After the Rapture has taken place, what happens next? Well, the Anti-Christ will appear on the world stage. Then, he will begin to establish his rule as the world dictator, and reign for a period of 7 years. End times Bible teachers use different terms to describe this period of 7 years. Let’s take a look at the different terminologies used.
(A) 7-Years Tribulation Period
This is a popular term used by end times Bible teachers. The reason is because there are tribulations throughout this whole 7 years. This is true. But as shown in my earlier article [Comparison between Revelation 6 & 7 and Matthew 24], there is also another Great Tribulation occurring just before the Rapture. Since tribulation is not confine just within these 7-years, the use of this term does not seem appropriate.
(B) 7-Years Reign of the Anti-Christ
Instead of the previous one, I personally prefer to use this particular terminology.
(C) 70th Week (of Daniel’s Prophecy)
As stated in the Scriptures, this is the actual biblical term used to describe the 7-years. When angel Gabriel made known Jehovah’s plan to Prophet Daniel, he used the term “weeks” (Daniel 9:24-27). A “week” in Hebrew is “shabua” which means “seven.” So, a week equals seven. Hence, the 70th week is a period of seven years. [Refer to End Time Scenario, Chapter 15 for further explanation on this matter].
In Daniel 9:27, angel Gabriel discloses what the Anti-Christ will do:
Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; but in the middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate even until the consummation which is determined is poured out on the desolate. [NKJV]
The verse above is understood to mean the Anti-Christ will mediate a peace treaty or covenant between Israel and the surrounding Arab nations for a period of one week or seven years. Due to the treaty, Israel is assured of peace and protection from the Anti-Christ. Taking advantage of this situation, Israel will build the third Temple in Jerusalem while the Anti-Christ will work earnestly to establish his reign as the global dictator.
Once the Anti-Christ is firmly set as the global dictator, he will make his move for the ultimate challenge against Jehovah (Remember, Satan is the archenemy of Jehovah). The place to execute that challenge is in the Jerusalem Temple. The ultimate goal is to compel the Jews to worship him. Imagine the enormous victory for him if he succeeds! God’s plan will be critically thwarted.
So it is that in the middle of the week, the Anti-Christ stops the Israelis from carrying out sacrifices and offerings; and he himself places an abominable image in the Temple. As the Israelis will not submit to him, he will severely persecute them. From that time till the Messiah returns, the Israelis or the Jews will have to undergo very severe persecution which is being labeled as the Great Tribulation.
The week or 7-years is split into two halves: first half (3.5 years) and second half (3.5 years). The first half is a time of Tribulation (Matthew 24:9); and the tribulation will intensify into the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21) that covers the second half.
Significance of the First Half
Although the Anti-Christ already appears at the start of the week or 7-years, he is an unknown person to the world. Hence, it takes time for him to establish himself as the world dictator. The first half is the time he needs to do that. Below are some of the developments which will confer on him great power and authority.
i) The dragon (Satan) gives the Anti-Christ his power, his throne and great authority (Revelation 13:2).
ii) He is head of the One World Religion: The false prophet who could perform great signs causes the people of the earth to worship the Anti-Christ (Revelation 13:11-15).
iii) He is head of the One World Economic System: The false prophet causes the people of the earth to adopt the 666 global economic systems headed by the Anti-Christ.
iv) He is head of the One World Government: The nations of the world with one mind will give their power and authority to him (Revelation17:12-13). The nations that are divided into 10 regions represented by the 10 horns of the beast with each horn resembles a king will receive kingdom status for one hour with the beast. They will turn around and give their new found power and authority back to the beast (Anti-Christ). [Refer End Time Scenario, pages 228-235 for further comments].
v) He is head of the Most Powerful Military: He will be the commander-in-chief of the European Army, the greatest military power at that time after the US and Russia had destroyed each other. [Note: This is the reason why the Anti-Christ cannot appear until the US and Russia destroys each other first.]
Significance of the Second Half
It should be noted by now that the Scriptures does not use the term “3.5 years” to describe the second half of the 70th week. Instead, the following terms are used with all these terms having the same meaning:
(1) A time, times and half a time (Daniel 7:25; 12:7; Revelation 12:14)
(2) 1260 days (Revelation 11:3; 12:6)
(3) 42 months (Revelation 11:2; 13:5)
Jehovah’s plan for Israel lasting 70 weeks or 490 years has now reached a climax. The final objective is to get Israel to embrace Yeshua as their Messiah. Only then can the Messiah returns to Jerusalem to reign on the throne of King David as is promised to Him. Bear in mind, not all Israel is of Israel (Romans 9:6-8). That is, not all Jews whether living in Israel or outside of Israel will be saved. Among the Jews, Jehovah has preserve a remnant (Romans 9:27; 11:5). It is this remnant that will be saved (Romans 11:26). Now, how is the remnant going to be saved? There is only one way: each Jew in this remnant must acknowledge that Yeshua is his or her Messiah. How many of the Jews are part of this remnant? Only one-third of the Jewish population is part of this remnant (Zechariah 13:8-9).
With the above explanation in view, let’s see what takes place during the second half of the 70th week.
i) The outer court of the Temple and the holy city Jerusalem will be given over to the Gentiles to be trampled underfoot (Revelation 11:2). The shattering of the city will be spearheaded by the Anti-Christ.
ii) The Anti-Christ is given a mouth to speak great things and to blaspheme against God, against His name, against His dwelling place and those who dwell there (Revelation 13:5-6).
iii) He is also granted liberty to make war with the saints both Jews and Gentiles, and to overcome them (Daniel 7:25; Revelation 13:7). Many saints will be killed, even beheaded (Revelation 20:4).
iv) The Jews or Israel represented by the woman in Revelation 12:6 & 14, will be given protection from the wrath of the Anti-Christ. These are the remnant and are not referring to every Jew.
v) At that time Jehovah’s two witnesses of Moses and Elijah will prophesy cloth with sackcloth (Revelation 11:3). Moses and Elijah are represented by Prophet David Owuor who is now living in Kenya. They are already here preparing the Church for the Rapture. After the Rapture they will move to Israel to continue their ministry to prepare Israel for the coming of their Messiah.
Through several visions, Jehovah showed Prophet Owuor the house he will be staying when he moves to Israel. He was shown his office from where he will broadcast his radio messages. Jehovah also showed him the transmission tower located on a high mountain in northern Israel that will transmit his messages all over the region.
During the first half (3.5 years), Prophet Owuor will have the liberty to speak and to use the radio for his ministry. The Israeli government will be supportive of the work. However, the Anti-Christ persecution will put a stop to this endeavor during the Great Tribulation period. He will be forced to run. For this reason, the Scriptures say he will prophesy cloth with sackcloth for 1260 days, although he will be in Israel throughout the 7-years.
vi) Finally, the Messiah will return to Jerusalem but not before the Anti-Christ persecution has completely crushed the Jews (Daniel 12:7). Jehovah even allows the Anti-Christ beast to kill the two witnesses but resurrect and lift them up to heaven after three and half days (Revelation 11:7-12).