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Any Hint That Rapture Is Near? (The Second Hint)


The Apostle John was taken to the throne of God. Sitting on His throne, with His right hand the Father holds a scroll sealed with 7 Seals (Revelation 5:1). The scroll contains God’s end time program for the Church and Israel. The program is in two parts. The first part which comprises the first 6 Seals (Revelation 6 & 7) is God’s program to prepare the Church for Rapture. The second part is the 7th Seal (Revelation 8 onwards) which is the program to prepare Israel for the Second Coming of their Messiah.

A diagram is attached here for easy reference.

Let’s focus on the 1st to the 6th Seal which is God’s program to prepare the Church for Rapture. The program is currently running because the Seals are already opened. Each Seal has a specific purpose, and when opened that specific purpose is manifested on the earth whether it be deception (1st Seal), conflict (2nd Seal), famine (3rd Seal), death (4th Seal), martyrdom (5th Seal) or great tribulation & Rapture (6th Seal).

The chart below shows the dates the Seals were opened (indicated by the boxes above the line) and their corresponding purposes manifested on the earth (boxes below the line).

Notice from the chart above, for the 2nd, 3rd & 4th Seals the opening dates of those Seals were certain. The reason is because on those dates the Man of God Prophet Owuor was taken to the throne of God, and he witnessed the opening of those Seals and the released of the respective Horses & Riders.

Why were the dates for 1st & 5th Seals not definitive, and were set as “early 2001 and late 2013” respectively? First, understand that when the Man of God was initially called to the ministry in 1996 he did not response to the call. It was only on July 3, 2003 that he finally surrendered his life to the Lord and entered the ministry. Shortly thereafter, he was taken to the throne of God in heaven. In that vision he met the Living Creature, the Lion, but did not see the White Horse & Rider as the White Horse & Rider had already gone down to the earth.

The 4 Living Creatures (Revelation 4:6-9) were interacting with the Man of God before the 4 Horses & Riders were released to the earth. The 4 Living Creatures and the corresponding 4 Horses & Riders are paired as follows:

Now, this was how the 4 Living Creatures interacted with the Man of God; and the sequence of interaction is set out below:

a) First, the Lamb of God opened the Seal

b) Then, the Living Creature came out from the Throne, and came to speak with the Man of God

c) After speaking with him, the Living Creature returned back to the Throne and called to the Horse & Rider to “Come”

d) Then, the Horse & Rider came out of the Throne and came to speak with the Man of God

e) After speaking with him the Horse & Rider went down to the earth

The above sequence was followed except for the first Seal. When the Man of God was taken to the Throne of God, the first Living Creature, the Lion was already waiting for him. In fact, he said the Lion was standing there for a long time. When the Lion finally went back to the Throne, the White Horse & Rider did not come out to meet the Man of God as should have happened. Instead, the White Horse & Rider was already down here on the earth.

So, when did the White Horse & Rider came down to the earth? Obviously, it should be before July 3, 2003. Since its mission is to deal with deception, what greater deception could be perpetrated on mankind then the September 11, 2001 event? That event in New York City was a great deception as it was not carried out by the 19 Arab terrorists but was an inside job. For this reason, it is believed the White Horse & Rider was released a few months before that great deceptive event. [Note: For more explanation on this issue, refer to my book End Time Scenario, Chapters 2 & 3.]

The audio testimonies of the Man of God on the released of the 4 Horses & Riders are attached at the bottom of this article.

With regards to the 5th Seal (Revelation 6:9-11), when it was opened the initial group of martyrs were found hidden away under the altar in heaven. In respond to their cry to the Lord to avenge their killing, they were told to wait until their fellow brethren who are still on earth who will be killed will be joining them. Fast forward to the time at the end of the 7-years reign of the Anti-Christ, the Apostle John was shown the completed number of the martyred souls in Revelation 20:4. The verse says they were killed by being beheaded. Hence, this group of martyrs hidden away under the altar was killed, including killed by being beheaded. [Note: Apostle John also saw another group of saints who died and went to heaven but they were not martyred during the reign of the Anti-Christ (Revelation 15:2-4)].

Christian martyrdom is quite a common phenomenon but to be martyred by being beheaded is not. In recent years there is a resurgence of cases of Christians beheaded. In 2013 there was a case of two believers beheaded but an outburst occurred when ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) beheaded 21 Coptic Egyptian Christians in Tripoli, Libya on February 15, 2015 which shocked the world.

The opening of the 5th Seal was not a signal to begin receiving the first batch of martyrs as there were already martyrs under the altar in heaven. Then, what was the reason the Lamb of God opened the 5th Seal? It is believed it had to do with the resurgence of beheading of Christians in modern times starting in 2013.

It is clear there are time gaps between the Seals. Among the time gaps the range is from 1 year (between 3rd & 4th Seal) to 4.5 years (between 4th & 5th Seal). However, as I tried to explain in my book, End Time Scenario on pages 25-26, at the time of writing the Lord gave me the conviction that the average time gaps between the Seals is 3.5 years. Apply this to the 7 Seals; the total number of years is 21 years. See the diagram below.

In conclusion, after determining the opening of the 1st Seal was around early 2001, and adding the total number of 21 years from the 1st to the 6th Seal, the Father seems to give us a hint that Rapture would be in 2022.

Vision of 1st Seal:

Vision of 2nd Seal:

Vision of 3rd Seal:

Vision of 4th Seal:

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