First, the Chinese will invade Taiwan, an attempt to reclaim back the island lost to the Kuomintang in 1949. China currently has 1,600 ballistic missiles aimed across the Taiwan Strait. This invasion is the canary in the coal mine―a signal that Third World War has begun.
~ page 177
Back Cover
The world can expect to witness the following events unfolding in the days and years ahead:
The USD losing its reserves currency status
The collapse of the global financial system
America further weakened by earthquakes and internal revolution
The Great Tribulation
Regional war between Israel and her neighbours
The Third World War and the rise of Russia
Russia invades Israel
The Rapture of the saints
Israel rebuilding the Third Temple
The reign of the Antichrist through the New World Order
The second coming of Christ
Treacherous times are coming. However, there is safety and hope for the righteous. King David, the ancient king of Israel, had once said, “I have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging bread.” The righteous will find their way as they seek the face of the Lord. The righteous will be delivered.

At that time, the hour of decision has arrived. Yeshua demands an answer. Across the land of Israel, He has been putting the people through the sword for the last seven years. Those who refuse to believe He is the Messiah will be cut-off and die. Actually, two-third of the population in the nation will be handed this judgment. The balance one-third He will put them through the fire to purify them as silver is refined. This one-third who genuinely repented of their sins and false beliefs, Yeshua will test them as gold is tested. Yeshua will gladly acknowledge these are His blessed people. Each one will response: The Lord is my God (Zechariah 13:8-9).
Baruch Haba b'Shem Adonai!
~ pages 92-93
Back Cover
The Cross to the Throne in Jerusalem
The Father’s great plan that Jesus boldly implement
To gather the saints unto Him
From the depths of the earth He arose
A seat at the right hand as the Father’s Second Man
A victory He truly earned
Soon He will return to the earth
The righteous saints who eagerly waits for their turn
To experience the glorious resurrection
It’s time for Israel’s salvation
Jehovah’s two witnesses in Revelation chapter 11
Are here to secure her repentance
And the long awaited promises
Of Yeshua’s reign on David’s throne in Jerusalem
The house of Jacob which is Israel
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