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Any Hint That Rapture Is Near? (The Fourth Hint)


Updated: Mar 3, 2021

Introduction: Dumitru Duduman was a Prophet from Romania whose father was a Pastor of a Pentecostal Church. For many years he traveled all over Romania, and even into Russia to distribute Bibles to Christians under persecution. In 1980 he was arrested and tortured for several months. Then, in 1984 he was exiled to America on a mission to warn the nation to repent of her sins. Through angel Gabriel, God gave him several dreams and visions of judgment coming to America. He passed away in May 1997.

The Visions:

“Over there they will make a treaty, and appoint the Russians as their leader. They will then unite against Israel. When Israel realizes she does not have the strength of America behind her, she will be frightened. That's when she will turn to the Messiah for deliverance. That's when the Messiah will come. Then, the church will meet Jesus in the air, and he will bring them back with Him to the Mount of Olives. At that time, the battle of Armageddon will be fought."

- an extract from “The Message For America” (An Angel Revealed: America is the Mystery Babylon)

The above is a quote from what angel Gabriel said to Dumitru Duduman when he appeared to him in a vision in September 1984. In that visitation, Gabriel spoke about the Rapture when he said, “the Church will meet Jesus in the air.” After that (which we know to be 7 years later), Jesus will bring the Church back with Him to the Mount of Olives in His Second Coming.

What angel Gabriel said provides us an inside information that Rapture will occur around the time Russia and her allies launch an invasion of Israel. That invasion will be the fulfillment of the prophecy of Ezekiel Chapters 38 & 39 which we shall call it The Invasion of Gog (refer to my book End Time Scenario, Chapter 13).

Question: When will the world witness the Invasion of Gog? Although angel Gabriel did not say exactly when or what year, he did inform Dumitru that certain prominent events will transpire leading up to the Invasion of Gog. In that vision in September 1984 (for a write-up of the vision, refer to pages 167-170, End Time Scenario or click this link:, angel Gabriel laid out the chronology of events as follows:

1) From the middle of the country (America), some of the people will start fighting against the government. The government will be busy with internal problems.

2) From the ocean, from Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico, & two other countries, they (Russians) will bomb the nuclear warehouses. When they explode, America will burn.

3) When America burns, the Lord will raise China, Japan and other nations to go against the Russians. They will push the Russians all the way to the gates of Paris.

4) Over there in Paris they will make a treaty and appoints the Russians as their leader.

5) They will then unite against Israel (The Invasion of Gog).

In another vision on April 22, 1996, three angels visited Dumitru Duduman and gave him more details on how China and Russia will strike America (for a write up of that vision, see pages 170-171, End Time Scenario or click the link here: ). In that vision, the additional information given is as follows:

a) The Presidents of Russia, China and two other nations were planning an attack on America. In that meeting, the President of Russia said to the President of China: “I will give you the land (meaning Taiwan) with all the people, but you must free Taiwan of the Americans. Do not fear, we will attack them (America) from behind.”

b) When America goes to war with China (because China invades Taiwan), the Russians will strike without warning. The Russians will penetrate America from Alaska, Minnesota and Florida.

c) The President of Russia said, “Why let ourselves by led by the Americans? Why not rule the world ourselves? They have to be kicked out of Europe too. Then, I could do as I please with Europe.”

Finally, just before he passed away, Dumitru Duduman had one last vision in April 1997 in which an angel appeared to him to show him how in the end times Russia will grow to be a very powerful nation. And when the time is right, Russia (the bear) will strike America (for a write-up of that vision, see pages 171-172, End Time Scenario or click this link:

My Remarks: The above 3 visions correlate with or supplement each other. They do not tell us everything but enough to give us a good picture of what will soon happen on the earth leading up to the Invasion of Gog and the Rapture. Let’s consider these events.

Americans will rise up against their government

On a smaller scale, this is already happening. Medleys of discontent among Americans have been brewing for some years, and violent protests had broken out on the streets in a number of cities. The Black Lives Matter (BLM) is protesting against police brutality. The Anti-Fascists (Antifa) are against the far-right extremist’s groups such as the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, among others.

In the last couple of years the situation has taken a turn for the worst. Protests are now directed at politicians, Political Parties, and even the White House. Polarization is clearly emerging among the masses. In view of the fact that the Democrats are currently in complete power as they control the White House, the House of Representative and the Senate, who or which groups of people will rise up against the government? Will it be the BLM and Antifa people who are supported by the Democrats but are really not happy with their policies? Or will it be Trump’s supporters, the conservatives who are being persecuted by the Democrats? There’s growing anger among Trump’s supporters as they believe Trump’s victory in the recent November 2020 election was stolen from him. So, who will it be? Time will tell.

China will invade Taiwan

When the American government is busy putting down wide spread protests in their nation, taking advantage of the situation, China will invade Taiwan.

China has long considered Taiwan a renegade province since 1949. The desire to capture back the island has grown stronger through the years but obstacles exist that prevented it. For one, the Americans are obligated to defend Taiwan under the Taiwan Relations Act, 1979. Certain types of armaments were and are being sold to Taiwan to help her defend against China.

China’s military preparation to invade is alarming Taiwan. China has developed new and very advance weapons on land, at sea, in the air and space. Their preparations envisage full spectrum warfare, not only to overpower Taiwan but also to fend off the Americans. Their preparations even include the development of military facilities on the Paracel Islands, Spratly Islands, and the Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea. These facilities act as hedges surrounding Taiwan, and as bridgeheads to counter the Americans in time of war.

To capture Taiwan, China has to land troops, tanks and other equipment onto the island. At least 3-4 times a year, typhoons create high waves in the Taiwan Straits that obstruct amphibious combat vehicles to land safely on the island. Only during the months of April and October are sea conditions favorable. Will China invade during these months? In any case when it does happen, the invasion of Taiwan is the canary in the coal mine, a signal that Third World War has begun.

Russia attack the US

When America goes to war with China in defends of Taiwan, Russia will attack the US.

Based on the descriptions given by angel Gabriel, the attack will come from several directions: the Gulf of Mexico & the Caribbean Sea (Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico), from the Atlantic Ocean (Florida), from the Bering Sea (Alaska), and from the Arctic Ocean (Minnesota). Ballistic Missile Submarines which Russia has 11 units will be the weapon of choice in their frontal assault. Each submarine will rain down multiple SLBM so that “in one day America will burn (so said angel Gabriel).”

The Russians know where the American nuclear warehouses are located and will destroy them in their surprise first strike. The Americans also have 450 Minuteman III land-based ICBM stored in underground silos. Obviously, the Russians can’t take them all out at once, yet the Americans could not immediately launch a retaliatory strike with the Minuteman III. Why? The only viable explanation is the Russian use of electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) weapons to disable this entire block of ICBM prior to the main assault. The Avangard could be the EMP weapon the Russians will use. It is a hypersonic glide vehicle with a single warhead of 2 megaton yield carried atop an ICBM. Upon re-entering the atmosphere, it will disconnect from the ICBM and travel at up to Mach 27, a speed which is impossible for the American missile defense system to stop. When it explodes high above the US continent, it releases electro-magnetic pulse that will disable all electronic chips on the ground.

China, Japan, South Korea will push the Russians out of the East

In recent years, China and Russia has developed good relationship with each other, thanks to the belligerent attitude of the Americans toward both of them. The two are drawn together because “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” However, their relationship will be proven to be fair-weather. After Russia knock-out America, China will not need Russia anymore. Teaming up with Japan and possibly South Korea, they will force the presence of the Russians off the East (Bering Sea & Sea of Okhotsk).

Russians unite with the Europeans to attack Israel (The Invasion of Gog)

Being pushed back to the West by the Chinese, the Russians will team-up with the Europeans to invade Israel.

Great fear will grip the Israelis as they can no longer call upon the Americans for help. In the hour of their deepest needs, Jehovah Himself will come to their defense. As Jehovah had said, “Israel is My people, and the land is My land” (Ezekiel 38:16). Hence, the invasion will so anger Him that “My fury will show in My face” (Ezekiel 38:18). He will strike the Russians and her allied forces with confusion so that they will kill each other, and with pestilences, hailstones, fire and brimstone (Ezekiel 38:21-22). The casualties of war will be so high and the corpses contaminated that it will take 7 months for the Israelis to bury them (Ezekiel 39:12-16). And for the next 7 years the Israelis will make use of the weapons left behind as fuel (Ezekiel 39:9-10).

Over there in the land of Magog, in Russia and the Russian territories, Jehovah will rain down fire to destroy them all (Ezekiel 39:6).

Conclusion: As indicated by angel Gabriel, Rapture will happen around the time of the Invasion of Gog. The year is not given but it won’t be long in coming.

China’s invasion of Taiwan will signal the outbreak of the Third World War (WW3) that will end with the ending of the Invasion of Gog. Unlike WW1 that lasted 4 years, and WW2 that lasted 5 years, WW3 will be short; most possibly will end in less than a year because of the use of nuclear weapons.

So, before WW3 begins, the Americans will rise up against their government….

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