The sustained burden imposed by Pharaoh and the Egyptians on the children of Israel had to come to an end. The children of Israel were treated as slaves, oppressed and gravely persecuted. Through Prophet Moses God said to Pharaoh, “Let My people go that they may serve Me.” Read the story in Exodus chapters 3 to 12, and End Time Scenario pages 4 to 6.
The event of the Exodus occurred about 3500 years ago but is somewhat to be repeated in this generation, although not in the exact circumstances and not involving similar characters. The story lines resemble the Rapture event that is soon to occur. Faithful believers (children of Israel) today are persecuted by the Globalists (Pharaoh) and the ungodly (Egyptians). Constant cries from the faithful believers are reaching the ears of Jehovah God in heaven.
The ten plagues judgments unleashed on the Egyptian kingdom wreck enormous damage to its people, land, financial and ecological system. It seeks to achieve two goals: a) to weaken the power of the Egyptians; and b) to create a feeling of desperation in the heart of the children of Israel to flee the land.
Pharaoh’s servants bemoaned their sufferings and said to him, “Do you not yet know that Egypt is destroyed?” (Exodus 10:7). As the world of the Egyptians came apart at the seams, the world of today is becoming unhinged. People across the globe are angry and increasingly distrustful of their government and world leaders. They are worried about the mishandling of international affairs, world shrinking resources, and the mismanagement of finances. As the situation gets worst, the anger and frustration will eventually erupt like a huge fireball.
The growing trepidation for the future creates a sense of hopelessness but it should not be for the faithful believers. They should not look on their surroundings but to look up, for their redemption draws near. Jesus the Messiah is coming. The Lord has strong desire to return for His Bride. May His Bride in turn have a deep longing to see Him!