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Any Hint That Rapture Is Near? (The Third Hint)


Updated: Jan 25, 2021

Introduction: Terry Bennett and his wife Donna have pastored a number of churches in the US. They founded Messengers of Shiloh, an international prophetic ministry base in Kansas City, MO. He had gone across the US and internationally to encourage the Church. In recent years, as a Watchman he is travelling with his son Josiah to call America to repentance; and the believers to be ready for the return of the Bridegroom.

The Vision: In 2001, from the 10th to 14th of December, angel Gabriel visited Terry for several hours each time, and revealed to him the future. He was shown a 21-year timeframe, which began in 2008 and will end in 2028/2029. He was told the 21-year timeframe is divided into 3 periods of 7-years: 2008 to 2015, 2015 to 2022, and 2022 to 2028/2029. During each period there will be noticeable changes occurring in the US and the world. The primarily change for the 1st period is economic, for the 2nd period is political (governmental), and for the 3rd period is religion. However, there will be some elements of all these three changes occurring in each period. As Gabriel spoke about these things, Terry was shown visions allowing him to see the events taking place. The 3 periods of changes are as follows:

September 15, 2008 – 2015: Economic Troubles

1) Angel Gabriel said the first 7-year period will be a time of economic troubles. It would begin in 2008. The troubles will come in waves, again in 2011 and then again in 2014-2015. He saw the US stock market, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) drop below 500 points.

[My Remarks: Indeed we saw it happened with the collapsed of the housing market that led to the bankruptcies of several financial institutions including Lehman Brothers, the US fourth-largest investment bank on September 15, 2008. The US government immediately set up Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) to address the problem. By early March 2009, the DJIA dropped to 6,469 points, the lowest ever seen. The knock-on effect caused economic downturn to continue spreading across the globe even until 2015 and beyond. However, the DJIA did not drop to below 500 points during this period but is seemingly being delayed to a later date.]

2) There will be a change in the US currency. The USD will lose its world reserve currency status.

[My Remarks: Obviously, this has not happened yet. It will when the DJIA drops below 500 points from the current 30,000 points.]

3) Angel Gabriel said during these years the wealth of the US will be neutralized and her military power greatly diminished. The economic problems will be the main cause for the military power to be weakened. The status of the US as a world power would end during this time. In one sense it is a blessing in disguise. As Terry explained, “This is a protection of the Lord because if it were not for this downfall the spirit of antichrist that is coming out of Europe would make a grab for this nation.”

[My Remarks: Indeed the US military was gravely weakened during 8 years (2008 – 2016) of Obama’s military spending cuts. It was Trump who revitalized the military with defense spending of up to USD2.1 trillion. So, it appears that Trump’s actions delay the downfall of the US vis-à-vis Russia and China. However, when the downfall does come, it is to prevent the Anti-Christ from using the US as his base to rule the world. This will ensure the US will continue to exist during the Millennium reign of Christ. Some nations will cease to exist because of how they behave, for example on how they treat Israel.]

September 15, 2015 – 2022: Political & Governmental Shakings

1) Terry Bennett saw the second 7-year period will be a time of political shakings in the arena of governments beginning in 2015 until the end of 2022. Many governments will be overthrown, and overtaken through wars and internal conflicts. Established political parties will be shaken and new parties emerge.

[My Remarks: Indeed we saw this happened in a number of nations such as Ukraine, Libya, Sudan, Yemen, Malaysia (changed of BN to PH), and USA (although Trump is a Republican, he is an outsider as he is not a member of the secret society within the Establishment. Watch this:].

2) Terry said the angel made it clear to him concerning four nations. He said to him in 2001, “I want you to watch four nations in Europe. They are sign-posts for what is going to happen. The four nations are Greece, Italy, Spain, and France. Greece is going to want another Alexander the Great. Italy is going to want an emperor. Spain is going to want a king and queen. France is going to want another Napoleon. Satan is going to offer that to them in one person, the Anti-Christ.”

[My Remarks: Indeed these 4 nations suffered severe financial crisis for a number of years. All have very high national debts among the EU nations. Greece has highest debt to GDP ratio at 176.6 % with 305 billion euros. Italy has highest debt of 2.3 trillion euros. Persistent high unemployment induced political instability in these nations where their citizens are demanding for stronger political leadership.]

September 15, 2022 – 2028/2029: Religious convergence

1) Terry Bennett saw a third 7-year period which will be a time of convergence of the 3 major world monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It will start to take shape when the Anti-Christ appears; and the one world religion will dominate the earth throughout this period. It will be presented as a solution that will bring peace but in reality Satan will use it to turn the world away from the only name under heaven whereby men can be saved, the name Christ Jesus. Those who refuse to submit to the leader of that one world religion will be labeled terrorists and a threat to world peace.

A religious leader in Europe, the False Prophet, will declared this man to be god. When he did that Terry saw hundreds of thousands of Catholics rose up and said no. As a result many Catholics were murdered including many Protestants. Millions of these resisters were martyred for refusal to accept the divinity of the Anti-Christ.

Terry explained, “There will also be resistor nations and tribes of people, even in Europe. They will be considered sheep nations for resisting. Ireland and Scotland are among these nations as Gabriel told him.”

2) Angel Gabriel informed Terry, “You will see 666. You will see the number of man demonically controlled in economics, government, and religion. When it goes to religion that is when the mass martyrdom begins.”

My Remarks: The above is a basic outline as there is more to what angel Gabriel showed to Terry. Some of the things he saw in 2001, in later years the Lord gave him more details about them. In addition, he was also shown other issues befalling the US, Israel and other nations such as natural disasters. However, for the purpose of this article, only the main things shown to him in 2001 are mentioned here.

As you will notice, angel Gabriel did not say anything about the Rapture during the whole period of the 21years. However, he did reveal that the appearance of the Anti-Christ, the implementation of the 666 system, and the formation of the one-world religion will occur during the 2022 - 2028/2029 period. We know that the Anti-Christ will only appear after the Rapture. Therefore, we take it that the Father is hinting to us the Rapture is around 2022. Notwithstanding, like what Terry Bennett is doing, we encourage believers everywhere to be ready at all times.

References: There are websites on the internet that post Terry Bennett’s visions together with their comments. However, references provided below are only Terry’s messages in audio and video format that you may hear directly from him.

i) Messengers of Shiloh website:

ii) Title: An Angel Reveals the Fate of Two Nations (Israel & USA)

This message is dated July 2015 where he mentioned about the vision starting @ 6:00 sec:

iii) Title: Sound Discipline Has Been Appointed unto Your Nation

Interviewed by a pastor dated July 2013:

iv) Title: Encounter on Lookout Mountain

Message dated September 6, 2020 where he mentioned the vision starting @ 43:00 sec:

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