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Could It Happen In The Month Of Nisan (Abib)?


Updated: Jan 14, 2023

The two charts below are taken from the study of the Visions of Daniel & Revelation -Third Track. In the Third Track there are 4 Parts (4 videos), and the charts are found in Part 3 (3rd video). To watch these videos, go to my YouTube Channel, Moses L H Tay by clicking the link below:

Jehovah implemented a Program to save the nation of Israel. He revealed the Program to Prophet Daniel through Angel Gabriel; and it is in the form of a prophecy (Daniel 9:24-27). The prophetic time frame of the Program is 70-Weeks. Since a week equals seven years, this works out to be 490 years (70 X 7).

The 490 years Program had begun in the year 444 BC. It was in the sacred month of Nisan, the first month of the year in the Jewish calendar (Nehemiah 2:1).

Near the end of the Program, that is, 483 years later (7+62 = 69 Weeks), Jehovah suspended the Program because Jesus was crucified, and the Jews refused to receive Him as their Messiah. It is interesting to note that the Program was suspended in the month of Nisan. On 10th Nisan (Monday, 30th March), Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey to present Himself to His Father as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Then, four days later on 14th Nisan, (Friday, 3rd April) Jesus was crucified. He was our Passover Lamb (Exodus 12:1-6; Leviticus 23:5; 1 Corinthians 5:7).

The Jews rejected Jesus. Taking advantage of the situation, Jehovah turns to the rest of the world, and makes the gospel available to the Gentiles. From the days of the early Church until now, the gospel has been freely preached. This period of grace is called the Church Age, and it will come to a close when the Church is taken out of this world in an event called the Rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17; 1 Corinthians 15:51-54).

Immediately after the Rapture has taken place, Jehovah’s Program which was suspended, will resumed. What will resumed is the last week, the 70th Week which is a period of 7 years. During that time, the antichrist will reign as the world dictator. It will be a time of Tribulation and the Great Tribulation as Jesus Himself had spoken about it (Matthew 24:15-31).

The chart below shows the Church Age is removed, and the resumption of the 70th Week.


It is clear to us, the 490 years Program that Jehovah implemented for Israel began in the month of Nisan. And when He suspended that Program it was also in the month of Nisan. This prompted us to ask: Could the resumption of the 70th Week also happen in the month of Nisan? If it does, then the Rapture will occur around that time. Nisan usually falls within the months of March-April of the Gregorian calendar. Next year 2023, 1st Nisan to 30th Nisan corresponds with 2nd April to 1st May, 2023.

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