1) Revelation chapters 6 & 7 are visions of end times as shown to the Apostle John, while Matthew 24 contains the words of Jesus as He described what will happen during the end times.
2) Revelation 6:1-8 describes the opening of the first 4 Seals (White, Red, Black and Pale Horses) which correspond with Matthew 24:5-7 where Jesus spoke about the troubles that are coming upon the earth. Notice Jesus referred to this time period as the beginning of sorrows (Matt.24:8).
3) The opening of the Seals is as follows: 1st Seal was believed opened in 2001; 2nd Seal on April 2, 2004; 3rd Seal on August 15, 2008; and 4th Seal on July 29, 2009.
4) We are now living in the time of the 5th Seal. Although there is no mention of the word tribulation, we have been informed that the souls underneath the altar were slain or killed for the word of God. In other words, the believers were martyred.
5) The 6th Seal will be opened soon (it could be opened already – let us wait for confirmation). This Seal is described in two passages: Rev.6:12-17 and Rev.7:9-17. Sandwich between these two passages is Rev.7:1-8 which mentioned the sealing of the 144,000 Jews. This is a parenthesis meaning it is not part of the subject at hand. We will set it aside temporary for the purpose of our discussion here. Notice that John saw a great multitude of saints in heaven at the end of the 6th Seal. One of the elders informed John these are they that come out of the Great Tribulation. Without doubt, the 6th Seal is the Great Tribulation. Who is this great multitude? They are the raptured saints.
6) So, the 5th Seal (Tribulation) and the 6th Seal (Great Tribulation) is to prepare the Church for the Rapture. These Tribulation and Great Tribulation are relatively mild as the purpose is to purify the Church. Moreover, the Holy Spirit is still officially present here on the earth; and the Anti-Christ has not yet established his reign. Those Christians who do not make it in the Rapture will have to go live under the reign of the Anti-Christ.
7) Before the opening of the 7th Seal there was silent in heaven for half an hour (Rev.8:1). The atmosphere in heaven must be very tense as the wrath of God is about to be unleashed on the earth with the sounding of the seven trumpets judgment.
8) After the Rapture, the first 3.5 years is a time of Tribulation. During this period, the Anti-Christ will establish his dictatorial rule on the earth. The world will witnessed the re-formation of the European Army, the formation of the One World government and religion, and the setting up of the global 666 economic system. All these take time. One must not imagine that a month after the Rapture, the 666 mark system will be in operation. No, it cannot be set up so fast. We have to be realistic as we are not talking about a small village but the whole world. Not surprising, it could take a year or so to have all the nations implement the 666 system.
9) During the first 3.5 years, the atmosphere and conditions on the earth is bad but not as bad as during the second 3.5 years which is the time of the Great Tribulation. Midway through his 7-years reign, the Anti-Christ will defile the Jerusalem Temple and launch a severe persecution of the Jews. At that time, life is unbearable. Jesus commented that those days will be shortened for the elect sake, otherwise no one will be saved (Matt.24:22). Shorten by how much? May be a few months.
10) Finally, the Tribulation and the Great Tribulation of the 5th & 6th Seals are to prepare the Church for Rapture while the Tribulation and the Great Tribulation of Matthew 24 is to prepare Israel for the second coming of her Messiah. Therefore, it is not surprising that Jehovah referred to the Great Tribulation of Matthew 24 as the Greatest Tribulation (great, greater, greatest). This superlative adjective can only be used if there are 3 tribulations or more. It cannot be used if there are only 2 tribulations. On March 20, 2020, Jehovah spoke to the Man of God Prophet Owuor and explicitly used this superlative adjective. Listen to the message here: