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Temporary Relief & Reprieve Is Ending


Updated: Jan 14, 2023

(An update of the previous article: The White Horse Is Still At Work)

1) The opening of the first Seal in Revelation 6:1-2 in the year 2001 released the White Horse & Rider whose task is to expose the Globalists agenda of deception to those who love the truth. But to those who love the lie, they will continue to be deceived (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12).

2) The agenda of the Globalists is to bring the Anti-Christ unto the world stage. Needless to say, their agenda or policies are anti-Christians; and are oppressive to the true Church of Jesus Christ. They promote the LGBTQ1A lifestyles with loose moral. Push for the demolition of national borders to facilitate free movement of migrants in order to take advantage of cheap labor. Through globalization and monopolization, they seek to control the finance and economy of the masses. With deceitful intend, they work laboriously to unite all religions under one dogma where the Anti-Christ will be solely worshipped.

3) Through the policies espoused by President Trump, Jehovah undertakes to provide:

(a) A temporary relief for the believers from oppression. A number of policy decisions of the previous US Presidents have been reprehensible to the faith of the believers. The most egregious of them is the decision of the Supreme Court, with open support of the President, to legalize gay marriage in 2015. Although that decision has not been overturned, in the last four years President Trump did carry out many positive changes favorable to the believers and to the nation in general.

(b) A reprieve from His judgment of the US and other nations. Jehovah is holding back His judgment for a while longer but the sins of the US and other nations are reaching an unbearable state. These conditions cannot go on indefinitely.

4) The Globalists are frantically working to remove Trump from office. We observed in the past four years they falsely accused him of colluding with Russia to win the presidency. And proceed to impeach him but they failed.

In the November 3, 2020 re-election, they utilized every conceivable method to cheat and default Trump of winning. The number of fraud committed are too numerous to be mentioned here. Basically, they fall under three baskets:

i) Voting machines were tempered with to churn out biased results in favor of Joe Biden

ii) Voting procedures were not followed but deliberately tinkered with to facilitate fraud

iii) Printing and counting of millions of fake or phantom postal votes

Trump is facing an enormous wall of opposition. The Globalists have mustered forces from the Democrat Party, RINO (Republican In Name Only) party members, main stream media (comprises 90% of all media), big banks & financial institutions, big technology companies, big pharmaceutical companies, number of federal agencies such as the CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA, the courts, and monetary support from several foreign governments.

No doubt Trump won the re-election but will the Globalists succeed to evict him from the White House? Either way, the nation is headed for a civil uprising due to deep hatred and polarization of the masses.

[Note: In a dream on September 16, 2020, the Man of God Prophet Owuor was visited by Jehovah seated on His mobile throne similar to what Prophet Ezekiel saw (refer to Ezekiel chapter 10). Jehovah also appeared as a Great Eagle, and pronounced judgment on the USA by striking the White House. The audio message of the prophecy is attached at the bottom of this article.]

5) Not just in the US but believers everywhere must take advantage of this breather by coming out of the world system (2 Corinthians 6:17-18), and to earnestly prepare themselves for the coming Rapture.

When the reprieve ends, Jehovah will use Russia (and China) to judge the US in a superpower conflict. From the throes of anguish and destruction, the US will retaliate against Russia, bringing about the assured destruction of both nations.

6) The Globalists are Atlanticists, an alliance of the elite on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. After the US and Russia are annihilated, the Atlanticists from the European side will arise and dominate the earth. They will install their leader, the Anti-Christ, as the global dictator.

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