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Who Is Winning, Who Will Win Ultimately?


The United States is blessed and has occupied prominent position in modern history as the greatest political, economic, financial, military, and cultural power in the world. These blessings were bestowed by divine authority to enable the US to perform several important tasks. One of these tasks is to provide unwavering support and the defence of Israel against international antipathy. This would allow Israel time and space to grow after the establishment of the tiny State in May 1948.


About 1,800 years ago, Jews were gradually forced out of their homeland beginning with the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman army in the year AD 70 due to their rejection of Yeshua as their Messiah. After these many years of wandering the world over, they had suffered enough and were granted mercy to return to their homeland.


Since the founding of the State of Israel, Jehovah the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, had turned His face to shine on them. He blessed them so much, beyond measure, not only to the Jews living in Israel but to all Jews everywhere. What a successful people they have become! The scope of their success is neatly summed up by this confession:


“As a group, Jews are the most successful in terms of income and wealth. They have reached the echelons, the highest echelons of power in every field―in transportation, distribution, publication, movies, theatre, art, science, medicine, law, architecture, astronomy, archaeology, and anthropology. But all of this was developed through their mastery of trade and commerce. It is their success in trade that fuelled all the other areas of Jewish life.”


Transition to the Next Chapter


Israel has been restored to its place at the centre of the world stage. The time is ripe for the nation and the Jews in the diaspora to transition to the next chapter.


Back in the days when Yeshua was in their midst, and before He was put to death on the cross of Calvary, He told the Jews they will not see Him again until they acknowledge Him as their Messiah or Saviour (Matthew 23:39).


Among the nations of the world, Israel is the only one that has an eternal covenant with Jehovah God. So, unless Israel as a nation accepts Yeshua as the Messiah, Yeshua is prevented from returning back to Jerusalem as He promised He would.


Weaning Israel from Dependence on the US


It is well and fine to have the “big brother” United States always there to defend and protect Israel against hostile nations. Apparently, this cosy relationship is standing in the way of Israel’s need to look to the Messiah.


The process of weaning Israel from its dependence on the US is currently underway right in front of our eyes. Israel’s war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and the US administration’s support is being given in the face of utter revilement due to international outcry against genocide committed in Gaza.


The weakening and isolation of the US is growing by the day. Beyond the Israel-Hamas war issues, the US financial and military support of Ukraine against Russia is failing miserably. The wide ranging sanctions put on Russia have backfired. Also, the US trade war instigated against China is pushing China and Russia even closer together than before.


The rise of Russia and China is not a coincidence. Jehovah God had revealed His plans and purposes quite clearly. As He used the US to judge Japan by dropping atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, He will soon use Russia to launch nuclear strikes on the US continent. The massive nuclear attack will in One Hour render the US desolate (Revelation 18:19). That horrifying blitz will bring about the de-coupling of the US from Israel.


Following a brief victory over the US, Russia will then mobilize a few allies in the north to invade the land of Israel. This invasion will be the fulfilment of what Jehovah God had informed the world over 2,500 years ago that this event would take place (Ezekiel 38 & 39). But for this brazen military campaign against Israel, Russia will be destroyed. How and by who? Most probably, it would be the US Ohio-class nuclear submarines uploading their Trident II submarine launch ballistic missiles (SLBM) against Russian cities.


Israel Has an Appointment with Destiny


After the US and Russia have pushed each other to the side-line, the Europeans with a brutal global dictator at the helm, will dominate world affairs. With deceitful charm and charisma, this person will succeed where all others have failed in the past, to bring peace in the Middle-east between Israel and its neighbours.


For the next seven years following, the nation of Israel and the Jews in the diaspora will be compelled to come to terms with their calling and status as Jehovah’s ancient covenant people, and specifically to accept the Person whom Jehovah had appointed as their Messiah. They will be forced to make that very important decision. Each Jew will have to say yes to Yeshua as the chosen Messiah. However, two-third of the Jewish population will not submit, and will be eliminated by war, pestilences, famine and other natural disasters. The remaining one-third will believe, accept and welcome the Messiah back to Jerusalem (Zechariah 13:8-9).


Before the return of Yeshua, different nations are winning but Jehovah God will be the true winner ultimately.

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