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Where are we on the prophetic clock of God (Part 2)?


Updated: Jun 22, 2020

In Part 1, I presented a bird’s eye view of Jehovah’s plan for His covenant people Israel as laid out in Daniel 9:24-27. Inserted into that plan or program is the Church Age involving the Gentiles which has been intentionally integrated into the overall prophetic clock of Jehovah.

In this article, we shall zoom in to the Church Age, more specifically to the end times of the Church Age which is the time that we are currently living in.

We should know by now, God’s intention in the Church Age is to raise up a Church as a Bride for Christ. The Church Age has been in existence for the past 2,000 years. Before it comes to an end, God has a plan to remove or evacuate the Church from the earth. That plan is written in a scroll in heaven sealed up with seven seals (Revelation 6:1-17; 7:9-17).

Since we are part of the Church and Jehovah is about to remove the Church, shouldn’t we be interested to know the “Evacuation Plan”? We should, otherwise we may miss the evacuation.

Of the seven seals, the first six seals are to prepare (purify) the Church ready for the Rapture. Rapture happens at the end of the 6th Seal. Christians who miss the Rapture (evacuation) will have to go through the 7th Seal which is the time of the Anti-Christ reign.

Of the seven seals, the first four seals are activities Jehovah has entrusted to His special warrior Angels. These four Angels riding on their respective Horses are popularly known as the Four Horses of the Apocalypse. The four Horses are colored White, Red, Black and Pale. The first four seals are already opened by the Lamb of God as was shown to the Man of God Prophet Owuor. Please visit Repentance & Holiness Ministry, his ministry website for more information:

Briefly, about the four Horses:

Since their released, the four Horses have carried out their missions on the earth. They will remain in the earth after the Rapture and continue their work during the reign of the Anti-Christ. Obviously, their work will end when the Messiah returns back to Jerusalem.

Angel on the White Horse: The mission of this Angel is to handle deception on the earth. Christians who walk in repentance will not encounter this Angel as they will be aware of deception and will stay clear of it. Christians (including unbelievers) who do not walk in repentance, the Angel will strike them with deception (2 Thess. 2:11-12; Rev. 2:4-5; Rev. 13:7-8; Rev. 22:11). The ultimate goal will be they will come to believe the lie and worship the Anti-Christ. In essence, this is the worship of Satan.

Angel on the Red Horse: This Angel is removing peace from the earth, and cause conflicts on the earth. So far we have seen regional wars but world wars will break out soon, and it will be this Angel who will bring it about.

Angel on the Black Horse: The mission of this Angel is to disrupt the economic and financial systems of the world. He will cause shortages of food, thus the price of foodstuff will rise. However, he will not touch the oil and the wine which mean the prices of these commodities will be kept very low. Look at the oil prices in the world today. With the slump in demand and the oil price war between giant oil producing nations such as the Saudi, Russia and the US, the situation is very dire.

Angel on the Pale Horse: The Covid-19 plaque is released by this Angel as he has the authority and power to “….kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth.

What these four Angels are presently doing on the earth are just warm-up exercises. Remember, the judgment of God is always tempered with mercy. So, before the Rapture, the world is experiencing His judgment. After the Rapture, it will be very horrible as Jehovah will no longer have mercy.


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