea and Russia.
The Pentagon had proposed a meeting between Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue, an annual security forum held in Singapore from Friday to Sunday.
Washington is seeking to restore high-level communications with Beijing, showing a willingness to ease tensions fueled by standoffs over Taiwan, a Chinese spy balloon and Russia's war in Ukraine.
However, China has described that there are limits to this improvement in relations, as the US has imposed sanctions on the Chinese defense minister in 2018 due to China acquiring Russian weapons.

Medvedev: "British Politicians Now Legitimate Military Target for Russia"
Hal Turner Radio Show (May 31, 2023) - British politicians are now a legitimate military target for Moscow, a senior Russian official said, after the U.K.’s Foreign Secretary James Cleverly argued Ukraine has the right to use force within Russian borders.
Speaking in Estonia Tuesday, Cleverly said Ukraine “has a right” to project force “beyond its own borders” as part of its self-defense, following a series of drone strikes that hit Moscow’s wealthiest neighborhoods.
The U.K. minister argued that Kyiv striking inside Russia would “undermine” the Kremlin’s ability to continue its war in Ukraine, which has officially denied responsibility for the attack.
Dmitry Medvedev, former Russian president and deputy chair of the Russian Security Council, hit back on Wednesday arguing that the U.K. is “de facto leading an undeclared war against Russia” by supplying Ukraine with military aid and specialists.
“That being the case, any of its public officials (either military, or civil, who facilitate the war) can be considered as a legitimate military target,” he wrote on Twitter.
Medvedev, who regularly makes blunt remarks about the war in Ukraine and has called for the killing of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, warned: “The goofy officials of the U.K., our eternal enemy, should remember that within the framework of the universally accepted international law which regulates modern warfare, including the Hague and Geneva Conventions with their additional protocols, their state can also be qualified as being at war.”

Threats posed by Russia, China leaves US no choice but to prepare space conflict
India Today (May 29, 2023) - The US vouched it was ready for conflict in outer space after the American military developed anti-satellite technologies to counter threats posed by "provocative" countries, namely Russia and China. A senior US military official told The Guardian that the US would readily take on orbital skirmishes to counter Russian aggression and China's vision to dominate space power by mid-century.
"The United States of America is ready to fight tonight in space if we have to," a US Army official was quoted as saying.
"If someone was to threaten the United States of America, or any of our interests, including those of our allies and partners with whom we have treaties of mutual defence support, we are ready to fight tonight," Morehouse stated.
Note: Yes, be ready for conflict. When China invades Taiwan the US will fight China. Then, Russia makes the move against the US with a massive nuclear first strike launch at the US continent.

US Senator Lindsey Graham put on the wanted list of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
svpressa.ru (May 29, 2023) - The Russian Interior Ministry put US Senator Lindsey Graham on the wanted list. An arrest warrant has been issued for Mr Graham. Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin instructed to initiate a criminal case against him.
During a meeting with the head of the Kiev regime, Vladimir Zelensky , the senator said that the deaths of Russians during the Ukrainian conflict are Washington's "best investment."
Bastrykin instructed to open a criminal case on the fact of Graham's Russophobic statements.
The office of the President of Ukraine released a video in which the senator says two sentences one after another: “And the Russians are dying” and “We have never invested money so well.”

US Lawmakers Publish 10 Ways To Prepare For War With China Over Taiwan
ZeroHedge (May 27, 2023) - The House China Committee this week published a list of ten bipartisan recommendations to deter China from attacking Taiwan. These are being officially recommended for inclusion in the fiscal 2024 National Defense Authorization Act.
The list is said to be the result of conclusions reached during April 'table top' war games conducted by the hawkish Center for a New American Security.
"At the select committee’s Taiwan war game, we saw the terrifying result of deterrence failure,” Representative Mike Gallagher (R-WI) said ahead of the vote to approve advancing the measures.
"If we want to have a hope of stopping (we mean "starting") World War III, we need to arm Taiwan to the teeth right now. We must clear the embarrassment that is the $19 billion [foreign military sale] backlog," he added.
The panel shared the 10 recommendations as follows:
1. Manufacture & supply more long-range missiles to the Indo-Pacific region
2. Devise severe economic costs in concert with our allies ahead of time, should China act against Taiwan
3. Expand combined military training between the United States and Taiwan
4. Deliver the $19 billion of backlogged military equipment and weapons that Taiwan ordered from the United States
5. Establish a US military Joint Task Force or Joint Force HQ for crisis command and control in Indo-Pacific Command
6. Enhance cyber resiliency in US critical infrastructure, especially at port, air, and rail facilities with emphasis on military mobility
7. Help train Taiwan to strengthen its own cybersecurity
8. Create a US-Taiwan Combined Planning Group to build stronger relationships between our defense forces
9. Strengthen US military posture in the region by expanding bases with allies, hardening fuel depots, and enhancing logistics
10. Expand Taiwan’s military stockpiles and resiliency to attack
Of course, there are many other analysts who would point out that "arming to the teeth" and independent breakaway island in China's own backyard is precisely what could usher in WW3, akin to the years-long Western involvement in Ukraine and how this provoked Russia.

Medvedev: Ukraine and the West should be ready for a retaliatory nuclear strike
avia.pro (May 26, 2023) - A possible transfer of nuclear weapons to Ukraine from the West would trigger a preemptive strike from Russia, warned Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev. The announcement was made during his visit to Vietnam.
Medvedev explained that Ukraine's allies could put into service not only fighter jets, which is no longer excluded, but also nuclear weapons.
"If this happens, they must be ready for a retaliatory strike with a nuclear charge," the RIA Novosti agency quotes the statement of the deputy chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.
Medvedev stressed that if the situation comes to the point where nuclear weapons are being transferred to Ukraine, a preventive strike from Russia becomes inevitable. He expressed confidence that many in the Western world do not fully understand the seriousness of this issue, believing that the situation will not reach such a critical level. However, according to Medvedev, under certain circumstances, the situation may come to this.
Such a statement was made in the context of Medvedev's sharp response to the call of the G7 countries on the inadmissibility of nuclear war.
"They demand from Russia some kind of guarantees on nuclear weapons, but, in fact, imply the possibility of a future nuclear conflict between our country and NATO," Medvedev said.

Moscow and Minsk sealed a joint nuclear shield
rusvesna.su (May 25, 2023) - A package of documents on the procedure for keeping Russian tactical nuclear weapons there has been signed in Belarus, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said.
“In accordance with the decision of our supreme commanders, work has been organized to deploy non-strategic nuclear weapons of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Republic of Belarus,” the minister said.
He also recalled that Moscow does not transfer control over him to Minsk, he remains with Russia.
It is reported that the Iskander-M OTRK capable of using nuclear-armed missiles was handed over to the Belarusian side, and some of the Belarusian aircraft were converted for the possible use of nuclear weapons.

US will give Ukraine F-16 fighters with the ability to use B-61 nuclear bombs
avia.pro (May 25, 2023) - The United States will train Ukrainian pilots to use nuclear weapons from F-16 fighters.
According to information from Turkish sources, tense negotiations are currently underway in NATO regarding the transfer of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. This is an issue that causes lively discussion and becomes the subject of discussion among the member countries of the bloc.
However, the main bone of contention is the US proposal to transfer F-16 fighter jets with the ability to use free-falling B61 nuclear bombs to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In addition, the United States insists on training Ukrainian pilots to use these weapons.
It is noted that at present, a general agreement has been reached on the transfer of at least 24 aircraft to Ukraine. At the same time, it is assumed that at least one squadron (12 vehicles) should be prepared for the use of nuclear bombs. The United States, Great Britain, Poland, Germany are in favor of this initiative, while Turkey, Greece and Hungary are against it.
Those who oppose this initiative point to the risk of an escalation of the conflict and the fact that the United States will be forced to keep a stockpile of nuclear weapons within the range of Russian operational-tactical systems. The recent UAF raid on the territory of the Belgorod region exacerbated the complexity of the negotiations and called into question any guarantees from Kyiv that weapons received from the West would not be used on Russian territory.
However, Poland is actively lobbying for such a decision. The country hopes to use the Ukrainian option as an opportunity to deploy nuclear weapons on its territory, as well as to gain actual operational control over them, referring to the fact that nuclear weapons will soon appear on the territory of neighboring Belarus.

Russian Forces Take Full Control Over Artemovsk (Bakhmut)
Sputnik (May 20, 2023) - The hotly contested Artemovsk (Bakhmut), located north of the city of Donetsk, has been the center of hostilities between Russia and Ukraine for months.
Head of Wagner Group Yevgeny Prigozhin said on Saturday that Russian forces had fully gained control of Artemovsk.
"On May 20, 2023, today, at noon, Artemovsk was entirety taken," Prigozhin announced in a video posted on Telegram.
According to him, from 25 May Wagner will start withdrawing its units for rest and retraining. The group's fighters will also create "necessary defensive lines".
Control over the city will be handed over to the Defense Ministry, Prigozhin explained. He thanked Generals Sergei Surovikin and Mikhail Mizintsev, who "made it possible to carry out this difficult operation".
"And thanks to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin for giving us this opportunity and the high honor of defending our homeland," Prigozhin stressed.
On May 19, the Russian Defense Ministry said that Ukraine lost up to 130 military and mercenaries in the Donetsk direction, and over 70 soldiers in the Artemovsk direction in the past 24 hours.
The Russian Defense Ministry said on May 5 that a bridge near Chasov Yar, which the Ukrainian military had used in attempts to supply soldiers in Artemovsk with ammunition and deploy additional troops, has been destroyed.
Artemovsk is north of the large city of Gorlovka. The city is an important transport hub with many crossroads for Donbass and served as a vital center for supplying Ukrainian troops stationed in the region at the beginning of the military operation launched by Russia in Ukraine over a year ago.

rusonline.org (May 18, 2023) - An emergency meeting was held at NATO headquarters to strengthen air defense amid the failure of the Patriot air defense system in Kyiv. The defeat of the American Patriot anti-aircraft complex, which is part of the Ukrainian air defense system, during yesterday's night missile strike, caused great concern among the NATO leadership. As it turned out, the anti-aircraft complex widely advertised by the Americans does not have all the qualities attributed to it.
While the Americans deny the destruction of the Patriot air defense system by the Russian hypersonic missile "Dagger", an emergency meeting was held at NATO headquarters to discuss the state of air defense of the largest military bases in Slovakia and Poland, used as logistics hubs for the supply of weapons to Ukraine. The thing is that the basis of the air defense of these air bases is precisely the Patriot systems.
Russian hypersonic missiles destroy American Patriot air defence system in Kyiv:

Colonel McGregor: "We should be grateful that B. Putin is restrained - I'm afraid we will do something stupid"
pronews.gr (May 12, 2023) - Retired US Army Colonel Douglas McGregor has spoken of the fatal mistakes Western decision-makers can make if things get out of hand, while thanking God that Russian President Vladimir Putin is "restrained", according to his words.
“We should be grateful that Mr. Putin is restrained. He is not one who is ruled by emotion, thank God. But here we are very much ruled by emotion. And that worries me," he stressed.
Among other things he noted:
“So what do you do if you're a globalist and you lose? That's the question! Are you doing something really stupid? I am very worried about this! We are suddenly sending forces into Western Ukraine. The use of military force, at this stage, is disastrous. I think it's killing us as a country."
"Look at China, they come with a lot of cash and offer to do things and, expand their relations, but they are not interested in getting involved in the internal affairs of other societies. We don't seem to respect other people's culture, other people's way of doing business."

Putin: A War Has Been Unleashed Against Russia but Moscow Will Tackle It
Sputnik (May 9, 2023) - On May 9, Putin delivered a speech at Moscow's Red Square military parade, dedicated to the 78th anniversary of victory over Nazi Germany in World War II.
President Vladimir Putin pledged on Tuesday that a war has been unleashed against Russia, but that Moscow will resolve it.
“Today, civilization is again at a decisive turning point, [and] a real war has been unleashed against our Motherland. But we repelled international terrorism, [and] we will protect the residents of Donbass, ensuring our security,” Putin underscored.
He pointed to an array of countries, who he said want to strangle any sovereign centers of development.
"Their goal - and there is nothing new here - is to achieve the collapse and destruction of our country, cross out the results of the Second World War, finally break the system of global security and international law, and strangle any sovereign centers of development," Putin noted.
He underlined in this vein that "Like the vast majority of people on the planet, we [Russia] want to see a future of peace, freedom and stability. The Russian president added that “any ideology of superiority is inherently disgusting, criminal and deadly."
Putin accused Western countries of provoking conflicts and coups, as well as destroying traditional values in order to continue to dictate their own rules.
"We believe that any ideology of superiority is inherently disgusting, criminal and deadly. However, the Western globalist elites still talk about their exceptionality, pit people [against each other] and split society. They provoke bloody conflicts and upheavals, and sow hatred, Russophobia, aggressive nationalism, as well as destroy traditional family values that make a person a person," he said.

Vladimir Zharikhin: In response to the drone attack, we will hit carefully, but strongly
riafan.ru (May 4, 2023) - As ex-CIA analyst Larry Johnson told the American media , Ukraine made a terrible mistake by organizing a drone attack on the Kremlin. As the political scientist, deputy director of the Institute of CIS Countries Vladimir Zharikhin emphasized , this impudent action should by no means go unanswered.
As analyst Johnson recalled, the incident occurred in Moscow on the eve of the celebration of Russia's victory over the Nazis. “Therefore, it is all the more impossible to expect that Moscow will leave this attack unanswered,” he stressed.
American officials acknowledge that, as one Russian politician put it, “it is no longer a matter of crossing red lines, but of a stop line.” This was noted not only by Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev , but also by dozens of political figures in Moscow.
“Vladimir Putin himself has not yet said a word. I think both he and the military will still remain cool and collected, and will not allow themselves any emotional responses, the American analyst said. “But they will definitely remember this moment, and it will be taken into account in further responses, as required by politics. You can’t attack Moscow on the eve of the celebration of the 82nd anniversary of the victory over the Nazis and naively believe that there will be no response.”
Recall, on May 3, it became known that at night Ukrainian drones tried to attack the Kremlin residence of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
“As a result of timely actions taken by the military and special services, with the use of radar warfare systems, the devices were disabled. After their fall on the territory of the Kremlin, there were no victims and material damage, ”the press service of the head of state said.
At the same time, the attack itself was regarded in the Kremlin as a “planned terrorist act” and an attempt on the life of the president, carried out on the eve of the Victory Parade on May 9, at which the presence of foreign guests is planned. Russia reserved the right to take retaliatory measures "where and when it sees fit." According to presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, at the time of the incident, Vladimir Putin was not in the Kremlin, he was working in his Novo-Ogaryovo residence near Moscow.
As the political scientist, deputy director of the Institute of CIS Countries Vladimir Zharikhin pointed out on this occasion, vengeance for this terrorist attack must be inevitable.
Video of the attack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upC2YSC9PWw&ab_channel=TheTimesandTheSundayTimes

Russia will not follow anybody’s rules, says Putin
TASS (April 29, 2023) - The West is seeking to impose its rules on everyone but Russia will not follow them, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday.
"Our partners, or it can be said, former partners in some countries are maniacally ruining the legal framework and channels of dialogue, seeking to impose their views and so-called rules on everyone," he said at a meeting with the Council of Legislators.
"No one has ever seen these rules," Putin said. "Who wrote them, these rules? They write them under a blanket and then do something with it under the blanket. But we are not going to get under the covers with them. And will not follow their rules either."
He noted that "parliamentary diplomacy is gaining "extra significance." Despite the actions by unfriendly countries, the intensity of international contacts, including inter-parliamentary contacts, "is not reducing, on the contrary, it is increasing," he said. "This is good, right tendency."

Ernest Makarenko: The United States is hysterical, they are furious that they cannot quickly break Russia
jpgazeta.ru (April 28, 2023) - During the stay of Russian FM Sergei Lavrov in New York, the tone and nature of the statements of the US representatives were defiant, said Russian Deputy FM Sergei Ryabkov.
Political scientist Ernest Makarenko shared his opinion on this matter with the readers of Journalistskaya Pravda.
The US is hysterical, they are furious that they cannot quickly break Russia, as they counted on it. Russia is not going to bend under the Americans, as it has been for many previous decades. They are used to the fact that in this way they always command Russia and humiliate it.
The US is infuriated by our independence, confidence in the policy that we are pursuing. We are talking about a policy of absolute sovereignty and the protection of our values, our Russian people. They already just break into this hysteria, and do not even try to hide or, as they did before, demonstrate some kind of smile, behind which they do their dirty deeds. All the masks that they were wearing were frayed, torn off, and they just show their bestial grin, which is already impossible to hide. Although they do not consider it necessary to hide this grin now.
The West is trying to snap at us, to humiliate and insult us, trying to force us to behave the way they want. The States cannot come to terms with the new reality. The world is already different. It will never again be ruled by the will of the US. They will either have to rebuild or they will simply be destroyed. History is inexorable, and if America does not rebuild and does not recognize the multipolar world, the strength of Russia and other forces of good that have joined us, then history will sweep America into the trash, break it up and eliminate it as a superpower. Only and everything.

The US and NATO’s plan to break up Russia into 41 Nations
(April 27, 2023) - For sometime now the West have been planning to dismember Russia, a plan to break up the Russian Federation into 41 Nations. The plan was announced in the Hudson Institute, a think tank located in Washington DC by their spokesperson, Gunther Fehlinger. Gunther is the Austrian NATO ambassador, a Freemason Globalists spokesperson.
First, help Ukraine win the current conflict with Russia.
Second, remove Putin from being president.
Third, take control of Russia’s natural resources.
Fourth, remove all Russian nuclear arsenals.
Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kH2eUvmLBt4&ab_channel=GuntherFehlinger

Risks of direct military clash between Russia, US keep growing — Foreign Ministry
TASS (April 25, 2023) - Risks of a direct military confrontation between two nuclear powers - Russia and the US - are growing constantly, says Russian Foreign Ministry Non-Proliferation and Arms Control Department Director Vladimir Yermakov.
"If the US continues to follow its current course towards a standoff with Russia, while constantly raising the stakes on the verge of a direct military conflict, then the fate of the New START Treaty may become sealed," Yermakov told TASS. "However, in the worst-case scenario, i.e. if Washington drives the situation to a military clash between the strongest nuclear powers, then it is not the fate of the New START but the fate of the entire world that will be a concern."
"This once again confirms that the most pressing threat today is connected not with the dynamic of stimuli for the first massive strike, which is supposed to be curbed by agreements like the New START, but with a danger of nuclear escalation as a result of a direct military confrontation between nuclear powers," Yermakov explained. "And, to our deepest regrets, these risks keep growing."
"This is exactly why we constantly point to the danger of US and NATO’s actions, who, it seems, have believed in the illusion of impunity and got carried away with such chimeras as ‘escalation control’ and ‘escalatory domination’," the diplomat underscored. "We continue sending sobering signals to the West that a catastrophe must be prevented."
However, Yermakov pointed out, the West "remains deaf to the calls," and even "maliciously distorts them for propaganda purposes."
The diplomat underscored that, in order to improve the situation, "the US must immediately take concrete steps on de-escalation and to abolish the hostile course towards undermining Russia’s security in practice."
"There is simply no other way to reverse the negative trend," Yermakov concluded.

Russia significantly ahead of US on hypersonic weapons, Washington offended — diplomat
TASS (April 25, 2023) - Washington is offended because Moscow has got significantly ahead of it in development of advanced hypersonic weapons, and American attempts to catch up have not been too efficient so far, Russian Foreign Ministry Non-Proliferation and Arms Control Department Director Vladimir Yermakov told TASS Monday.
"The US is obviously offended (and jealous) that Russia has got seriously ahead in development and commissioning of advanced hypersonic weapons. Meanwhile, American attempts to remove this backlog have been inefficient so far," the diplomat noted.
However, Yermakov underscored, Russia has "no illusions."
"The US still remains a high-tech country with the largest military budget, and, one day, a portion of their hypersonic projects will be finalized. But, as President Putin noted in this regard, our specialists might come up with something else in the meantime," he continued.
Yermakov noted that Moscow "is not obsessed with the ‘hypersonic race’."
"Based on the existing defense goals and the evolving threats, we will continue to calmly and gradually perfect our weapons, based on the principle of reasonable sufficiency," he concluded.

“Commanders are sent to death! Our lads are dying just like that! - the cry of the soul of a Ukrainian militant (VIDEO)
rusvesna.su (April 24, 2023) - A militant of the Ukrainian territorial defense revealed a cynical and simple scheme for enriching the commanders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the expense of the dead military.
“We are systematically and purposefully leaked, what does this mean? They constantly send us to a senseless death, our guys die just like that."
"Our commanders forbid the removal of bodies from positions so that they are listed as missing,” he even forgets Ukrainian words from emotions and switches to his native and familiar Russian.
“And these three months, while they are considered missing, they receive funding, bonuses, and then the time comes and they charge other people. I think that this is some kind of financial scam,” he said in an interview with the Ukrainian TV channel, the Stop Corruption TV show.
This militant stated that he was serving in the 110th Terodefense Brigade (3rd Battalion, 9th Company). It is noteworthy that he makes all these statements on Maidan Square, in the center of Kyiv - behind him is the busy Khreshchatyk Street and the majestic Stalinist building of the Main Post Office on the so-called. European Square.
Video link: https://t.me/RVvoenkor/43365

Medvedev accused the G7 of lack of brains after the idea of a complete ban on the export of goods to the Russian Federation
politros.com (April 23, 2023) - Dmitry Medvedev, deputy head of the Russian Security Council, harshly besieged the leaders of the G7 after another attack on Moscow.
Earlier, the G7 countries put forward the idea of introducing a complete ban on the export of goods to Russia. Medvedev, commenting on the news, called this initiative excellent, as it will allow the Kremlin to stop importing goods from the country in sensitive categories for Europe as a response.
“In this case, the grain deal will end for them and many other things that they need. They don't have brains at all. In the head - only make yellow-blanket shit,”the politician said.
The corresponding opinion was expressed by the Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of Russia in his Telegram channel on April 23.

China Reveals Details of Raytheon, Lockheed Sanctions
voanews.com (April 18, 2023) - China revealed on Tuesday new details of sanctions it previously announced against two U.S. weapons manufacturers, including a ban on Chinese companies doing business with them.
China imposed trade and investment sanctions in February on Lockheed Martin and Raytheon Missiles & Defense, a division of Raytheon Technologies Corp., for supplying weapons to Taiwan, the self-governed island claimed by China.
China's Ministry of Commerce said in a statement late Tuesday that the sanctions include a ban on exports and imports by the two companies from and to China "to prevent Chinese products from being used in their military business."
Last September, Raytheon Missiles and Defense was awarded a $412 million contract to upgrade Taiwanese military radar as part of a $1.1 billion package of U.S. arms sales to the island.
The sanctions also prohibit the senior executives of both companies from traveling to China or working there.

G7 war declaration against China-India: "Anyone who helps Russia will pay dearly"
pronews.gr (April 18, 2023) - With an extremely belligerent statement that portends bad things for the planet, the G7 in the joint statement of the foreign ministers after their meeting in Japan, directly threatened China, India, but also almost all of Africa, almost all of South America, the Central America and the majority of the Asian countries, i.e. 80% of the world (!) that they will "pay dearly" for any help they provide to Russia and the non-compliance with the sanctions they imposed!
This is an unprecedented statement, which raises many questions, as it is offensive to the countries' sovereignty and to their independent foreign policy.
The heads of diplomacy of the world's seven most industrialized nations also agreed to "intensify" and "fully implement" sanctions on Russia, while calling Moscow's announcement that it will develop nuclear weapons in Belarus "unacceptable".
And this statement raises questions because, based on the policy of the West towards Russia, it was expected that Moscow would proceed with such an action.
In essence, Moscow wants to deploy tactical nuclear weapons to have them ready for use should Crimea be threatened or something else equally painful for Russia happen.
Strategic nuclear weapons are always ready to use, tactical nuclear weapons take some time to develop.
" We remain committed to intensifying sanctions against Russia, coordinating and fully implementing them (…) and combating efforts by Russia and third parties to evade and undermine our punitive measures," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement after after the meeting in Karuizawa, Japan.
"We repeat our appeal to third parties to stop helping Russia's war" because otherwise " they will pay dearly", continues the text of the heads of diplomacy of the US, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Canada and Japan, which holds the rotating presidency of the G7.
Don't they know that with this attitude they are only making the Russia-China alliance even more solid?
Don't they know that the combined military and nuclear power of the two superpowers is many times that of NATO?
Also, don't they know that the two superpowers and countries that join them control essentially all the energy and raw materials of the planet? Who will take a real financial hit? Those who own raw materials and energy or those who own... stock exchanges?
In the West, many fear that a rival "bloc" is forming against it. With these actions, do they not know that they are ensuring exactly that? The creation of an awe-inspiring rival who will have multiple powers?
Note: The G7 should not be jealous of Russia's strength & success. They should not be childish, throwing temper tantrum. They should sober up and stop being a spoiled brat.

Putin Meets Chinese Defense Minister, Probable Full Military Pact Exists…Outgunning NATO
The Intel Drop (April 17, 2023) - Russian President Vladimir Putin has met with Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu in the Kremlin, with both hailing the “strategic” nature of ties between the two countries and their growing military cooperation.
The Sunday meeting, which came less than a month after Chinese President Xi Jinping’s three-day state visit to Moscow, kicked off the newly-appointed Chinese Defense Minister’s four-day visit to Russia – his first foreign trip since assuming the role last month.
“We are working actively through our military departments, regularly exchange useful information, work together in the field of military-technical cooperation, and hold joint exercises,” Putin was quoted by Russian media telling Li.
The Chinese minister, for his part, welcomed robust relations with Moscow, adding that trust between the militaries of the two countries has been “increasingly consolidated” and cooperation has yielded “fruitful results,” according to a readout from Chinese state media.
“We have very strong ties. They surpass the military-political alliances of the Cold War era… They are very stable,” Li, a general and veteran of China’s military modernization drive who has been sanctioned by the US, was quoted as saying.
“This is my first overseas visit since taking over as China’s defense minister…I specifically chose Russia for this in order to emphasize the special nature and strategic importance of our bilateral ties.”

US smart bombs miss Russian targets – Pentagon leak
RT (April 13, 2023) - Pentagon officials have reportedly expressed concern that US-produced smart bombs provided to Ukraine are being electronically jammed by Russian forces, causing them to miss their targets.
The precision-guided bombs, which are among the increasingly advanced weaponry that Washington has been providing to Kiev, have been rendered “useless” by Russian jamming tactics, Politico reported on Wednesday, citing leaked Pentagon documents. The US media outlet added that an unidentified Pentagon official confirmed the authenticity of the documents.
The US has given Ukraine the long-range version of its Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs), which can be launched by bombers or fighter jets and guided to targets more than 45 miles (72 kilometers) away. They are touted as being accurate within less than 10 meters of their targets.
However, Politico said, the JDAMs have missed their targets on multiple occasions. In other cases they failed to detonate because of a separate technical glitch, though Ukrainian forces have come up with a fix to ensure that the bombs arm correctly, according to the documents.
“The news adds to an increasingly bleak picture of the state of Ukraine’s military that has emerged from a trove of top-secret intelligence documents that leaked on social media and came to light over the past week,” Politico said.
The leaked documents alleged that Russia was using GPS jamming and other tactics to interfere with the JDAMs’ targeting process. Such tactics also have been employed against other American weapons, including guided rockets, causing them to miss their targets.
The FBI on Thursday arrested a suspect in the leaking of classified Pentagon documents, identified by the media as a 21-year-old member of the Massachusetts Air National Guard named Jack Teixeira. The leaked documents purported to reveal secrets regarding US intelligence gathering on the Russia-Ukraine conflict and Washington’s spying on allies.

Saudi Arabia recognizes the Assad government and asks the US to withdraw from Syria
pronews.gr (April 13, 2023) - A historic announcement was jointly issued by the foreign ministries of Saudi Arabia and Syria, in which it is stated that the "necessary measures" were discussed to end the Syrian crisis and to end the presence of armed militias and foreign interventions in the internal affairs of Syria!
Of course, this announcement is also a "bell ringer" for the US, which controls the Syrian oil fields of Deir Ezzor, as a result of which Syria is deprived of its own oil production.
There is also a Russian military presence, but this has been officially requested by the Syrian government and the Russian force is acting in coordination with Damascus.
The announcement was issued immediately after Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad's visit to Saudi Arabia ended.
"In the context of the perspicacity and interest of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in anything that serves the purposes of our Arab nation, enhances the interests of the countries and their peoples, and in response to an invitation from Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad, visited the Kingdom ," the press release states.
The two sides also discussed the necessary steps to achieve a comprehensive political settlement of the Syrian crisis that would end all its effects, achieve national reconciliation and contribute to Syria's return to the Arab environment and resumption of its natural role in the Arab world.
Everything is changing in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East after the Iran-S.Arabia alignment achieved after Chinese efforts and the tectonic changes continue with the return of Syria to the "Arab family" as the UAE 25 days ago gave a grand welcome to the Syrian president M. Assad during his visit to the Gulf country.
S.Arabia and the UAE have shown in recent months that they prefer the partnership with China and Russia to the USA of Joe Biden, who does not stop preaching everywhere, that all regimes on the planet that are not "western-style democracies" are in the "crosshairs" of the American government.

US threatens China with war over Taiwan
rusvesna.su (April 8, 2023) - The US is threatening Beijing with sending its troops to Taiwan and declaring war. Michael McCall, chairman of the US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, stated this.
If Taiwan is invaded by China, McCall said, not only would the issue of authorized use of force be considered, but a de facto declaration of war.
“It is about the authorized use of military force, which would be approved by my committee, or a declaration of war, which we have not used since the Second World War.
I think if China invades Taiwan, which I think it will, then the American people will support sending troops and Congress will follow suit,” he said in an interview with Fox News.
This statement was made against the backdrop of a 3-day military exercise launched by China today to "encircle Taiwan."
The potential move would stand in stark contrast to the war in Ukraine, where the US sent billions of dollars worth of weapons to Kyiv but refused to send troops, writes Fox News.
Note: Mr McCall is not aware that Russia and China are in a secret pact. When the US send forces to defend Taiwan, Russia will launch a surprise massive nuclear strike on the US continent.

Nuclear war is already underway. Moscow understands this and is preparing, Washington ignores
svpressa.ru (April 4, 2023) - Paul Craig Roberts: In this article, I explain why a nuclear war is now on the map. I know most don't want to hear that. But if no one knows anything, then the chances of preventing it are even less.
Looking at Russia's bewildering behavior in its conflict with Ukraine, and now with NATO and the US, I looked for an explanation that made sense. Why is the Kremlin refusing to use force to quickly end the conflict before Washington and its NATO puppets become too involved in the conflict to retreat? It didn't make any sense until I realized that the Washington neoconservatives convinced the Kremlin that war with the US was inevitable, which of course means nuclear war.
The Kremlin is likely worried that if Russia uses conventional forces at its disposal to knock out Ukraine, the result could be direct US/NATO intervention before Russia gets more of its hypersonic nuclear missiles and air defense systems S-500 and S-550, which are capable of intercepting and destroying Washington's nuclear missiles. Unlike Russian hypersonic missiles, which change course in any way and are impossible to intercept, Washington's technically weaker missiles can be shot down.
My conclusion is that, convinced by the Washington neo-conservatives, and because of their dominance in every US presidential administration in the 21st century, that the US intends to destroy Russia, the Kremlin is preparing for a nuclear war. On several occasions , Putin has made public statements that it is clear to him that the West intends to destroy Russia. It is incomprehensible that Washington is so reckless, so irresponsible, so utterly stupid that he convinced the Kremlin that Washington intended to destroy Russia. Surprisingly, Putin's statements did not evoke any reassurance from the White House.
When Russia is ready, the US and the capitals of its NATO puppets will be in danger of destruction.

Finland will become a new member of NATO on April 4
ria.ru (April 3, 2023) - Finland will join NATO on Tuesday, April 4, 2023 said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.
"It will be a historic week. Tomorrow we will raise the flag of Finland at the headquarters in Brussels, and it will become a member of the alliance," he said.
This was confirmed by the Office of the President of Finland.
As for the Swedish bid, meetings in a trilateral format with the participation of Sweden, Finland and Turkey will continue, Stoltenberg added.
Finland and Sweden applied to NATO in May last year amid developments in Ukraine. However, they failed to join the alliance together as Turkey and Hungary wished to consider applications separately. Last week, both Budapest and Ankara approved Finland's accession to the alliance, while the process of Sweden's entry is still being delayed.

Russia to stop warning US before carrying out missile tests
INDEPENDENT (March 29, 2023) - Russia will no longer tell the US before carrying out missile tests, a senior Kremlin diplomat said, signalling an end to a decades-long practice that has eased the threat of nuclear escalation.
Sergei Ryabkov, Russian deputy foreign minister, said in remarks carried by Russian news agencies that Moscow had halted all information exchanges with Washington after recently withdrawing from the last remaining nuclear arms pact with the US.
The two nations have exchanged advance warnings about test launches for decades, along with information about the current state of their nuclear forces.
Such notices have been an essential element of the strategic stability that has defined relations since the winding down of the Cold War in the late 1980s, allowing Russia and the US to correctly interpret each other’s moves and make sure that neither country mistakes a test launch for a missile attack.
The termination of missile test warnings appears to mark yet another attempt by Moscow to discourage the West from ramping up its support for Ukraine by pointing out Russia‘s massive nuclear arsenals.
Mr Ryabkov’s comments came as Russia deployed Yars mobile missile launchers in three regions of Siberia in a show of the country’s massive nuclear capability amid the fighting in Ukraine.

Patrushev: Russia will destroy anyone who threatens its existence with unique weapons
RT (March 27, 2023) - Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev commented on the flights of US strategic bombers near the Russian borders with mock missile strikes against targets in
“For some reason, American politicians who are held captive by their own propaganda remain confident that in the event of a direct conflict with Russia, the United States is capable of delivering a preventive missile strike, after which Russia will no longer be able to respond,” Patrushev said in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
According to him, this is short-sighted stupidity, and very dangerous.
“We can say one thing about this. Russia is patient and does not intimidate anyone with its military advantage. But it has modern unique weapons capable of destroying any enemy, including the United States, in the event of a threat to its existence, ”said Patrushev.
Earlier, retired USMC intelligence officer Scott Ritter said that the Russian army would destroy Western military equipment that the Armed Forces of Ukraine plan to use for the offensive.

Putin says Moscow to station nuclear weapons in Belarus, first time since 1990s
Reuters (March 26, 2023) - Russia will station tactical nuclear weapons in neighbouring Belarus, President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday, marking the first time since the mid-1990s that Moscow will have based such arms outside the country.
Putin made the announcement at a time of growing tensions with the West over the Ukraine war and as some Russian commentators speculate about possible nuclear strikes.
Putin told state television that Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko had long raised the issue of stationing tactical nuclear weapons in his country, which borders NATO member Poland.
"There is nothing unusual here either: firstly, the United States has been doing this for decades. They have long deployed their tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of their allied countries," he said.
"We agreed that we will do the same - without violating our obligations, I emphasize, without violating our international obligations on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons."
Putin did not specify when the weapons would be transferred to Belarus. "Tactical" nuclear weapons refer to those used for specific gains in the battlefield. Russia will have completed the construction of a storage facility for tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus by July 1, Putin said, adding that Moscow would not actually be transferring control of the arms to Minsk.
Russia has stationed 10 aircraft in Belarus capable of carrying tactical nuclear weapons, he said, adding that Moscow had already transferred to Belarus a number of Iskander tactical missile systems that can be used to launch nuclear weapons.
When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, nuclear weapons were deployed in the four newly-independent states of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. In May 1992, the four states agreed all the weapons should be based in Russia and the transfer of warheads from Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan was completed in 1996.

Some countries only understand language of force, says Medvedev
TASS (March 23, 2023) - Some countries and blocs only listen to the language of force so there is no point in reasoning with them, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said.
"There is no point in negotiating with some countries, blocs and communities of countries because they only understand the language of force," the politician noted in an interview with Russian media outlets, including TASS, and users of the VKontakte social media network.
According to Medvedev, the West miscalculated when it refused to provide security guarantees to Russia in 2021.
"You know, I got the impression that until recently, they did not take Russia’s resolve seriously, the resolve of its president to do what we eventually did. And they miscalculated," he noted.
"The current ramifications are much more complicated than they would have been had they signed a document with us last December," the Russian Security Council deputy chairman said.
Note: They should fear Russia. Failure to do that is their undoing.

Report: Israel sets red line for strike on Iranian nuclear facilities
WorldIsraelNews (March 23, 2023) - Jerusalem has warned the US and several European countries that Iranian enrichment of uranium beyond 60 percent could trigger an Israeli military strike, Axios reported on Wednesday.
The International Atomic Energy Agency last month confirmed in a report that its inspectors had found “particles” of enriched uranium to 83.7 percent at Iran’s underground nuclear site in Fordow.
The report pegged Iran’s uranium stockpile as of Feb. 12 at some 3,760 kilograms (8,289 pounds)—an increase of 87.1 kilograms (192 pounds) since its last quarterly report, in November. Of that, 87.5 kilograms (192 pounds) is enriched up to 60%, just a short technical step away from 90%, or weapons-grade.
However, Axios quotes an unnamed Israeli official as saying that Jerusalem doesn’t consider the small amounts of uranium enriched at 84% purity as a trigger “because Tehran didn’t amass any of the material at that level.”
The official told Axios that Jerusalem was not setting as a “red line” Iranian enrichment to 90%, because Tehran might then begin stockpiling enriched uranium to levels just below that.
Accordingly, the Israeli government has told Western allies that any Iranian progress above the 60% threshold could prompt military strikes against Tehran’s nuclear facilities, according to the report.
Israeli officials believe that this message has been transmitted to their Iranian counterparts.
Axios reported that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant asked U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin during his recent visit to Israel to expedite the delivery of the four KC-46 tankers that Jerusalem purchased from Washington last year. Israel reportedly needs the aerial refueling tankers, set for delivery at the end of 2024, for a possible military strike in Iran.
Austin reportedly told Netanyahu and Gallant that the U.S. would try to deliver the planes earlier but stressed this would be difficult due to American military needs.
Last month, U.S. Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl said that Tehran could produce enough fissile material for a nuclear bomb in less than two weeks, comments that echoed those made in an interview by CIA chief William Burns.
Netanyahu has warned that in the absence of a credible military threat or actual military action, Iran will become a nuclear power.
“The longer you wait, the harder that becomes [to prevent]. We’ve waited very long. I can tell you that I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. That is not merely an Israeli interest; it’s an American interest; it’s in the interest of the entire world,” he said.

Putin: Russia Will be Forced to React if West Starts Using Weapons With Nuclear Components
Sputnik (March 22, 2023) - UK Minister of State for Defense Annabel Goldie said on Tuesday that London would provide Ukraine with armor piercing shells for the Challenger 2 main battle tanks it has decided to send to Kiev, including depleted uranium ammunition.
“Today it became known that the UK, through its deputy head of the ministry of defense, announced not only the supply of tanks to Ukraine, but also shells with depleted uranium," Russian President Vladimir Putin said, adding that "it seems that the West really decided to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian, not in words, but in deed."
"I would like to note in this regard that if all this happens, then Russia will be forced to react accordingly - I mean that the Collective West is already starting to use weapons with a nuclear component," Putin added.
His comments came after meetings with a delegation of high-level Chinese officials, including Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Later in the day, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu warned the UK that there would be few red lines left uncrossed if it delivered on its promise to give Ukraine depleted uranium weapons.
"I can only say this: We are running out of red lines … Another line has been crossed and there are fewer and fewer of them left," he told reporters in Moscow.
Depleted uranium is a byproduct of the uranium refining process composed of uranium-238, which is not useful for generating nuclear chain reactions but which is extremely dense and used to make armor-piercing ammunition. However, it still possesses radioactive properties that can be very harmful to humans and is highly toxic, making it a dangerous weapon long after the engagement in which it was fired.

Dmitry Medvedev: "You know where the document of the arrest warrant for Putin will be used"
pronews.gr (March 18, 2023) - The immediate reaction of former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, regarding the arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court.
"The ICC has issued an arrest warrant for Putin. There is no need for me to explain WHERE this document should be used," Dmitry Medvedev posted this message in his twitter acount.

Russia slams ICC’s warrant for Putin's arrest 'null and void' — Kremlin
TASS (March 18, 2023) - Russia does not recognize the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and considers its decisions null and void, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Friday, commenting on the body's issuance of an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin.
"We consider the very formulation of the issue outrageous and unacceptable. Russia, as well as several other states, do not recognize the jurisdiction of this court and, accordingly, any decisions of this kind are null and void for Russia in terms of law," the Kremlin spokesman said.
"That is, in fact, the only thing I would and could tell you about this decision," he added.
Peskov did not comment on a question about whether the court's decision would affect Putin's visits to countries that recognized the jurisdiction of the ICC: "I have nothing to add on this topic."
Earlier on Friday, it became known that the International Criminal Court had issued arrest warrants for Putin and Russian children's rights commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova.
The International Criminal Court was created by the 1998 Rome Statute. It is not part of the UN and is accountable to the countries that have ratified the document. Non-signatories include Russia (signed but not ratified), the United States (signed but later withdrew its signature), and China (did not sign the statute). In 2016, Putin signed an order stating that Russia would not become a party to the ICC. According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, the court "has failed to live up to the expectations placed on it and has not become a truly independent body of international justice."

Attack on Russian plane in neutral airspace to be seen as declaration of war — diplomat
TASS (March 16, 2023) - A deliberate attack on a Russian aircraft in neutral airspace would be an open declaration of war against the largest nuclear power, Moscow is not seeking confrontation, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said on Wednesday.
"Some lawmakers’ calls go far beyond common sense," he said, commenting on US Senator Lindsey Graham’s (from South Karolina) threats to shoot down Russian planes approaching US aircraft in international airspace."
"The Russian Ministry of Defense has explained in detail the reasons and course of actions of Russian pilots during yesterday’s incident over the Black Sea. I repeat, for those who have not gathered themselves to look at the situation objectively: our fighters did not come into contact with the American UAV," he said, commenting on the loss of a MQ-9 American drone.
Russia did everything possible to prevent this kind of incident - it informed the international community in good time about the boundaries of the temporary airspace regime established for the special military operation."
"Of course, it is a shame for the Pentagon to lose expensive piece of equipment. But in this case, the US military should redirect accusations of unprofessional actions back to themselves," he noted.
"As for the aforementioned senator, this is by no means the first attempt by the notorious lawmaker to provoke a dangerous escalation in the US-Russian relations. A year ago he urged our citizens to make an assassination attempt on the president of Russia. Does Senator Graham really believe that a direct military clash with Russia is in the interests of the voters who entrusted him with their lives and livelihood?" the Russian ambassador noted.
"A deliberate attack on a Russian aircraft in neutral airspace is not just a crime under international law, but an open declaration of war against the largest nuclear power. An armed conflict between Russia and the United States would be radically different from the proxy war the Americans are waging remotely against us in Ukraine," Antonov warned.
Is the Capitol willing to put American citizens and the international community at risk of a full-scale nuclear war? Give us an answer, distinguished Senator!"
"It is not the Russian pilots who should be called out, but American politicians who are inciting the start of an apocalyptic conflict. We do not seek a conflict with a nuclear power. We continue to maintain contacts, including through the Defense Ministry, to prevent unintentional incidents. I wish US politicians had the same attitude toward relations with Russia," the Russian diplomat stressed.
According to Russia’s Defense Ministry, Russian airspace control systems detected an American MQ-9 unmanned aerial vehicle flying near the Crimean Peninsula on Tuesday. The drone flew with its transponders turned off, violating a temporary boundary established for the special military operation, communicated to all users of international airspace, and published in accordance with international standards.
Russia’s top brass added that as a result of sharp maneuvering, the drone went into uncontrolled flight before losing altitude and crashing into the Black Sea. The ministry stressed that Russian fighter jets had not used on-board weapons, nor had they come into contact with the unmanned aerial vehicle, and returned safely to their home airfield.

Russian Su-27 fighter jet sent US MQ-9 Reaper drone to the bottom of the Black Sea
pronews.gr (March 14, 2023) - Russian fighter jets caused the downing of a US MQ-9 Reaper drone over the Black Sea, either by "dumping fuel" on it, or by "burning" the US aircraft from the engine of one of the two Russian fighters that preceded the drone a few meters.
Other sources report engine overspray. The view that the Su-27 hit the engine or wing of the MQ-9 Reaper does not stand up to serious criticism, as no modern fighter pilot would risk the safety of the aircraft to cause a simple drone to be shot down.
The Reaper drone and two Su-27 Flanker jets were operating over international waters over the Black Sea when one of the Russian jets deliberately flew in front of the drone and dropped fuel in front of it, according to the official.
One of the jets then damaged the Reaper's propeller, which is mounted on the back of the drone, a US official said in another version that leaves open the possibility that shots were fired. The Reaper went down in international waters, in the Black Sea.
"Our MQ-9 aircraft was performing routine operations in international airspace when it was intercepted and hit by a Russian aircraft causing it to crash," US Wing Commander James Hecker said in a statement.
Russia denied that the drone was downed by its fighters.
It claims that the drone was flying with transponders turned off in a no-fly zone and that, due to a maneuver, it fell into the sea without being hit.

China and Russia are "bombing" the US economy: They are buying gold, selling bonds and causing banks to collapse!
pronews.gr (March 13, 2023) - Gold rose above $1,900 an ounce with gains of 2% today in the wake of creditor anxiety and massive buying of the precious metal by China, as well as the collapse of three US banks, Silicon Valley Bank, First Republic Bank and Signature Bank, caused a rally in bond prices worldwide as investors seek "safe havens" en masse.
“Recent events show that gold remains a safe haven as it is able to benefit from market uncertainty. "Also, investors are moving towards gold on the assumption that there will be no interest rate hike," notes UBS analyst Giovanni Staunovo.
In this climate, the gold contract for April delivery strengthened by 2% or 25.90 dollars to 1,904 dollars per ounce, while a strong 5% rally is also made by silver with its own price at 21.5 dollars.
All this while China and Russia are hitting the US economy "wherever they can find it": The Chinese are buying gold and selling bonds, which have skyrocketed, making billions of dollars in one day.
Russians are also buying gold and de-dollarizing their transactions.
The cost of supporting the Zelensky regime has exceeded half of the funds allocated for the strengthening of the US armed forces in one year, and it is all from the pocket of the American taxpayers.
As a result, the Central Bank of the USA to support the American economy, raised interest rates which resulted in the collapse of the banks!
China is "getting rid" of American bonds at a rapid pace, while correspondingly it is buying large amounts of gold, amounting to almost 100 tons, in the last 4 months alone, boosting its reserves which reached 2,011 tons at the end of 2022, while at the end of in January 2023 these had risen to 2,025 tons.

Li Shangfu: US-sanctioned aerospace expert becomes China’s new defence minister
INDEPENDENT (March 13, 2023) - China has named a US-sanctioned general as its new defence minister in a decision that could spell more difficulties for already strained US-China ties.
Li Shangfu, an aerospace expert, was voted unanimously by the country’s rubber-stamp parliament, the National People’s Congress, on Sunday to replace outgoing defence chief Wei Fenghe.
Mr Li, 65, was sanctioned by the US State Department in 2018 for purchasing Russian weapons, including 10 Su-35 combat aircraft and equipment related to the S-400 surface-to-air missile system.
He took charge amid a stark warning by foreign minister Qin Gang in which he said there “will surely be conflict” with the US unless it changes course.
The latest appointment is part of a major cabinet reshuffle by Xi Jinping, who was formally given an unprecedented third term as president.

China helps broker Iran-Saudi diplomatic agreement, calling deal ‘a victory for peace’
South China Morning Post (March 10, 2023) - Iran and Saudi Arabia have agreed to resume diplomatic relations after four days of intensive previously undisclosed talks in Beijing and seven years after ties were cut.
The agreement, which was reached between China, Iran and Saudi Arabia in the Chinese capital this week, marks a diplomatic victory for the Chinese authorities as the war in Ukraine enters a second year and Beijing’s role in the conflict comes under intense international scrutiny.
Top security officials from Tehran and Riyadh held four days of talks from Monday in Beijing, with Iran, Saudi Arabia and China signing a joint statement in a ceremony on Friday.
“As a result of the talks, Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed to resume diplomatic relations and reopen embassies … within two months,” Iranian news agency IRNA reported.

"To protect Taiwan": the US passed several laws against China
rusvesna.su (March 2, 2023) - The US House Finance Committee has passed several bills to impose restrictions on China and to protect Taiwan from potential encroachment from Beijing.
Among the approved initiatives:
** "Taiwan Conflict Prevention Law", aimed at deterring possible military aggression of the PRC against the island. He also demands that US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen impose financial sanctions against Chinese officials and their families;
** “Law on Pressure on Regulatory Organizations to Stop Threats from the PRC.” The initiative instructs the US authorities to seek China's exclusion from major international associations, including the G20, the Financial Stability Board and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.
Bills supporting Taiwan's membership in the International Monetary Fund. Initiatives to pressure the IMF to reduce the yuan's share of the Special Drawing Rights basket.
US Naval Operations Commander Senior Admiral Michael Gilday said earlier that the US military must be prepared to respond to a possible invasion of Taiwan.
Also in the United States they said that they did not intend to slow down the pace of arms supplies to Taiwan, despite the war in Ukraine.

Germany says Zelensky is losing touch with reality
rusvesna.su (March 2, 2023) - Readers of the German edition of Die Welt criticized the speech of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky during his next video message.
“We will destroy this entire Russian system, from gears to architects, and bring it to justice,” the Ukrainian leader said.
“Now Zelensky has completely lost his mind. When you elect an actor as president, the government becomes a theater,” commented Reiner T.
“At the moment, it looks more like they will destroy Ukraine. And literally,” said Hans S.
“Those who still consider Zelensky sane should pay attention to his psyche. Biden's visit seems to have overexcited him. No one else can calm him down,” said Walter B.
“Zelensky is becoming more brash and apparently out of touch with reality,” wrote Tessa T.
“I wonder if Zelensky is overestimating himself too much,” summed up Nobbi Payne.
Earlier, Vladimir Zelensky announced the deterioration of the situation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Artemivsk (Bakhmut), and the former adviser to the head of the Pentagon, Colonel Douglas McGregor, said that the Ukrainian politician would be forced to flee to the United States after Washington stopped military support for Kiev.

The West is in shock: despite the sanctions, the Russian economy is growing
politnavigator.net (February 24, 2023) - The countries of the Western bloc are shocked that, despite the ever-renewing packages of tough sanctions, Russia is showing economic growth and harvesting record harvests.
This was announced to the Perspektiva channel by the adviser to the first head of the DPR, political strategist Alexander Kazakov, the correspondent of PolitNavigator reports.
“The fact that Russia withstood the economic blow is a shock for the West. They generally misjudge the Russian economy. They do not understand what the post-Soviet economy is. They judge our economy by their own standards, and that doesn't mean anything.
They tried to cut it out, but it turned out that almost fifty vital technological chains in the world are closed to Russia and do not work without it. This is where the shooting began. Sober people in the West see that Russia has reached growth parameters. How is that? Ten packages of sanctions, and Russia reaches growth parameters?
And the only country that can really feed the starving countries now is Russia again. With our record harvest and the ability to sell up to sixty million tons of grain,” Kazakov said.
He stressed that both the West and Russia made mistakes in this confrontation.
“It was a Western blitzkrieg against Russia, and it failed. By the way, ours is in Ukraine too. But ours was military. That is, we all made mistakes, misjudging the enemy.
Only the West globally misjudged Russia, in all respects. And we misjudged the Kiev regime militarily. And in the end, they came to what they came to, ”summed up the political strategist.
The West sleep-walk into this conflict with Russia, and Russia will blind-side the West.

Moscow warns Ukraine and Moldova about Transnistria: "We will not leave 200,000 Russians to their fate"
pronews.gr (February 24, 2023) - Moscow considers as "certain" Ukraine will invade Transnistria (indeed Moscow sources state that a joint Ukrainian and Moldovan headquarters has been established with the leadership and coordination of American and British officers) and the Russian Ministry of Defense issued second announcement within 24 hours where in fact... it also describes the provocation that will precede the invasion!
It states specifically: " The Kiev regime has intensified preparations for an invasion of the Moldavian Republic of Transnistria.
As mentioned earlier, this action of the armed forces of Ukraine will be carried out in response to the alleged attack of Russian troops from the territory of Transnistria.
The implementation of the planned provocation by the Ukrainian authorities poses a direct threat to the Russian peacekeeping force legally deployed in Transnistria of 200,000 citizens of Russian origin. The armed forces of the Russian Federation will adequately respond to the imminent provocation of the Ukrainian side."
What the above means: In Moscow they take for granted the invasion of Kiev which is a fact that it is quite "safe" as a move:
Only 1,800 Russian soldiers are stationed as a peacekeeping force in the region and cannot be reinforced from anywhere except by air. But also from the air, Russian transport aircraft will have to pass over hostile Ukrainian territory.
It is estimated that 20,000 reserves can be mobilized from Transnistria's 200,000 Russian speakers, but it remains very difficult to defend due to its terrain (a narrow strip of land "sandwiched" on the Ukrainian-Moldovan border, hundreds of kilometers long).
Also, B. Putin signed a decree canceling the 2012 decision, which included, among other things, "active participation in the search for ways to solve the Transnistria problem based on respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and neutral status of the Republic of of Moldova when determining the special status of Transnistria".

Paul Craig Roberts: Putin's patience came to an end after Biden's antics
politros.com (February 22, 2023) - Paul Craig Roberts called Biden a fool who rolls around Ukraine. According to him, the main focus of the incompetent Biden regime is to demonize white Americans and increase tensions with Russia. To date, the situation, according to the ex-employee of the White House, is already more dangerous than during the Caribbean crisis.
“Crazy Jewish warmonger Victoria Nuland, foolishly appointed by Biden and confirmed by the Senate as Deputy Secretary of State, announced that Washington considers Russian facilities in Crimea “legitimate targets” and the US government supports Ukrainian attacks on Russian territory,” the American political expert recalled.
He also noted that during his State of the Union address, Putin announced the suspension of Russia's participation in the START Treaty, the last remaining nuclear weapons agreement. The President of the Russian Federation stressed that such a decision was made because Washington insists that Russia comply with the terms of the agreement, but is not going to do it itself. It turns out that Moscow must provide the American commission with access to its facilities, but Russian specialists will not be able to conduct an inspection at facilities owned by the United States.
There is another important matter: the US ambassador was called in to explain Washington's involvement in the Ukrainian conflict. The Russian side told the American diplomat that money, weapons, information about targets, support personnel - these resources are provided by the US to Kiev, and all this proves the falsity of Washington's statement that it is not a party to the conflict.
Paul Craig Roberts summarizes: The ambassador was told that the US was actively at war with Russia and actively involved in hostilities against Russia, and that this would have consequences. And then Putin put Russian nuclear missiles on alert.
“Ask yourself what a completely stupid and irresponsible government in Washington could have brought us to this situation. Ask yourself what kind of idiots are running the NATO nations who are jeopardizing the survival of their own countries to please Washington. Ask yourself what kind of completely stupid leadership in Finland is itching to jump into this dangerous situation by joining NATO,” says Roberts.
In his opinion, Putin, who endured the antics of the American president for a very long time, has run out of patience. And Biden's trips to Poland and Ukraine finally put an end to the hope of the head of the Kremlin for a peace treaty with the West.
“And where is the American idiot president while Russia puts nuclear missiles on alert? Is he on the phone with Putin, trying to soften a dangerous situation? No. The fool in Ukraine and Poland is adding fuel to the fire, ”a US political scientist harshly criticized Biden.
Roberts noted that he had repeatedly warned that Western interference in Ukraine's affairs would lead to nuclear war. But American politicians, journalists and so-called Russia experts have ignored these warnings. All of them are seized with Russo phobia and act on the basis of emotions, and therefore are incapable of reasoning or behaving responsibly.
“The Russians have seen it all. They see that there is no intelligence anywhere in the Western leadership, only the intention to break Russia. Putin patiently went through all this - he was too patient, I think - in search of a spark of intelligence in the West. Finding nothing, he seems to be losing hope,” writes a US political expert.
The confrontation has taken on dangerous proportions, but ignorant of the real state of affairs, Americans have no idea of the current danger. Their understanding of the situation is limited by the indoctrination they have undergone: Russia is bad, Ukraine is good. In reality, it was the West that brought the situation to a dangerous point, says Roberts, who at one time worked to end the Cold War.

Medvedev on Putin's message and Biden's strange appeal to the Russians
rusvesna.su (February 22, 2023) - Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev in his Telegram channel appreciated two speeches yesterday: the message of the President of Russia to the Federal Assembly and the strange speech of the President of the United States in Poland.
About two performances.
1. Yesterday there was a Message from the President of Russia to the Federal Assembly, which, among other things, announced the suspension of our participation in START-3. An overdue decision, the inevitability of which I noted last year.
The decision prompted by the war declared by the US and other NATO countries to our country. A decision that will have a huge resonance in the world in general and in the US in particular. After all, the American establishment has been thinking until now something like this: we will spoil you everywhere and in everything, we will supply gigantic volumes of weapons to the Kiev regime, we will work to defeat Russia, we will limit and destroy you, but strategic security is a separate issue. It is not connected with the general context of relations between the US and Russia. She is almost a sacred cow.
This conclusion is worse than a crime - this is a gross mistake of the Americans. An error generated by their mania grandiose. Their sense of superiority and impunity. After all, it is obvious to all reasonable forces that if the US wants the defeat of Russia, then we are on the verge of a world conflict.
If the US wants the defeat of Russia, then we have the right to defend ourselves with any weapon, including nuclear. And as Vladimir Putin rightly said: “It is impossible to defeat Russia on the battlefield.” It is with this that the suspension (for now) of START-3 is connected.
Let the out-of-touch elites in the US think about what they have achieved. We will also observe the reaction of other nuclear powers - NATO members: France and Britain. Their strategic nuclear forces were usually not included in the balance of nuclear warheads and carriers in the preparation of agreements between the US and the USSR (Russia), but it is high time to do so.
2. Biden addressed the Russian people in front of a crowd of Poles. In fact, he delivered a sermon in the traditional messianic key for America, adjusted for senile insanity.
Heaped high words about how important it is to defend democracy, and that the US is not going to attack Russia. It looked dishonest and ridiculous.
Who is this strange grandfather, broadcasting with a bewildered look from Poland? Why does he appeal to the people of another country at a time when he is full of domestic problems?
With what fright should we listen to a politician from a hostile state that exudes hatred for our Motherland? Why should the citizens of Russia trust the leader of the US, who unleashed the most wars in the 20th and 21st centuries, but reproach us for aggressiveness? A person who directs all his weakening intellectual capabilities only to ensure that Russia suffers a “strategic defeat”.
And further. To paraphrase a famous expression, Biden said in Warsaw: “If Russia stops its invasion, it will end right now. If Ukrainians stop defending themselves, it will be the end of Ukraine.” This is a refined lie. The truth is quite different.
If Russia stops the NWO without achieving victory, Russia will not exist, it will be torn to pieces. If the US stops supplying weapons to the Kyiv regime, the war will end.”

Russia Suspends Participation in START Treaty
rusvesna.su (February 21, 2023) - Russia suspends its participation in the Strategic Offensive Arms Treaty (START).
This was just announced by President Vladimir Putin, announcing the message to the Federal Assembly. The President explained that the United States and NATO today do not hide the fact that their goal is to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia.
In addition, the West is directly involved in the attempts of the Kiev regime to strike at the bases of the strategic aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces near Engels in the Saratov region.
“The drones used for this were equipped and modernized with the assistance of NATO specialists. And now they want to inspect our defense installations? In the conditions of today's confrontation, this sounds like nonsense! Putin stressed.
The current START provides for the mutual reduction of the arsenals of deployed strategic nuclear weapons of Russia and the United States, it was signed in 2010 by Presidents D. Medvedev and B. Obama and entered into force on February 5, 2011.
The validity period was set at 10 years with the possibility of a further extension (by mutual agreement) for 5 years. The agreement on the extension of START between Russia and the United States was ratified by the Russian Parliament in January 2021, after which the law on the extension of START until February 2026 was signed by President Putin.

Russia tells Macron: Don't forget Napoleon when you talk of regime change
Reuters (February 19, 2023) - Russia on Sunday scolded Emmanuel Macron over remarks about wanting to see Russia defeated, saying Moscow still remembered the fate of Napoleon Bonaparte and accusing the French president of duplicitous diplomacy with the Kremlin.
Macron told paper Le Journal du Dimanche France wanted Russia to be defeated in Ukraine but had never wanted to "crush" it.
"About 'Never': France did not begin with Macron, and the remains of Napoleon, revered at the state level, rest in the centre of Paris. France - and Russia - should understand," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.
"In general, Macron is priceless," she said, adding that his remarks showed the West had engaged in discussions about regime change in Russia while Macron had repeatedly sought meetings with the Russian leadership.
Macron has drawn criticism from some NATO allies for delivering mixed messages regarding his policy on the war between Ukraine and Russia, with some considering Paris a weak link in the Western alliance.

The Horrifying Endgame in Ukraine
Daily Reckoning (February 14, 2023) - Today I’m discussing what is by far the most alarming topic on the geopolitical landscape today. That’s the war in Ukraine and the dangers of escalation.
I’ve written extensively about two facets of the war in Ukraine that you don’t hear from legacy media in the United States or U.K. The first is that Russia is actually winning the war.
U.S. outlets such as The New York Times (a channel for the State Department) and The Washington Post (a channel for the CIA) report endlessly about how Russian plans have failed, about how incompetent they are about how the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) have pushed back Russians in the Donbass, and how NATO weapons such as U.S. Abrams tanks, U.K. Challenger tanks and German Leopard tanks will turn the tide against Russia soon.
This is all nonsense. None of it is true.
Russia’s Winning on the Battlefield
Meanwhile, Russian forces have nearly encircled the city of Bakhmut, which is a major transportation and logistics hub, with several key roads and rail lines passing through it. It’ll probably fall to the Russians within weeks.
Losing Bakhmut will be a major blow to Ukraine, despite claims in the western media that it really isn’t very important. Ukraine’s entire 800-mile defensive line would probably begin to crumble, and they don’t have heavily fortified positions to fall back on. Ukrainian troops, while brave and competent soldiers, are exhausted and running out of supplies as it is.
On top of that, it appears likely that Russia is preparing a devastating offensive with massive amounts of men, tanks, armored personnel carriers, artillery, helicopters, drones and fixed-wing aircraft.
Continue reading: https://dailyreckoning.com/the-horrifying-endgame-in-ukraine/

“You will cry and beg”: the Germans spoke about Putin’s terrible response to the United States due to the undermining of the Nord Streams
rueconomics.ru (February 13, 2023) - German readers of Die Zeit continue to discuss the information of the American journalist Seymour Hersh on the involvement of the United States in undermining the Russian Nord Stream gas pipelines. Users are sure that America's provocation has undermined Europe's energy security, and Washington should now be afraid of "Putin's terrible response."
"Titanic idiots! Why did we refuse beneficial cooperation with the Russian Federation and start supporting these stupid Americans, whose main goal in life is to foment war?! I personally just don't get it!" – wrote a user with the nickname Heinrich.
“The Americans do not even deny their involvement in blowing up the Nord Stream gas pipelines! They laugh openly, they say, they were finally able to at least somehow "hit" Russia! I don't understand why we still have some connection with them?! This is not a “blow” on Moscow, but a real attack on the energy security of Germany and all of Europe!” - supported the German Hugo.
Commentators believe that the United States, by sabotaging the Nord Streams, signed a “death warrant” for itself, since Russia will not leave such a trick unanswered.
“Come on Americans, it’s time to tremble! I am sure that Putin has already come up with an answer that you have never even dreamed of! You will cry and beg, but it's too late!" - says a commentator with the name of Milan.
“Yes, the Russian Federation will definitely not leave unanswered what they have done! Moscow will definitely rebuild the Nord Streams, and sooner or later they will be launched! But Biden, along with his tame clown Zelensky, will fall, they will be judged in The Hague!” Heinrich agrees.
Undermining the Nord Streams was carried out by the United States with the participation of Norway - the American journalist Seymour Hersh wrote about this in his article, citing an informed source.
Hersh claims that American divers during the NATO exercises Baltops in the summer of 2022 installed explosives under the Nord Streams, which the Norwegians activated three months later.

US officials basically admit they blew up Nord Stream – Russian FM
RT (February 12, 2023) - US officials are basically admitting that they were behind the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, which was perpetrated to prevent rapprochement between Moscow and Berlin, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said.
“The US decided that we [Russia] have been cooperating too well with Germany over the past 20 or 30 years; or rather, the Germans cooperated with us too well,” he said in an interview published on the Foreign Ministry’s website on Sunday.
The “powerful alliance” based on Russian energy resources and German technology “began to threaten the monopoly position of many American corporations,” Lavrov explained.
So, Washington decided to destroy this alliance between Moscow and Berlin, and did it “literally” by attacking the pipelines, which were built to deliver Russian gas to Europe through Germany, he added.
“American officials are basically admitting that the explosions that occurred at Nord Stream 1 and 2 were their doing. They even speak about it with joy,” the foreign minister stated.
Lavrov was likely referring to a confession made by US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland during a Senate hearing in late January. “I am, and I think the administration is, very gratified to know that Nord Stream 2 is now... a hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea,” she said at that time.
“The vileness of Western politicians is well known,” Lavrov continued, suggesting that “the plan, which is now being implemented through ‘inciting’ Ukraine against Russia and waging a war by the entire West against Russia by means of Ukraine, is to a large extent aimed at preventing a new rapprochement between Germany and Russia.”
The comments by Russia’s top diplomat come just days after iconic American investigative journalist Seymour Hersh released a bombshell report, blaming Washington for sabotaging the Nord Stream pipelines last year.
According to an informed source who talked to Hersh, explosives were planted at the pipelines in the Baltic Sea back in June 2022 by US Navy divers under the guise of a NATO exercise. They were detonated in late September, rendering the key European energy infrastructure inoperable.

NetEase: Russia has drawn a path for China to defeat the United States
politros.com (February 5, 2023) - Russia showed China the way to defeat the United States. This is written by the Chinese edition of NetEase.
Over the past few years, the US has been increasing economic and military pressure on China, threatening sanctions and rallying allies in the Pacific. On January 30, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin began his tour of East Asia to visit South Korea and the Philippines. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg made the same trip. As the authors noted, Washington is gradually squeezing the ring of its allies around China.
"Anyone with a discerning eye can see the wolf ambitions of the United States, but today's China will not put up with the pressure," the article says.
Analysts say Beijing has rethought its policies and emboldened itself when it saw Russia effectively counter the West in an economic war. Initially, it was assumed that US and EU sanctions would destroy the Russian economy, but Moscow managed to withstand the blow and give a worthy response to it.
“In the face of US sanctions, China's position is not what it used to be. Moscow has already charted a path for Beijing. In the conditions of strict sanctions, Russia was practically not affected. Even American legislators have said that Russia has proved to the world that neither national trade nor prosperity require friendship with the United States. China also has hard power,” the publication said.
Chinese politicians, like their Russian counterparts, have publicly criticized the United States for its trade policies. Recently, China's representative to the WTO, Li Chengan, called the United States a "hooligan" on the international stage, which unilaterally violates the rules of the game in its favor.

Putin issues warning to West at Stalingrad event
RT (February 2, 2023) - Russian President Vladimir Putin has hit out at the looming deliveries of Western-made tanks to Ukraine, warning that Moscow’s response to the threat will span far beyond armored vehicles. The Russian leader made the comments during a ceremony to mark the 80th anniversary of victory at the Battle of Stalingrad.
“Unbelievable, but true – we are once again threatened with German Leopard tanks, with crosses on their hull. And once again seeking to battle Russia in Ukraine with the help of Hitler’s followers, the Banderites,” Putin said.
“Those seeking to defeat Russia on the battlefield apparently do not realize that a modern war with Russia would be entirely different for them. We’re not sending our tanks to their borders. Yet we have something to respond with, and it would not be limited to armor use only, everyone must realize that,” he added.
Last week, Berlin changed its stance on supplying modern armor to Kiev, pledging to deliver 14 Leopard 2 tanks as well as allowing European countries to re-export German-made vehicles from their own inventories. The number of Leopards expected to be funneled to Ukraine amounts to some 112 vehicles. Separately, Washington pledged to send 31 Abrams tanks, but doesn’t expect to deliver them until late 2023 at the earliest.
Moscow has repeatedly urged the collective West to stop “pumping” Ukraine with modern weaponry, warning that the ongoing military aid would merely prolong the hostilities and inflict more suffering on everyday Ukrainians, rather than change the ultimate outcome of the conflict.

The diplomat warned the West about the consequences of the supply of ammunition with uranium to the Armed Forces of Ukraine
ria.ru (January 25, 2023) - Delivery of Western-made uranium shells to Kyiv will be regarded by Moscow as the use of dirty nuclear bombs, Konstantin Gavrilov, head of the Russian delegation at the talks in Vienna on military security and arms control, said.
"We warn Western sponsors of the Kiev military machine from encouraging nuclear provocations and blackmail. We know that the Leopard 2 tank, as well as the Bradley and Marder infantry fighting vehicles, are armed with uranium-core armor-piercing projectiles, the use of which leads to contamination of the area, as happened in Yugoslavia and Iraq . If Kiev is supplied with such shells for NATO heavy military equipment, we will consider this as the use of dirty nuclear bombs against Russia, with all the ensuing consequences," the diplomat said, speaking at the OSCE forum on security cooperation.
Berlin made a conscious choice in favor of "German tanks with crosses on their armor again attacking Russian soldiers," Gavrilov continued. He stressed that the Russian army will destroy these combat vehicles, as is now happening with the rest of NATO weapons.
The Leopard 2 ammunition load includes armor-piercing sub-caliber shells with depleted uranium cores. Their use leads to contamination of the area and outbreaks of cancer.
The German authorities for a long time refrained from supplying this type of weaponry to Ukraine. Other Western leaders put German Chancellor Olaf Scholz under unprecedented pressure on this issue.

Russia: Germany's Leopard deployment will lead to 'permanent escalation'
pronews.gr (January 25, 2023) - The Russian embassy in Germany was the first to officially react to Berlin's decision to approve the delivery of Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine.
In a statement, it emphasizes that this decision means that Berlin abandons its "historical responsibility towards Russia" arising from the crimes of the Nazis during the Second World War.
In its statement, the embassy says that the deliveries of the tanks in question will escalate the conflict to a new level and lead to "permanent escalation".
"This extremely dangerous decision will take the conflict to a new level of confrontation and contradicts the statements of German politicians about the reluctance of the Federal Republic of Germany to be dragged into it ," said Russian Ambassador Sergei Netzaev.
"It destroys what is left of mutual trust, causes irreparable damage to the already deplorable state of Russo-German relations and casts doubt on the possibility of their normalization in the foreseeable future," he added.
Russia has already stated that such weapons will only succeed in prolonging the war and suffering in Ukraine and that the West is "deluding itself" if it believes otherwise.
"The choice of Berlin marks the final refusal of the Federal Republic of Germany to recognize its historical responsibility towards our people for the terrible, timeless crimes of Nazism during the Great Patriotic War (Second World War) and conjures into oblivion the difficult road of post-war reconciliation between the Russians and the Germans ," said Netshaev.
"With the approval of the leadership of Germany, tanks with German crosses will again be sent to the 'eastern front', which will inevitably lead to the deaths of not only Russian soldiers, but also the civilian population ," the Russian ambassador added.

Medvedev said that Russia has enough weapons and means of destruction
rusvesna.su (January 24, 2023) - Russia has enough weapons and means of destruction. This was announced by Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev during a meeting of the working group of the military-industrial complex to control the production of the most popular types of weapons, military and special equipment.
The meeting was held in Izhevsk on the territory of the Kalashnikov concern.
“Our opponents are watching, periodically making statements that we don’t have one or the other, then there are 2.5 times more missiles left, then they will say something else. I want to disappoint them. We have quite enough of everything,” Medvedev said.
“This year, since the beginning of the year, the most demanded types of weapons, military equipment and weapons have been delivered. We are talking about thousands of units,” he added.
Medvedev stressed that "such a pace, which was achieved at the end of the year, must be maintained in the present period."
Medvedev said that during the meeting it is planned to discuss the production of popular types of weapons, with an emphasis on unmanned aerial vehicles, "particularly in demand during a special military operation."

German tanks against Russia? Have you forgotten how it ended last time? — Member of the Bundestag (VIDEO)
rusvesna.su (January 20, 2023) - While fierce debates were going on in Germany over whether to send Leopard tanks to the Kyiv regime, the voice of reason sounded in the Bundestag.
So, the deputy from the Alternative for Germany, Peter Bystron, reminded his colleagues about the recent pages of German history:
“Dear colleagues, you are discussing interesting things here. So, German tanks in the war against Russia in Ukraine - your grandfathers already tried to do this with all sorts of Millers and Banderas. And what did it lead to then? His words are interrupted by angry cries.
But he continues, oblivious: “Unspeakable suffering, millions dead on both sides, and finally Russian tanks in Berlin. Two of them are still standing here in Berlin, you all walk past them to work every morning and you should remember this!”
At the end of the speech, he literally screamed.
Watch the video here:

Post on his Telegram Channel (January 19, 2023) - Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of Russia Security Council
Tomorrow at the Ramstein Air Base, the great military leaders will discuss new tactics and strategy, as well as deliveries of new heavy weapons and strike systems to Ukraine. And this right after the forum in Davos, where underdeveloped political partygoers repeated like a mantra: "To achieve peace, Russia must lose".
And it never occurs to any of the wretches to draw the following elementary conclusion from this: a nuclear power's loss in a conventional war can provoke the outbreak of a nuclear war. The nuclear powers have never lost a major conflict on which their fate depends.
And this should be obvious to anyone. Even a Western politician with at least any traces of intelligence.

Putin proposes to denounce Statute of Council of Europe, conventions on human rights
TASS (January 17, 2023) - Russian President Vladimir Putin has introduced a draft bill to the State Duma which proposes to terminate the Statute of the Council of Europe and European conventions on the suppression of terrorism and protection of human rights with regards to Russia.
The document was published on the Duma’s electronic database on Tuesday.
"Due to the termination of the Russian Federation’s membership in the Council of Europe, starting on March 16, 2022, [it is proposed] to consider as invalid with regards to the Russian Federation the following international agreements: the May 5, 1949 Statute of the Council of Europe, <…> the November 4, 1950 Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, <…> the January 27, 1977 European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism," the document said.
In total, it is proposed to denounce 21 documents.
Note: Once relations between the Council of Europe and Russia is terminated, what is left but war?

Saudi Arabia Says Open to Settling Trade in Other Currencies
Bloomberg (January 17, 2023) - Saudi Arabia is open to discussions about trade in currencies other than the US dollar, according to the kingdom’s finance minister.
“There are no issues with discussing how we settle our trade arrangements, whether it is in the US dollar, whether it is the euro, whether it is the Saudi riyal,” Mohammed Al-Jadaan told Bloomberg TV on Tuesday in an interview in Davos.
“I don’t think we are waving away or ruling out any discussion that will help improve the trade around the world,” Al-Jadaan said.
The world’s largest oil exporter, which has maintained a currency peg to the dollar for decades, is seeking to strengthen its relations with crucial trade partners including China. The kingdom is a pillar of the petrodollar system established in the 1970s that relies on pricing crude exports in the US currency.
During President Xi Jinping’s visit to Riyadh last year, the two countries agreed to boost coordination on energy policy and exploration. During that trip Xi said that China would make efforts to buy more oil from the Middle East and also wanted to settle that trade in the yuan.
“We enjoy a very strategic relationship with China and we enjoy that same strategic relationship with other nations including the US and we want to develop that with Europe and other countries who are willing and able to work with us,” Al-Jadaan said.