He's Coming Soon!

It’s been a long time ago since Jesus told His disciples He will come back to the earth again. Even though a thousand years is just like a day to God (2 Peter 3:8), what was promised He will certainly fulfill it.
There are many signs pointing to the soon return of Jesus the Messiah. Not wanting us to be ignorant about it, He Himself foretold the world will experience famine, pestilences, earthquake and the likes. As men’s hearts and attitude becomes increasingly hardened, there will be constant wars and rumors of wars. People will be deceiving others and themselves being deceived. So, it’s not just the environment or the world around us that is deteriorating but the hearts of men are becoming increasingly depraved.
Is there hope for us? Yes absolutely. The Messiah is our hope. He is coming for those who are expecting Him. As a popular song advises, “Call upon the Name of the Lord and be saved.” Here is the link:
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